
New life in a world where every men but me is unattractive

Ibrahim_Lawal · Others
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Chapter 2 The new life


When Naruto opened his eyes in the morning, he can't help but to sweat dropped, seeing so many boxed gifts stacking on top of each other at the edge of the room.

Whose boxes are those?

Walked to the stack of gifts, Naruto took one small box with a little note on top of it.

And he immediately sweat dropped…

The writing… it was beautiful… so beautiful that he cannot read some part of it. But from the part he could read, he realized that the box is a gift from a female merchant that live in eastern district of Konoha for him.

A get-well gift, that is…

Geez… he just got a few small wounds and these many boxes is the first sight he sees in the morning?

He just still cannot comprehend just how desirable he is in the eyes of the female population in this world. And if he can be honest with himself, thinking about it alone is enough for him to blush in embarrassment.


"Naruto-sama… I've sorted the other get-well gifts you got and put it in your house's storage"

A familiar voice of his 'manager', Shizune, hit Naruto's eardrums after he put back the small gift on top of other gifts very carefully.

It… it might be small, but considering what he had seen yesterday, it might hold something very expensive.

More so, it was a gift for him.

He never had any gift from anyone thorough his life.

"A-Ah… t-thank you, Shizune"

Naruto said to his manager with a red face.

Last night incident… for some reason, Shizune still looked normal even after she molested his body for a full night. Though, she muttered something about 'regret' and 'not fully awake' or something like that.

She confused him…

After she heard his thanks, Shizune clasped her sleeve together and bowed gracefully, seemingly very happy after she heard said thanks.

"Of course, Naruto-sama… will you spend your time to play? Your private guards bought some new games you haven't played before yesterday, I'm pretty sure you'd like to try these"

The beautiful woman with jet black hair said after she walked to the television and took out several game cartridges. And seeing such things, Naruto gulped down his saliva in desire.

What? He's a teen that never touch any game, thank you very much.

But still…

"No… I would like to go to the library today"

Even though in this world he worked as something like noble thing (the date things are more like he accepting a hang-out invite from some women that interested on him) library is still the place where he worked for three years since his failed attempt to become a ninja.

In the library, he would always feel at home…

Plus, there's still a few questions about this strange world he would like to get answered, and books could be his problem solver in such situation.

"Alright…" Naruto blinked a few times when the woman quickly accepted his demand when just yesterday, she was forcing him to stay in this room… huh, strange "… then I shall make sure everything's ready for your departure"



The library is like… just three hundred meters away from the hospital, right? What things he would need just to move from the hospital to the building three hundred meters away?

Oh well… let's just stay silent for now.





From the window on the hospital's second floor (where his room is located) Naruto sweat dropped when he saw a hundred or so elite kunoichi lining up in front of the building, each clad in professional ANBU's attire, though instead of different animal, the masks they don in that of a fox, with a kanji for 'woman' in the mask's forehead.

And in the middle of this lining up army, a regal golden wagon could be seen being carried by four slightly muscular women.

Even from this position, Naruto know those golds is probably real.


He doesn't know what to say.

This world is getting stranger and stranger by each minute.

But the good part is, he's liking this world more and more compared to the world where he came from. After all, what kind of man he would be if he doesn't like the fact all women in the world is desiring him?

A crazy man, that's what.

"Naruto-sama, your attire's ready…" Naruto turned his head when he heard Shizune's voice from the door direction, and when he did, his sweat drop got bigger, simply because she was holding several layers of kimono for a noble in her hands "… May I have the honour to change your clothes?"

For a few seconds, Naruto did not answer, his eyes still stuck on the thick layers of kimono in Shizune's hands with trepidation.

That… doesn't seem light at all.

"Uh… No thanks, I just think normal clothes would be fine"

Naruto said in the end while scratching the back of his head nervously. It… it's one thing to be treated like a noble or some kind big shot, but it is another thing if he must use such thick clothes just to go to the library a few hundred meters away from his current location.

Thank you very much, but no… just no…

For the first time since he met her, Naruto saw shock in Shizune's eyes.

Did… did he say something wrong?

"B-But Naruto-sama, what is the meaning of my life if I don't change your clothes today?"

The question… it was funny if Naruto can be honest. But seeing Shizune's eyes, Naruto is pretty sure the woman was currently broken.

And it's not a joke…

She's broken just because he refused to change his clothes…

"I-I didn't say anything about you not changing my clothes, I just said I would like normal clothes for today"

Just like a light that switched on, life returned to Shizune's eyes the moment she heard his words, and gracefully, she bowed down a little with a soft, professional smile on her face.

"Then I shall search for more normal clothes for you to wear today, Naruto-sama. Please excuse me"

The woman said softly, then turned around and walked away from the room with nothing but professionality in her steps.

One wouldn't have belief it if he were to tell them such professional looking woman broke a few seconds ago just because he said something normal to his own ears.

Thinking like this, Naruto let out a sigh…


"… That was shocking"

From what he could see, his words and action hold too much weight. Is he really that big shoot?

For all intent, Naruto, one who had lived his life with nothing but a small apartment and so little amount of money just cannot picture it.

He just can't picture himself can get any food just by ordering someone to get it.

He just can't picture himself get his attire changed by someone else.

And he just can't picture he is so desired by all female population in the world. So much that one even waging war against a Daimyo's army just to get a chance to get his attention.

Yes… it is happening, but his mind still not fully catching up.



He really needs some alone time right now.



"That… was intense"

Naruto said with a pair of shaken eyes after he reached the safety of the golden wagon, where he immediately took his seat on the soft and fluffy sofa.

Across of him, Shizune is looking at the glass window covered by crimson curtain with a frown on her face.

"Yes, that was more intense than usual crowd… it seems after your visit to the library, you cannot go back to the hospital, Naruto-sama. Your safety is no longer guarantee in such a place. I suggest we go back to your house in the middle of your district"

Absentmindedly, Naruto merely nodded as he lay his back against the soft material of the sofa's backrest.


When he walked out from the hospital, Naruto expected many things. But he never expected hundreds of females lining up just to see him, some even acting like someone who were high in drug.


That was what crossed his mind when Naruto saw hundreds of women pushing and hurting each other just to get closer to him.

Fortunately, he was circled by elite ANBUs that guaranteed his safety.

That, and the hundred of guards that came along with the wagon also helped to pushes the crowd away from his location.

Remembered the faces of those women screaming his name for a few seconds, Naruto's whole body shivered in fear. It is one thing to see one, two, or some women looking at him with desires in their eyes… the worst that could happen probably only him getting flustered.

But hundreds of them…?

'And their eyes… that was no longer desires…'

Once again, Naruto's whole body shivered in fear.

The way those women looking at him, it is like dogs who had been starving and thirsty for life, only to see a small oasis that is him.

And the oasis… it is just a small oasis that could only fill a few stomachs. Another thing that made them crazy enough to hurt other women around them.

And such sight… it's making him afraid.

Soft, warmness, and love fills Naruto when Shizune silently went to his side and pull him closer and embracing him into her chest. All the while, one of her hands already secured on his waist while her other hand running through his hair, an act that slowly calming him down.

Of course, blush still appears on Naruto's face.

"Don't be afraid, Naruto-sama. I'll protect you"

"Y-Yeah… thank you, Shizune"

Flustered, Naruto can only hide his face on Shizune's nape, inhaling her vanilla scented perfume while his hands shyly clutching on her kimono.

She's so romantic.

It feels good to have someone at last…



And after that, Shizune kept her silent after she knocked the wall two times. A signal for the women outside to start carry the wagon.

Thus, they went to the library.




The library is silent.

Well, as silent as it can be after the people previously inside ordered to walk away by his head ANBU guards… he doesn't know who is the head honestly, but asking would be funny, and thus, Naruto keep his silent as he sat in one of the chairs while reading another book about common sense.

Behind him, Shizune stood while massaging his shoulders as gently as possible.

Of course, around him, he was once again circled by several women that seemingly focus to keep their eyes around the library just in case someone want to attack him.

So… so high end.

Fortunately, none of them talk or something like that, seemingly content to give him the silence he wanted.


Another book about common sense already read, Naruto found out some more interesting information about the current world he's living in.

It seems in this world, there was no concept of masculine and feminine.

No wonder, considering from what he had seen, the women here seem to be on equal ground to men, which is a good thing, because without any concept of masculine and feminine, then sexist won't happen anytime soon.

'But such thing would also make a few big different…'

Naruto thought while tapping on his chin, deep in thought with nothing but seriousness on his face.

Without the concept of masculine and feminine, then the concept of tomboy for some females or sissy for some males would also not exist.

Will it have an impact to attire? He doesn't know, but then again, he hopes it won't.

He likes seeing women clad in beautiful dress, thank you very much.

"Naruto-sama, you have closed your book for a few minutes now… would you like to have a drink?"


At once, right after Shizune said her words, several heads of his guards snapped to his direction, waiting for his command, and seeing this, Naruto blush bashfully.

"Uuh… a warm milk and another book, this time about me please"


Without any words said, several guards disappear from the circle. Though, after they did, other guards from out of nowhere suddenly appears and filled the empty slots almost immediately.

Behind him, Shizune suddenly massaging his scalp, something that made Naruto shiver in pleasure for a brief second.

"Naruto-sama… are you perhaps want to know how the normal people see about you?"

"Y-Yeah, that's right"

Just as he thought…

With such power 'Naruto' hold in this world, there is no wonder he had a book dedicated to him. Hell, instead of a book, there's probably several books written about him, considering even one of the Sannin, Tsunade Senju seems to hold him in high regard.

Then again, it's good he has books written about him.

He really wants to knows what he is in this world.

Yes, yes… he knows that he is the only desirable male, but what is his job exactly? He seems like a noble, and his name seems to hold more weight than the Fire Daimyo himself, considering his 'manager' was quick and without mercy scratched off his plan with the ruler of the Fire nation.

It was frightening if he can be honest.

Just what is he here, exactly?




It took his guards no longer than a few minutes before in the end, they returned with a glass of warm milk and several books with embarrassing titles on their covers.

Naruto, the god's gift to women.

Naruto, the gentle.

Etc, etc.

By the end of sorting, Naruto picked the most normal among everything. A simple looking book with a normal looking title.

Biography of Naruto Uzumaki.

A biograph, with this, he should be able to know the last question he holds deep in his heart.

Why he is not a ninja?

-Hyuga mansion-

"What? Are you sure he is in the library?"

Deep in the Hyuga mansion, more specifically, in the clan's training ground, a tall young woman with a long, silky deep blue hair can be seen wearing nothing but pure white sport bra for top and long white hakama for the bottom.

Her breasts are so large that even the bra is about to rip though.

And currently, her white, lavender tinted eyes is staring at someone from her clan with something akin to cold glare.

"Yes, clan leader, Hinata-sama. One of the guards patrolling the west side of Konoha said he saw a gold wagon being carried to the direction of the library… and another guard patrolling near the library said she saw Naruto-sama entered the library with his elite guards in tow"

"I see…"

The tall woman, named Hinata muttered softly as she walked to the nearest tree and took her towel from it, which she used to wipe out her heavy sweat from her today training.

On her cheeks, a tell tale of blush can be seen.

And deep in her eyes, there's nothing but hungry desire.

"Then send one messenger to the library to send a message to Naruto that I'd like to visit him if possible… if he says no, cut the messenger's head. Also, tell the chefs to make a bento full of highly delicious food, make sure they do it right, if I heard my Naruto complain about it, their heads will off"

"U-Understood, Hinata-sama"

With a bow of nothing but reverence, the Hyuga clan member disappears to deliver the clan head's order.

And after she was all alone, Hinata turned her face to the direction of the library and activates her byakugan. Though, frown marred her face when she saw how Shizune seemingly content massaging Naruto's shoulders.

And from his focus, he doesn't realize that sometimes, Shizune would slip her hands into his shirt to touch his bare skin.

"Fucking bitch…"

Sneer of nothing but pure hatred can be seen on Hinata's face for a second. Killing intent and pure chakra washed away the training ground with anger and quickly wasted it.

But as quick as it came, it disappeared as Hinata placed her towel on her neck and walked to the direction of the bath.

As her guard tell Naruto of her visit and her chefs preparing a feast for him, there's one thing that she still needs to do.

She must look her best!

-Yamanaka mansion-

"H-He refused…?"

One young woman with very long platinum blonde hair jaw dropped when her messenger returned with a bad news.

And here she already put her make up and lipstick to look as best as she could for Naruto. she even already put her best-looking ninja attire that showing her midriff and several other of her body parts in hope Naruto gain desire when he saw her just as she gains desire every time she saw his face.

With large pair of breasts, tall body, and sharp and mature face, she might look normal to other men, but now she already wears her make up, she should be able to make Naruto feel something for her… or so she thought at first.

Pouting, one Ino Yamanaka held back her crocodile tears, her fight end before it can even start.

"Hahaha, princess, I told you Naruto-san wouldn't like to get his study interrupted"

A tall and powerful looking blonde main said after he laughed lightly after seeing his own daughter got a bad news from their clan messenger.

Beside him, his wife slapped his shoulder without any really harm done, but her eyes show sympathize to her daughter.

"Ino, my dear… You were in the same class with Naruto-san back in academy, yes? Then you should've knows by now that he won't like you just because you put some make-up"


Back when Naruto was in the academy, he was already a heartthrob for many females, girls and women alike. Students and teachers alike. Each of them had different faces and bodies… but at the end of the day, Naruto desired one thing and one thing only from anyone who want him.


For those who had power and gain his interest, Naruto would let them enter his private guards, where they could bask in his presence every single day.

An envious job to all women in the world.

"B-But… I'm plenty strong already!"

Ino Yamanaka, the lone heiress of the Yamanaka clan whined as she knelt down at the edge of the room with a gloomy cloud hang on top of her head.

And seeing this, her mother pat her ever gently with a wry smile.

"Then… you're just not strong enough, my daughter"



-Back with Naruto-


Finished with his read about himself, Naruto closed the book in his hands without any words.

"Say, Shizune… am I a bad person?"

Naruto said suddenly to his 'manager' that still massaging his shoulders and nape with nothing but gentleness.

And when she heard his question, she narrowed her eyes.

"Of course not, Naruto-sama… did the writer wrote something that offend you? If so, give me the order, I will have their head by tomorrow"

"No, no!"

From such sudden death threat to the poor, unknown writer, Naruto shook his head very quickly to calm down his obsessive 'manager'.

Wait… no…

If what he read is right, then not only Shizune, but all women in the world held over-obsessive feelings toward him.

He... he needs to take care not to say wrong thing from now on.

"It just… I want to hear what do you think of me"

Naruto said softly in the end, and when Shizune's chakra pressure seems lessen, Naruto let out a small sigh of relief. That was dangerous for his heart.

What is he?

Even the book didn't tell him anything.

But there is one thing he could gleam from the book.

He is the main perpetrator of the many wars that is happening in this world. Small, big, internal, or external… most of those wars happened and happening because of him.

Hinata Hyuga that now a clan head? She rebelled against her father and Hyuga's council and killed all of them, raising in power with nothing but iron fist.

For what? To get his attention.

Iwa that even now still trying and failing to wage war against Konoha? It is because Kurotsuchi, the granddaughter of the third Tsuchikage that wanted to have him for herself.

Mizugakure that now split into two? It is because in one side is the female side that support an idea to capture him for Mizu while the other side want to befriend Konoha because he is here.

Many more…

And many more…

Even Uchiha clan, said to be wiped out from the Konoha because Itachi Uchiha in his original world met different demise in this world.

The Uchiha, in this world planned to rebel by capturing him for a ransom to the whole world.

The one who killed them?

Mikoto Uchiha.

The woman that without hesitation killed every Uchiha from young to old with nothing but cold blood after she heard such plan from the council.

The demonic Uchiha, Mikoto. Now one of the biggest figure-head in the world because after her deed, she was given wealth without measure and armies by all countries.

Right now, she is the giant figure of Konoha, said to be his shield that will not let even a strand of his hair get cut down.

After his wounds in the forest of death, it is even said the Demonic Mikoto locked herself inside her chamber to get a thousand whip to her back after her failure.

Is he bad?

Naruto think that yes… he is a bad person.

"I thi-…"

"You are the warmest sun that descend on to this bleak world"

Just before Shizune can say anything, the large door of the library was opened. And from it, a tall and very beautiful Hyuga woman enter, followed by several Hyuga guards behind her.

And she's wearing a very exaggerate black dress that give her an evil, but sexy woman vibe.

Just like the others, in her eyes, Naruto sees nothing but desires for him.

"You're the silent moon who judged right and wrong"

The woman walked to his direction with grace, eyes seemingly never leave his form as she getting closer and closer.

And when she is right in front of him, the woman knelt down to his level and took his right palm with her two gloved hands, then kissed the back of said palm as gently as possible.

Again, her eyes never leaving his face as she doing this.

"And of course… you're the half of my heart. My dearest, would I have the honour to taste your sweet and captivating lips?"

As the mysterious beautiful woman said this, her face was getting closer and closer into his own face, something that makes Naruto can't help but to feel charmed by her beauty.

And thus, when she asked the question, he nodded unconsciously.

"Then please excuse me"

Two soft, gloved hands cupped Naruto by cheeks, and before he can realize what is happening, the woman already leaned forward her face and captured his lips in a very rough kiss.


Wet throaty moan came out from Naruto's lips when the woman dug her tongue deep into his lips, caressing and ravaging every inch and every cm of his inner mouth. All the while, her two fingers stuck into his ears, making him can only hear the lewd, wet noise she's making as she's kissing him.

Fortunately for his sanity, the woman broke the kiss by herself not long after, raising her lovely skirt as if she just finished their normal greeting.

And now, in her eyes… there's nothing but love.

"Naruto-kun… glad to see you healthy and well in this day. This Hinata has bring with her lunches for two… would you like to eat together?"

Wait… what?

For a brief second, Naruto blinked quickly when he realized what the woman was saying.

Looking on, he notices her white, lavender tinted eyes. Her silky, dark blue hair… and he even took notice of her familiar warm and shy smile.

Wait… this is Hinata?

Taller than him, this woman is about 175 cm in height, with big breasts covered in her dress and wide hips clad in a rather long, wavy silk skirt that reaches the floor.

She looks like a nineteen years old no matter how hard he looked!

"U-Uh… yeah… of course Hinata, I'd like that that"

Older Hinata or not, Naruto let out a small smile to the woman, something that made her face turn red almost immediately.

Fortunately, this woman that looked like an older version of Hinata is more familiar with him, and thus, she doesn't go crazy and lustful just because she saw his smile.

If nothing else, she looks happy and bashful to get a simple smile from him.

That's good… she's more normal than Tsunade.

"Then, please excuse me"

The woman said lovingly as she took the seat beside him and clapped her hands thrice.

In no times, the guards she brings already placed several foods on top of the table, so quick that it was almost magical.

Though, already saw even more impressive speed from his guards, Naruto isn't really that surprised and simply nodded when he sees several plates of food suddenly appear in front of him.

"All of these looks nice, Hinata"

"Ufufu, thank you for the compliment, my dear, Naruto-kun… but as I am the guest here, why don't you take the first bite? I would love to hear your thought about the food my clan's chefs made"

"Oh… okay…"

There was some kind of mysterious tone when Hinata said her words, as if she was hoping that that he found the food is really good.

If not, someone gonna get hurt.

That was what her tone told him.


Naruto gulped down in nervousness when he thought like this.

Will someone die if he says the food isn't delicious?

But… let's just quickly eat and say everything is delicious. With that, his words probably won't kill anyone innocent. But, to be safe, let's just not talk that much.

For some reason… Hinata in this world give him shivers like no others.


He's kinda terrified of her now.