
New life after seventeen months / New life after seventeen months

How much can a person be affected by certain circumstances? How has the lack of support affected the case-weakened person? How much can a person’s character change in more than a year, how much can his or her sense of “right and fair” be coarsened by losing one of the most important aspects of his life - faith in him as “fighting comrades”? And what of all this was to give Kurosaki Ichigo such a strong desire for something so that it could open the doors of the Tower? Fan fiction on the manga "Tower of God" and "Bleach . "

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26 Chs


Have you ever wondered what it means to lose spiritual strength? Not? So Ichigo did not hesitate until he lost it all to the last drop. Until he stopped hearing the voice of his partner and the "minus" that got him. Until he began to feel an incredible void in himself, somewhere in the chest, right under the heart, just above the stomach, right in front of the kidneys. Around that place, Kurosaki formed an unknown, hard ... ball, ellipsoid, square? Most likely a blot. Yes, it's a blot, because this was the only way to describe the shapeless emptiness, like a piece of lead pulling it to the ground. This feeling haunted him everywhere: in his family's house, at school, in training, in the gyms of various martial arts schools, at the table in the hospital waiting room, in sleep and in reality, even when he had to close his eyes for just a couple of seconds.

The first weeks were the most disgusting. His father forced him to go to school, where he had to meet old friends. With Isis - beyond his years the arrogant Quincy - the White Monk. With Chad - a muscular mestizo who knew how to keep his mouth shut, and in general - a skilled craftsman to keep himself apart. With Orihime, a cheerful, cheerful beauty, a slightly stupid, but kind girl, possessing forces capable of, having taken time and space, to return from oblivion that which is no longer there. He saw them every day, started everyday conversations, joked on popular topics, discussed what was happening outside of school, even tried to talk with Keigo about girls, while making an interested look. Was he interested in talking about all this? Not. He only tried to find out what was going on in that world that he no longer saw. Did his friends answer this question? Not. They kept silent, squinted to the side, like fools, and denied that they knew nothing. Did they lie to him? Yes. And in that spirit a month has passed. The month during which Ichigo saw, put on and took off so many masks that can not be counted.

He continued to maintain friendly relations with everyone. I tried my best not to become a burden, to those who would not be called even to a street fight. He plowed in training like a damn: he waved his bokken so hard and with such enthusiasm that, if old Zangetsu with him in his inner world, he would certainly appreciate such zeal, and Hichigo certainly would not leave his "king "'s fury unnoticed soaking some causticity. But in addition to the kendo classes that were scheduled for him on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Ichigo also began attending fighting schools with somewhat unusual martial arts, such as karate and jujitsu schools, which completely deprived him of his free time. Were friends happy for him that, so to speak, their former comrade found something to occupy themselves with? It is unknown, because they did not even notice the changes in their "friend". Once the three most loyal friends were swallowed up by the opened scale of the new "work". Now, under their protection was a whole city, for the souls of the inhabitants of which they were directly responsible, spending almost five to seven hours a day on this. But once upon a time, one was enough to protect the whole city. Did Ichigo notice that his friends no longer needed him? Yes, he did, but he did not attach any importance to it. What for? After all, they forgot about its existence first. Not about him. Not! They still greeted him, talked, dined on the roof during a big break, but they buried him as a "comrade" who could be relied on, and he only buried them in response. And no one was against. In this atmosphere, another two months passed. Now, under their protection was a whole city, for the souls of the inhabitants of which they were directly responsible, spending almost five to seven hours a day on this. But once upon a time, one was enough to protect the whole city. Did Ichigo notice that his friends no longer needed him? Yes, he did, but he did not attach any importance to it. What for? After all, they forgot about its existence first. Not about him. Not! They still greeted him, talked, dined on the roof during a big break, but they buried him as a "comrade" who could be relied on, and he only buried them in response. And no one was against. In this atmosphere, another two months passed. Now, under their protection was a whole city, for the souls of the inhabitants of which they were directly responsible, spending almost five to seven hours a day on this. But once upon a time, one was enough to protect the whole city. Did Ichigo notice that his friends no longer needed him? Yes, he did, but he did not attach any importance to it. What for? After all, they forgot about its existence first. Not about him. Not! They still greeted him, talked, dined on the roof during a big break, but they buried him as a "comrade" who could be relied on, and he only buried them in response. And no one was against. In this atmosphere, another two months passed. But once upon a time, one was enough to protect the whole city. Did Ichigo notice that his friends no longer needed him? Yes, he did, but he did not attach any importance to it. What for? After all, they forgot about its existence first. Not about him. Not! They still greeted him, talked, dined on the roof during a big break, but they buried him as a "comrade" who could be relied on, and he only buried them in response. And no one was against. In this atmosphere, another two months passed. But once upon a time, one was enough to protect the whole city. Did Ichigo notice that his friends no longer needed him? Yes, he did, but he did not attach any importance to it. What for? After all, they forgot about its existence first. Not about him. Not! They still greeted him, talked, dined on the roof during a big break, but they buried him as a "comrade" who could be relied on, and he only buried them in response. And no one was against. In this atmosphere, another two months passed. on which you could rely, and he only buried them in response. And no one was against. In this atmosphere, another two months passed. on which you could rely, and he only buried them in response. And no one was against. In this atmosphere, another two months passed.

His body got stronger, his eyes became harsher, and his hair was now gathered in a bright red tail. The wardrobe was slightly changed: in place of severity and "professional grayness" came brighter, fresher colors. Although Kurosaki, Jr., and did not change his love for shoes in good faith from inauthentic skin that are extremely "longevity", which is tied for first place after beauty. Comfortable, light trousers with a wide belt, a beige, fitted shirt, a dark jacket, a stud earring in the right ear and sunglasses that had to be ordered to match those of old Zangetsu. The whole school was buzzing when he showed himself updated after six months of "his own mourning," which many knew, yes, but not many could really imagine the changes that Ichigo had undergone, going over and over the numerous rings over and over, fighting in dozens of new duels on bokken and hand-to-hand combat. Kurosaki's body has undergone no less changes than his soul. He didn't give up, didn't give up, didn't huddle in a corner, or rather stopped doing it about a week after he stopped seeing ghosts, he went much further, trying not to lose shape, to do what was in his power, so that friends again see in him that old "partner in arms." You ask: "They saw?" And Kurosaki, smiling bitterly and putting his glasses back on his eyes, will ask in response: "Have they looked? Did they wonder what was happening to him, what he was doing, where he was? Yes, have they visited him at least once in these half a year ?! "No! Having wiped away the tears, pretending as if he is adjusting his glasses, he will simply turn around that day and, walking easily, will simply leave school.

By that day, he hadn't really changed his taste in clothes, he just pierced his second ear and put on a skull-shaped earring, symbolizing the "funeral" of his old life. He started life from scratch: he finished school ahead of schedule, having agreed with the principal and teachers, made arrangements with new acquaintances for financial assistance in starting his own business, which became the Coyote bar, began to rent an apartment, prematurely moved away from his father and sisters, for some time spending the night with friends from kendo school. And it was still not even half of everything that happened to him. Having sunk in the world of martial arts, when he was trying, as Ichigo is now saying, to find a new path in life, he managed to achieve some success at several pretty well-known fencing and jiu-jitsu tournaments, to which he, by the way, had an innate talent . Since Kurosaki Jr. always got into trouble with opponents who were much stronger than himself, and therefore it was very useful to use the force of the enemy against him, and sometimes there was simply no other choice. Plus, the money given for prizes in tournaments also helped him to equip his new life, which he decided to devote to his small business.

Yasutora looked incredulously at the bartender, who was incredibly similar to his friend, who had so suddenly disappeared from school some time ago. As the director and some teachers later explained, Ichigo himself suggested prematurely passing all the exams and doing family business. But as three friends found out after, Kurosaki did not work in the family clinic, as confirmed by Issin, and even more! As it turned out, Ichigo moved out of his father and now rented an apartment somewhere, moonlighting in a bar. In truth, Isis was only glad that his "old comrade" managed to find a place in life, and Inoue, also wiping her happy tears, smiled, assented and nodded in agreement, because her beloved man no longer exposed himself to daily dangers, putting his a life. Sado himself, although he was pleased with the unfolding events, still was not sure that they were doing the right thing, letting it go by itself. That's why he decided to visit the "old friend", having come to the address that he managed to find by some miracle from one of his friends. The bar looked extremely prestigious, although it was not huge and not even large, so five or seven rectangular tables for four or seven people, no more. Made in a rather fresh, bright style, where black, red, green, blue and yellow were appropriately contrasted. An important component in this place was music: light, melodic, smooth, easily stuck in the head and spinning in the tongue, which successfully contributed to the maintenance of a cheerful, pressure-free atmosphere, and coupled with several flowers and plants that stood on the windowsills or on the table if the visitor desired it created a really nice picture. And Yasutora, having seen the transformed, strong Ichigo, now no longer doubted that his "old comrade" was doing well. Kurosaki, out of the corner of his eye clinging to the broad shoulders of a school friend leaving the bar, dropped a tray with three mugs of coffee. They remembered him? Did you come to him? Now? What for? Why did they leave without saying anything? Such thoughts rummaged in the head of a young man, but they quickly disappeared, and in their place stood an imagined, cold answer: "It seemed ..." Yes. They forgot about him, since no one came to him in these nine months, they do not need him, because they stopped asking him for anything, he became superfluous, because now they do not even try to find contacts with him. They do not need him, then why do they need him? Yes, let everything go as it should, because it's better for them all. seeing the transformed, strong Ichigo, now he certainly did not doubt that his "old comrade" was doing well. Kurosaki, out of the corner of his eye clinging to the broad shoulders of a school friend leaving the bar, dropped a tray with three mugs of coffee. They remembered him? Did you come to him? Now? What for? Why did they leave without saying anything? Such thoughts rummaged in the head of a young man, but they quickly disappeared, and in their place stood an imagined, cold answer: "It seemed ..." Yes. They forgot about him, since no one came to him in these nine months, they do not need him, because they stopped asking him for anything, he became superfluous, because now they do not even try to find contacts with him. They do not need him, then why do they need him? Yes, let everything go as it should, because it's better for them all. seeing the transformed, strong Ichigo, now he certainly did not doubt that his "old comrade" was doing well. Kurosaki, out of the corner of his eye clinging to the broad shoulders of a school friend leaving the bar, dropped a tray with three mugs of coffee. They remembered him? Did you come to him? Now? What for? Why did they leave without saying anything? Such thoughts rummaged in the head of a young man, but they quickly disappeared, and in their place stood an imagined, cold answer: "It seemed ..." Yes. They forgot about him, since no one came to him in these nine months, they do not need him, because they stopped asking him for anything, he became superfluous, because now they do not even try to find contacts with him. They do not need him, then why do they need him? Yes, let everything go as it should, because it's better for them all. that his "old comrade" is doing well. Kurosaki, out of the corner of his eye clinging to the broad shoulders of a school friend leaving the bar, dropped a tray with three mugs of coffee. They remembered him? Did you come to him? Now? What for? Why did they leave without saying anything? Such thoughts rummaged in the head of a young man, but they quickly disappeared, and in their place stood an imagined, cold answer: "It seemed ..." Yes. They forgot about him, since no one came to him in these nine months, they do not need him, because they stopped asking him for anything, he became superfluous, because now they do not even try to find contacts with him. They do not need him, then why do they need him? Yes, let everything go as it should, because it's better for them all. that his "old comrade" is doing well. Kurosaki, out of the corner of his eye clinging to the broad shoulders of a school friend leaving the bar, dropped a tray with three mugs of coffee. They remembered him? Did you come to him? Now? What for? Why did they leave without saying anything? Such thoughts rummaged in the head of a young man, but they quickly disappeared, and in their place stood an imagined, cold answer: "It seemed ..." Yes. They forgot about him, since no one came to him in these nine months, they do not need him, because they stopped asking him for anything, he became superfluous, because now they do not even try to find contacts with him. They do not need him, then why do they need him? Yes, let everything go as it should, because it's better for them all. They remembered him? Did you come to him? Now? What for? Why did they leave without saying anything? Such thoughts rummaged in the head of a young man, but they quickly disappeared, and in their place stood an imagined, cold answer: "It seemed ..." Yes. They forgot about him, since no one came to him in these nine months, they do not need him, because they stopped asking him for anything, he became superfluous, because now they do not even try to find contacts with him. They do not need him, then why do they need him? Yes, let everything go as it should, because it's better for them all. They remembered him? Did you come to him? Now? What for? Why did they leave without saying anything? Such thoughts rummaged in the head of a young man, but they quickly disappeared, and in their place stood an imagined, cold answer: "It seemed ..." Yes. They forgot about him, since no one came to him in these nine months, they do not need him, because they stopped asking him for anything, he became superfluous, because now they do not even try to find contacts with him. They do not need him, then why do they need him? Yes, let everything go as it should, because it's better for them all. since they stopped asking him for something, he became superfluous, because now they don't even try to find contacts with him. They do not need him, then why do they need him? Yes, let everything go as it should, because it's better for them all. since they stopped asking him for something, he became superfluous, because now they don't even try to find contacts with him. They do not need him, then why do they need him? Yes, let everything go as it should, because it's better for them all.

After a long year, a whirlwind of events carried away everything that fettered his arms, legs and soul with the past. Ichigo managed to establish contact with sisters who did not grow by the day, but, as luck would have it, by the standards of the World of Spirits. The spiritual strength of the Kurosaki sisters grew in leaps and bounds, and even the owner of the U Coyote bar didn't feel this, but he understood, he knew it from the inside. And in a fury he "broke" his fingers, praying to all the gods for only one thing, so that his sisters would not be touched by the cursed shinigami. Did he treat them with the same feelings as a year ago? Naturally, no! Did he have similar feelings or did he get new ones? The categorical "NO!" He, like no one else, knew that Gotei-13 had "his man" in Karakur, which means they had no problems contacting him. And such a thought is simply the apogee of stupidity! After all, here, only ten blocks away, donkey ex-captain of the twelfth detachment, who once created and headed the Shinigami Research Institute. Yes, and the closest "ex-friends" Ichigo "from the other side" also most likely has a way to contact him. Take, for example, Rukia, this petty infection from the Kuchiki family, because she, as a representative of one of the noble houses, has Senkaimon gates that do not register movements between the worlds, and Renji, as a lieutenant, must also have connections, after all, his captain - this is Kuchiki Byakuya himself, the brother of Rukia, which means ... Ichigo squeezes his head with his hands, trying to ward off the nasty migraine. All these thoughts, more like snot, make his head hurt incredibly. And why does he even think about it, because the answer to all the problems of his "dead friends" sits and drinks tea with sweets just ten blocks from him, but he is in no hurry to come to him even with some banal message, they say, "We remember you" or "How are you there?", but no, everyone is silent. "Well, let them be silent!" Even the voice in his head trembled with anger and bitter disappointment, understanding in what disgusting situation he was now. After all, it is sadly used, and, it should be noted, quite productively. First, to defend the city, after - eliminating the "failed experiment a thousand years ago," and then for the battle with the army of the "final boss". Well, Ichigo realized that he was a fool and a simpleton, but now he will not buy such nonsense. Enough! He no longer has acquaintances, friends, comrades ... "Even the voice in his head trembled with anger and bitter disappointment, understanding what disgusting situation he was in right now. After all, it is sadly used, and, it should be noted, quite productively. First, to defend the city, after - eliminating the "failed experiment a thousand years ago," and then for the battle with the army of the "final boss". Well, Ichigo realized that he was a fool and a simpleton, but now he will not buy such nonsense. Enough! He no longer has acquaintances, friends, comrades ... "Even the voice in his head trembled with anger and bitter disappointment, understanding what disgusting situation he was in right now. After all, it is sadly used, and, it should be noted, quite productively. First, to defend the city, after - eliminating the "failed experiment a thousand years ago," and then for the battle with the army of the "final boss". Well, Ichigo realized that he was a fool and a simpleton, but now he will not buy such nonsense. Enough! He no longer has acquaintances, friends, comrades ... Ichigo realized that he was a fool and simpletons, but now he will not fall for such nonsense. Enough! He no longer has acquaintances, friends, comrades ... Ichigo realized that he was a fool and simpletons, but now he will not fall for such nonsense. Enough! He no longer has acquaintances, friends, comrades ...

Fifteen months have already passed. Kurosaki Jr., counting the proceeds, put the money in a safe, and then, pouring first-class wine into his tall glass and letting his hair, now dipping to the shoulder blades, sat down in an easy chair, throwing his legs on the edge of his table brought from abroad. Things were going well for his small enterprise, he would even say "Excellent!", But in order not to jinx it, he says to all his friends that "Things are going well, as usual," and then he smiles weakly. And friends understand that the owner of the bar is angry, although he does not show it externally. Even many "old men" envied the endurance of the young man, most of them were men from twenty-two to twenty-seven years old, those who were fond of the same martial arts as Ichigo himself. They helped the young youth to found his business. The red-haired guy evoked a deceptive feeling among them: on the one hand, they remember his "beaten by life" when he just crossed the threshold of a fighting school, when anger, pure fury burned in his eyes, and his fists beat so fiercely that at first he had to be restrained, otherwise he could inadvertently kill someone. So much he was lost. But in the end, which had come just recently, Ichigo was able to meet a man who, like him, was trapped in the past, in a golden cage, the key to which was lost, it seemed, forever. The name of this man is Yuri Yoshioka, and yes - it was a woman. Kurosaki's first meeting with Yoshiokai took place at a friendly kendo sparring, five months ago, and their first "real meeting", which was destined to happen immediately after the final of the same kendo tournament, took place four months ago and it was from then on that Yuri began working in the bar of Kurosaki Jr., taking on the duties of a waitress. The owner of the bar was pleased with the new employee, sensing a soul mate in her, but was not in a hurry to get closer, remembering the recent event, still feeling how invisible wounds were covered with rough scars inside his soul. But for a long time rushing from one extreme to another, silent or unexpectedly starting a conversation, looking away or enjoying the beauty of a young girl, he did not have to. For the first time he lost the initiative, not regretting it. Her words were like thunder that deafened him, lightning, blinding him with his flash, unbridled hurricane, destroying his usual train of thought. One phrase: "Marry me" And his usual course of events seemed to explode, self-destruct, become dust, turned into nothing, into something completely unimportant, which has shifted to the background. And he refused, and she quit, left forever, leaving him alone with a cheek burning from a slap in the face. He rushed after her, but grabbing the edge of the table, he froze, realizing that it would be better. After all, his past is only his burden, something that he will not tell anyone, because even the most loving person will doubt the sanity of the beloved's mind after hearing such nonsense, what can we say about a young and beautiful girl who succumbed to feelings that will disappear literally in a day -two. Yes, he'd better be alone, so everyone will be better. that he will not tell anyone, because even the most loving person will doubt the sanity of the beloved's mind after hearing such nonsense, let alone a young and beautiful girl who succumbed to feelings that will disappear in a day or two. Yes, he'd better be alone, so everyone will be better. that he will not tell anyone, because even the most loving person will doubt the sanity of the beloved's mind after hearing such nonsense, let alone a young and beautiful girl who succumbed to feelings that will disappear in a day or two. Yes, he'd better be alone, so everyone will be better.

Thoughts dragged him to the bottom. Every day he went to work with his head, opening the fourth bar this month, turning the Coyote bar into a real Flock. The affairs of a young businessman went uphill, and he continued to fall into the impenetrable abyss of his emotions and feelings. New acquaintances who became business partners began to speak with fear, knowing that the strength of the young man was growing every day, every day of training that Ichigo had never forgotten about, as if they were a lifeline that kept him afloat. The body of a red-haired man corresponded even to the most picky female opinion: strong legs, an elastic press, wide shoulders, terrifyingly strong arms and a surprisingly beautiful, but insanely cold face, framed by several locks of hair, gathered in a ponytail from the back, falling already below the shoulder blades. Young, successful, beautiful - so he was seen by women, drop-in at the bar. Strong, cold, cruel - that is how his "business partners" knew him. Some whispered that the owner of a number of Coyote bars had a very warm relationship with the city mafia, the yakuza, since there was no other explanation for such rapid financial growth and popularity. But Ichigo's head was full of completely different thoughts: today, seventeen months after the loss of the soul guide's strength, the "old life" reminded of itself. A man wandered into the bar called himself Kugo Ginjo, immediately, as soon as he and Ichigo were left alone, he declared that he could regain strength by the Shinigami Kurosaki Jr., for which he immediately got under his breath and fell to the floor and grabbed his stomach, spitting up blood. But now, a few hours after Ichigo gave Kugo to the doctors, he now sits in an armchair at the table and twists the EXECUTION card in his hands - it was written in capital letters on it. On the one hand, he wanted to go to the written address, and on the other, he perfectly understood that now they were trying to use him again for something, only now there were "ordinary people" and "EXECUTION" instead of the Shinigami and Gotey Thirteen, so that it did not mean. Well, throwing a business card on the table, Kurosaki thought, dialing the organization's number, he would play this game, would follow some "unknown to him" scenario, would again play the role of a "simple-minded fool" or, as they say in common people, "a valiant defender. " At the end of the dusting of all those who decide to push them around! that now they are again trying to use it for something, only now instead of the Shinigami and Gotey Thirteen there were "ordinary people" and "EXECUTION" so that it did not mean. Well, throwing a business card on the table, Kurosaki thought, dialing the organization's number, he would play this game, would follow some "unknown to him" scenario, would again play the role of a "simple-minded fool" or, as they say in common people, "a valiant defender. " At the end of the dusting of all those who decide to push them around! that now they are again trying to use it for something, only now instead of the Shinigami and Gotey Thirteen there were "ordinary people" and "EXECUTION" so that it did not mean. Well, throwing a business card on the table, Kurosaki thought, dialing the organization's number, he would play this game, would follow some "unknown to him" scenario, would again play the role of a "simple-minded fool" or, as they say in common people, "a valiant defender. " At the end of the dusting of all those who decide to push them around!

He was kneeling, clutching the wide blade of a sword sticking out of his chest. Spiritual weapons gave the physical body pain no less than the present, material. This Ginjou, as expected, lied, played a role, pursuing his goal, the "step" in achieving which was a bit of Ichigo's strength, the one that managed to hide somewhere deep down, at the very bottom of the "vessel". And Kugo did it all, for the most part due to the fact that the owner of the Coyote bar didn't really resist what was happening. And even the news that he ... "old friends" were used like dolls, because they were "mesmerized", circled around a finger, he didn't really care. After all, he buried them as his "comrades-in-arms". After a long and hard training, which seemed to him like a respite from his "new" training in kendo and martial arts. As it turned out, all his remaining power was hidden in a piece of wood, which turned out to be the "certificate" of Acting Shinigami. Was Ichigo surprised? No. He was even slightly pleased with this, because during training with EXECUTION members, he managed to seal quite a large part of his spiritual strength back into the certificate so that if his initial plan did not succeed, he was not powerless. But now, when a false mask of surprise and despair froze on his face, and salty paths began to roll from his eyes, he mentally grinned, completely not feeling emotional torment, disappointment or pain. Yes, he was a hundred times more painful and disgusting from the refusal with which he repaid Yuri for her kindness and sympathy! Perhaps, it was the only time that he truly felt lousy for all the time he was without the strength of a guide of souls. Ginjou's sword lit up when his master began to absorb the spiritual power of the former I.O. Shinigami, and he grinned as soon as the "tentacles from reatsu" touched the chest and lower part of the face of the red-haired man, whose hair was now freely flowing under the cold and wet wind mixed with rain. Ichigo, admittedly, was surprised only once when Ginjou began to talk about the mission of the so-called "Acting Shinigami", as it turned out, the leader of "EXECUTION" was also the former I.O. Shinigami. This fact made Kurosaki mentally neigh. Why, Ukitake, a gray-haired geek! But now the smile left Kugo's face, and he panickedly grabbed his certificate trying to pull him from the guard of his huge sword. The flow of spiritual energy, which was supposed to come from Ichigo directly into the body of Ginjou, was moving exactly the opposite. Now the time has come to grin at Kurosaki: Kugo turned out to be the kind of person Ichigo imagined him to be. Arrogant, ambitious, embittered, self-confident. All this ruined him. Now, the power of the leader of the EXECUTION belonged to Ichigo. But only when he got to his feet when Kugo's body fell to his knees, Kurosaki didn't even have time to take his Shinigami certificate into his hands when a blue katana pierced his chest pierced his chest. embittered, self-confident. All this ruined him. Now, the power of the leader of the EXECUTION belonged to Ichigo. But only when he got to his feet when Kugo's body fell to his knees, Kurosaki didn't even have time to take his Shinigami certificate into his hands when a blue katana pierced his chest pierced his chest. embittered, self-confident. All this ruined him. Now, the power of the leader of the EXECUTION belonged to Ichigo. But only when he got to his feet when Kugo's body fell to his knees, Kurosaki didn't even have time to take his Shinigami certificate into his hands when a blue katana pierced his chest pierced his chest.

A petite brunette, barely holding back tears, holds the handle of a "spiritual blade" that shoved into the back of her old comrade with trembling hands. Finally, after so much time, they were able to create "something" that could restore the strength of Ichigo.

His eyes are trembling, his lips are moving finely, and his hands are convulsively squeezing and unclenching, repeating each previous action several times in a few seconds. Behind him, first of all, he sees a striped hat, weak stubble and a housecoat. Next to his father: gloomy, serious, but somewhat alarmed; his eyes tremble when he meets his son with his eyes, and he himself realizes that they are already late. But the father is silent, allowing his son to choose his own future path, only weakly nods to the side, pointing to the excited girl.

Ichigo, making an effort, squints a little to the left, although, it seemed, there was nowhere stronger. A flame of emotions boils in his chest: anger, rage, hatred, contempt. And among all this, there is only one thought, one sentence: "I will never forget your betrayal."