

Zenith went to do check ups at the village doctor, it didn't take a lot of time since she lives near by, the doctor said that she is good but she need to continue doing her monthly check ups. after that she went back home. when she arrived she didn't find no one in the living room or the kitchen, so she said " I am hooome~" getting no reply she went upstairs.

when she arrived she saw Paul in the hallway bleeding " Paul!!!What is wrong? why are bleeding?" she was worried Paul was bleeding from his Mouth, Forehead and thighs.

when she looked closely she saw that the wall of Lilia's room has a big hole in it, and inside the Room is her son Rudeus and behind him is a Trembling Lilia. after doing a closer look on Lilia, as if realizing something she widened her eyes in disbelieve. she didn't want to believed what she is thinking ' it can't be!! right?'

the atmosphere became heavy and tense everyone was silent only the sounds of pain coming from Paul, zenith know something happened between the three, they were all lowering their heads. zenith took a long breath and said " Rudeus, Honey, what happened, tell mommy what is wrong... why is your father bleeding "

hearing her question and the tone of disbelieve Rudeus know she got some idea of what happened and he couldn't bear hurt her, he was thinking of something to come up with.

seeing Rudeus didn't answer she looked at Lilia and said "Lilia... please tel-" but before she could question Lilia she heard Paul's weak voice " I tried to Force my self on Lilia".

hearing this everyone was shocked even Rudeus and Lilia, they couldn't believe that he told her the truth just like that. as for zenith you could see her body trembling and after a few seconds she extended her towards Paul and and and [Ice Spear] was shot at Paul other good thigh making him break into screams of pain and agony.

while Paul is fighting the pain, zenith spoke up with a cold voice " everyone, downstairs, now" and she started to walk towards the stairs. hearing her command Rudeus and Lilia followed her and Rudeus tried help Paul up and heal him before he heard another cold command from zenith " Stop" Rudeus froze in his place. To be honest Rudeus was Afraid of Zenith when she became like this.

zenith looked at Paul with disgust and said " come downstairs, Alone, you have 10min or I will come back and shoot your arms, Understand " then she went downstairs followed with Lilia, Rudeus Looked at his father with sympathy and followed his Supreme commander Zenith. leaving Paul crawl behind him as his body is in extreme pain. as ever move he make is hurting like Hell.





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Crawl for your life Paul Crawl, you can do it.

or zenith will kill you, I can tell you that.

Doragoncreators' thoughts