
New haven

Two unsc frigates are badly outgunned and alone in a previous battle and are forced into emergency jump to a unknown area, ending up on a planet they have no record of and many civilization that were previously unknown, what can two frigates full of battle harden soldiers and commanders as wells as some Spartans do to this developing world, will they escape this world and return to the fight or will they stay helping or taking over this world?

Newhaven425 · Video Games
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7 Chs

Who TF

An hour later

Walking down to the vehicle bay I notice multiple teams of odst heading down there with me, I won't lie I feel confident, with so many men by my side I feel like we could take on anything, oh how surprised I was.

Two days later

We were able to secure our surrounding area, as well as scout out surroundings there weren't many signs of civilization for a couple of miles so we kind of just hunkered down and held our position.

we cut down as many trees and set up temporary shelters, don't get me wrong the ships were good at all but now that we were on solid ground most of the men want to live in actual accommodations, so we set up different kinds of housing we use the two ships as main command centers, One ship for military and the other being for a diplomatic I guess in case there were any other people out there. but we did finally make our first contact.

Marine Sargent Henry pov

I was sitting at the further observation post, in case anybody came up the dirt path we had created. it was a sunny day out in the clouds, definitely was One of the nicer planets I've been on, while I was admiring the scenery, one of my fellow squad members noticed horses coming up the path. "Sir!" he yelled, "unknowns incoming!"

"Shit, get into positions people!" I yelled as I scrambled behind one of the sandbags. As they got closer we could start to hear them talking in a language I'd never heard before. Now we have set up multiple signs telling people not to go further, but they simply glanced at these signs and then kept going forward, right as they reached the last sign we stood up from our cover.

"Identify yourself!" I yelled at them, you could see a couple of them jump a little on their horses in surprise. "Get off your horses now," I said calmly, they simply looked at us and our weapons in confusion, then started laughing.

One got off and started walking toward us, "stop moving!" I screamed at him, but as he continued walking the other started to get off as well, "stay right fucking there! This is your last warning!"

But they were ignoring us, some pulling up their swords while one stayed behind and observed. "Fuck this light them up!"

Unknown pov

The kingdom of dragon-stone, one of the four main kingdoms of this world, was founded during the great human-dragon war as a sign of peace, and so formed the human-dragon alliance putting this kingdom on top. King grim, is one of the more shady kings we have had, rumors have been going around about secret deals with elves, doing stuff to his child with magic, and all other sorts of nasty stuff.

They sent 5 of us to investigate a crash site of some space rocks, the church wanted them, said they were from one of the gods or some shit. When we got closer to the forest we noticed a path had been made from what seemed to be people traveling in and out of the forest here.

"Those tracks look fresh," I said looking at the trail, "agreed," said one of the younger knights, "you think it could be elves?" Shaking my head I respond "no, to big and elves wouldn't leave a trail especially in nature, has to be humans, definitely nothing else."

We got back on our horses and moved onto the trail, "you think we will find someone?"the younger member asks "most likely, seeing how those tracks were fresh as well as the fact that this is the direction of the landing, we will probably find people, most likely renegades," as we were talking one of the knights in front holds up his arm stopping us, "you see the signs right?" He said, "yeah, though I don't recall knowing this language, even so it seems someone has gotten here first and set up camp," I said pointing ahead in front of us was a strange construction of some kind, multiple what seemed to be bags were stacked on top of each other around one central construction of the bags.

"Move in, slowly," I said, "kid your up first," the said kid looks at me with a little bit of fear on his face, before he nods at me with a new look of determination. As he gets closer, multiple people stand up from behind the bags and start yelling at us, the kid who was in front jumps out of his skin, making a couple of us chuckle, but the fun was over as the people were there yelling the same words every now and then.

"Mate look there holding a bunch of sticks and they don't even have armor," someone next to me says causing multiple us to laugh, but I stayed silent there was. Something about this that felt off and the fact that there faces were covered with masks made it so I couldn't read there expressions, "how dare they yell at us, we are knights for god's sake!"

The kid yells while hoping if his horse, the kid draws his sword and starts walking towards them, the unknown people seeing this start to yell more violently and aggressively, this makes the rest of my knights get off there horses and start going towards them, "no stop something doesn't feel righ-" but I was abruptly cut off by one of the loudest sounds I've heard in my life, and I watched in horror as my men were swiftly put down in front of me.

End chapter two

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I’m still getting used to this whole writing thing, so again I do appreciate any and all advice.

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