
new king

Liam: new king is a gripping fantasy novel that follows the journey of Liam, a notorious gangster known for causing mayhem in the city. Liam's life of crime takes a dramatic turn when a cataclysmic event wipes out 70% of the human population, unleashing a horde of zombies upon the world. As society crumbles, Liam's street smarts and ruthless nature become his greatest assets. He navigates the new world order with a motley crew of survivors, each with their own dark past. Together, they face hordes of ravenous zombies and formidable zombie bosses—mutated leaders of the undead with extraordinary powers. Liam, initially driven by self-preservation, discovers a deeper purpose as he battles the undead. He transforms from a feared gangster into an unlikely hero, fighting not just for survival but for a chance to rebuild a shattered world. Amidst the chaos, Liam grapples with his inner demons and the ghosts of his past, seeking redemption in a world gone mad. In this thrilling tale of survival and redemption, Liam must confront the ultimate question: Can a man defined by his sins become the savior humanity desperately needs? Liam: King of the Ashes is a heart-pounding adventure that blends gritty realism with supernatural horror, delivering a story that is as thought-provoking as it is action-packed.

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The Awakening

The world ended on a Tuesday. The sky, once a serene canvas, had turned into a swirl of menacing clouds. Liam, a gangster notorious for his ruthless efficiency, stood on a rooftop, surveying the city that was no longer recognizable. Smoke billowed from burning buildings, and distant screams echoed through the empty streets.

Liam, tall and muscular with a perpetual scowl, had always thrived in chaos. But this was different. This wasn't the controlled chaos of his criminal operations. This was pure, unadulterated anarchy. He glanced at his surroundings, noting the absence of life, human or otherwise. The silence was unnerving, a stark contrast to the cacophony he was used to.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, a rare occurrence these days. He pulled it out, the screen cracked from an earlier scuffle, and saw a message from Jake.

"Meet me at the old warehouse. Urgent."

Jake had been Liam's closest friend since childhood. While Liam had taken the path of a gangster, Jake had chosen a more legitimate route, becoming a mechanic. Despite their different lives, their bond had remained unbreakable.

Liam made his way down the building, each step filled with a sense of foreboding. The streets were littered with debris, cars abandoned haphazardly, and the occasional body lying motionless. He moved swiftly, his instincts on high alert. Every corner he turned, he expected to be met with the undead, but the journey was eerily quiet.

He finally reached the warehouse, a decrepit building on the outskirts of the city. It had once been their playground, a place where they had hidden from the world, sharing secrets and dreams. Now, it stood as a beacon of their past, a symbol of their enduring friendship.

Liam pushed open the heavy doors and was greeted by darkness. He felt for his flashlight and flicked it on, the beam cutting through the shadows. "Jake?" he called out, his voice echoing in the cavernous space.

"Liam, over here!" came the reply from the far end of the warehouse. Liam's heart leapt at the sound of his friend's voice. He hurried towards the source, the light revealing Jake, standing beside a makeshift barricade.

Jake was a stark contrast to Liam. Where Liam was imposing, Jake was wiry and quick, with a perpetually hopeful expression. His eyes, however, now held a hint of the same darkness that had settled in Liam's.

They embraced briefly, the weight of the apocalypse momentarily forgotten. "Glad you made it, man," Jake said, a note of relief in his voice.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Liam replied with a smirk. "So, what's the plan?"

Jake led Liam to a table strewn with maps and supplies. "I've been scouting the area," Jake began. "The city's overrun with those...things. But there are pockets of survivors. We need to get to them, form a group. Safety in numbers, right?"

Liam nodded. "And the zombies?"

Jake's face darkened. "There are different kinds. The usual slow ones are bad enough, but there are others...stronger, smarter. We call them zombie bosses. They're leading the packs, coordinating attacks."

"Zombie bosses? This just keeps getting better," Liam muttered. He had always thrived on challenges, but this was pushing even his limits.

They spent the next hour discussing their plan, marking safe zones and potential hideouts. The warehouse would serve as their base for now, but they needed to be mobile, ready to move at a moment's notice.

As they were wrapping up, a loud crash echoed through the building. Liam and Jake exchanged a glance, their hands instinctively reaching for their weapons. Liam had a machete, its blade gleaming ominously, while Jake wielded a crowbar.

They moved cautiously towards the source of the noise, their steps silent on the concrete floor. The flashlight's beam danced across the walls, creating eerie shadows. They reached the corner where the noise had originated and found a zombie, its decayed form struggling to get up after crashing into a stack of crates.

Without hesitation, Liam swung his machete, the blade slicing cleanly through the zombie's neck. The head rolled away, the body collapsing in a heap. He wiped the blade clean on his pant leg, a grim look on his face.

As the zombie's body disintegrated into a cloud of dark mist, a strange sensation washed over Liam. His vision blurred, and a blue screen appeared before his eyes.

System Activated: Player 1

Name: Liam

Level: 1

Experience: 50/100

Skills: [Unarmed Combat (Novice)], [Blade Mastery (Novice)]

"What the hell is this?" Liam muttered, waving his hand through the screen, but it remained in front of him.

Jake, standing beside him, stared at a similar screen. "I see it too. It's like...a game."

Liam smirked. "Well, I guess we just leveled up."

They spent the next few hours exploring the new system. It provided detailed stats on their abilities and hinted at skills and powers they could unlock as they gained experience. The more zombies they killed, the stronger they would become. It was like a twisted version of the games they used to play as kids, but now, the stakes were real.

As they were wrapping up their exploration, another crash echoed through the warehouse. This time, it was louder, more deliberate. They moved towards the source, weapons at the ready. What they found was unlike anything they had seen before.

A zombie boss, towering over them, with muscles bulging and eyes glowing with a sinister light, stood before them. It let out a guttural roar, and the system screens flashed red.

Boss Encounter: Level 5 Zombie Boss

Defeat to gain significant experience and loot.

Liam and Jake exchanged a glance, their hands tightening on their weapons. "Ready for this?" Jake asked, his voice steady despite the fear in his eyes.

Liam grinned. "Always. Let's take this bastard down."

The battle was intense. The zombie boss was fast and powerful, its movements a blur. Liam and Jake fought with everything they had, using their newfound skills to dodge and strike. Each blow they landed was met with a satisfying thud, and as the fight wore on, they could see the zombie weakening.

Finally, with a coordinated strike, Liam brought his machete down on the zombie's neck while Jake smashed its skull with his crowbar. The zombie boss let out one final roar before collapsing, its body disintegrating into a cloud of dark mist.

The blue screens appeared again, displaying their new stats and rewards.

Player 1: Liam

Level: 2

Experience: 150/200

New Skills Unlocked: [Enhanced Strength], [Rapid Healing]

Player 2: Jake

Level: 2

Experience: 150/200

New Skills Unlocked: [Enhanced Agility], [Repair Mastery]

Breathing heavily, Liam and Jake looked at each other, a sense of accomplishment washing over them. "We did it," Jake said, a smile breaking through the exhaustion.

"Yeah, we did," Liam replied, a newfound determination in his eyes. "Now, let's find those survivors and build something out of this mess."

As they stood in the dim light of the warehouse, a silent promise passed between them. No matter the odds, they would face the apocalypse together. And in the ruins of the world, they would find a way to rise from the ashes.