
new king

Liam: new king is a gripping fantasy novel that follows the journey of Liam, a notorious gangster known for causing mayhem in the city. Liam's life of crime takes a dramatic turn when a cataclysmic event wipes out 70% of the human population, unleashing a horde of zombies upon the world. As society crumbles, Liam's street smarts and ruthless nature become his greatest assets. He navigates the new world order with a motley crew of survivors, each with their own dark past. Together, they face hordes of ravenous zombies and formidable zombie bosses—mutated leaders of the undead with extraordinary powers. Liam, initially driven by self-preservation, discovers a deeper purpose as he battles the undead. He transforms from a feared gangster into an unlikely hero, fighting not just for survival but for a chance to rebuild a shattered world. Amidst the chaos, Liam grapples with his inner demons and the ghosts of his past, seeking redemption in a world gone mad. In this thrilling tale of survival and redemption, Liam must confront the ultimate question: Can a man defined by his sins become the savior humanity desperately needs? Liam: King of the Ashes is a heart-pounding adventure that blends gritty realism with supernatural horror, delivering a story that is as thought-provoking as it is action-packed.

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The search

The morning sun cast long shadows as Liam and Jake emerged from the warehouse, their newly acquired abilities giving them a sense of cautious optimism. They moved with purpose, scanning their surroundings for any sign of the undead. The city was eerily quiet, but they knew better than to let their guard down.

"Which way?" Jake asked, adjusting his grip on his crowbar.

"We need to check on our families," Liam replied. "Let's head to the residential area first."

As they walked, they encountered a few scattered zombies, which they dispatched with relative ease. Each kill brought up the blue screens, showing their growing experience points and skills. It was a strange, almost surreal experience, like living inside a video game.

After an hour of walking, they reached the outskirts of the residential area. The streets were filled with abandoned cars and debris, and the houses stood silent, their windows dark and empty. "Let's check my place first," Liam said, trying to keep his voice steady.

They approached Liam's house cautiously, the front door hanging open. Liam's heart pounded in his chest as he stepped inside, calling out for his parents. The silence was deafening. They searched the house room by room, but there was no sign of his family. "They're not here," Liam said, trying to suppress the rising panic.

"We'll find them," Jake reassured him. "Let's check my place."

Jake's house was a few blocks away. As they walked, they kept a wary eye on their surroundings. The city felt like a ghost town, and the occasional distant scream was a harsh reminder of the danger lurking around every corner.

They reached Jake's house and found it similarly abandoned. The front door was locked, but Jake quickly picked the lock with a practiced hand. "Mom? Dad?" he called out as they entered. But like Liam's house, it was empty.

"We need to keep looking," Jake said, his voice filled with determination. "They could be hiding somewhere."

As they made their way back to the street, they spotted a figure moving in the distance. Instinctively, they ducked behind a car, watching as the figure approached. It was a young woman, her face familiar. "Is that...?" Liam started.

"Sophia?" Jake finished, his eyes widening in recognition.

Sophia had been a friend from high school, a bright and spirited girl who had always been the heart of their group. She looked older and more worn than they remembered, but there was no mistaking her. "Sophia!" Jake called out, standing up.

Sophia turned, her eyes lighting up with recognition. "Liam? Jake? Is it really you?" She ran towards them, her face a mixture of relief and disbelief.

They embraced briefly, the weight of the apocalypse momentarily forgotten. "What are you doing here?" Sophia asked.

"Looking for our parents," Liam replied. "You?"

"Same," she said. "But I haven't found them yet. The city is crawling with those things."

Before they could continue their conversation, a deep, guttural growl echoed through the street. They turned to see a massive creature lumbering towards them, its skin a sickly green and its eyes glowing with malevolence. "What the hell is that?" Jake whispered, his grip tightening on his crowbar.

Boss Encounter: Level 3 Troll

Defeat to gain significant experience and loot.

The troll towered over them, its muscular body covered in thick, leathery skin. It moved with surprising speed for its size, swinging a massive club made from a tree trunk. "Get ready," Liam said, his voice steady despite the fear coursing through him.

The troll roared and charged at them, the ground shaking with each step. Liam and Jake dodged to the sides, barely avoiding the crushing blow of the club. Sophia scrambled to find a weapon, grabbing a metal pipe from the debris.

Liam felt a surge of energy as the blue screen appeared before his eyes.

New Skill Unlocked: Strength Multiplier (Level 1)

He could feel the power coursing through his muscles, his strength doubling. "Jake, cover me!" he shouted, charging at the troll.

Liam swung his machete with all his might, the enhanced strength allowing him to cut deep into the troll's thick hide. The creature roared in pain, swinging its club wildly. Liam ducked and rolled, narrowly avoiding the deadly weapon.

Jake and Sophia attacked from the sides, Jake's crowbar and Sophia's metal pipe striking at the troll's legs. The creature stumbled, but it was far from defeated. It swung its club in a wide arc, knocking Jake to the ground and sending Sophia flying into a car.

"Liam!" Jake shouted, struggling to get up.

Liam didn't hesitate. He rushed at the troll again, his enhanced strength allowing him to land powerful blows. He aimed for the creature's vulnerable spots, its joints and eyes. Each strike brought up the blue screen, showing his growing experience points and skill levels.

The troll roared in frustration, its movements becoming more erratic. It grabbed a car and hurled it at Liam, who barely managed to dive out of the way. The car crashed into a building, the sound echoing through the empty streets.

Sophia staggered to her feet, blood trickling from a cut on her forehead. She grabbed her metal pipe and joined the fight, her strikes coordinated with Liam's. Jake, recovering from the troll's earlier blow, attacked from behind, aiming for the creature's spine.

The fight dragged on, each minute feeling like an eternity. Liam could feel his strength waning, but he pushed on, fueled by determination and the need to protect his friends. The troll's movements became slower, its roars weaker. Finally, with a coordinated strike, Liam brought his machete down on the troll's neck while Jake and Sophia struck its legs. The troll let out one final roar before collapsing, its body disintegrating into a cloud of dark mist.

The blue screens appeared again, displaying their new stats and rewards.

Player 1: Liam

Level: 3

Experience: 300/400

New Skills Unlocked: [Strength Multiplier (Level 2)]

Player 2: Jake

Level: 2

Experience: 200/300

Player 4790: Sophia

Level: 2

Experience: 150/250

Breathing heavily, Liam and Jake looked at each other, a sense of accomplishment washing over them. "We did it," Jake said, a smile breaking through the exhaustion.

"Yeah, we did," Liam replied, a newfound determination in his eyes. He turned to Sophia. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, wiping the blood from her forehead. "Thanks to you guys. I thought I was done for."

They took a moment to catch their breath and assess their injuries. The fight had been brutal, but they had come out victorious. "We need to find somewhere safe to rest," Liam said. "And we still need to find our parents."

Sophia looked around the devastated street. "I know a place. It's not far from here. We can regroup and plan our next move."

As they made their way to the safe house, Liam couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. They had faced a powerful enemy and survived. With their growing skills and the strength of their bond, he knew they could face whatever the apocalypse threw at them.

The fight for survival had just begun, but they were ready for the challenge.