
New haven

Two unsc frigates are badly outgunned and alone in a previous battle and are forced into emergency jump to a unknown area, ending up on a planet they have no record of and many civilization that were previously unknown, what can two frigates full of battle harden soldiers and commanders as wells as some Spartans do to this developing world, will they escape this world and return to the fight or will they stay helping or taking over this world?

Newhaven425 · Video Games
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7 Chs

Touch down

Unknown space system

As two heavily damaged Paris and Charon class unsc frigates exit slip space, they slowly start to drift in space, most of the crew all working to prepare as much of the ship as possible but to no use, the engines being destroyed on both ships with limited weapons online, however with some good news being most of the crew and troops serving on them survived, and all the Spartans onboard are green. Now all they need to do is wait.

We spent 2 weeks drifting in space, two fucking weeks, but all things considered.. things could have been much much worse. almost all of us escaped alive, with my entire team making it out and the amazing fact that the ships are mainly intact and operating. Enough talking in my fucking head, then again with everything that's happened I can't help but give myself a rundown.

currently walking to the cafeteria to get

Some food a voice is spoken urgently over the loudspeaker.

"Spartan team epsilon please report to the bridge in full gear, all other crew please prepare for a crash landing."

"Well, shit.. that doesn't sound good." I quickly rush to the command deck and put my helmet on before entering.

As I enter the command deck I notice our two ships rapidly approaching a massive planet, "what's the problem, sir," I ask the captain after giving him a nod.

"Well the main problem is the fact that there is no way to escape this, with our engines dead and no way to move, we are going to hit this planet."

"Where exactly are we going to land?"

The captain sighed "based on the erratic movement of our ships we could land anywhere, the good part is both ships should land close to each other."

As we are talking we start to make planetfall and the captain falls down

Catching the captain I say that he should probably sit down and he nods in agreement, I also take a seat in a nearby chair.

A random officer quickly speaks over a box, probably being the loudspeaker control.

"impact in 3.. 2… 1.."

The ships hit the ground hard, with the one we were in flying up a bit from the impact before settling down, the officer on the loudspeaker talks again.

"All medical teams take care of the injured, spartan and odst teams will be deployed to the surrounding areas to scout out, marine groups will be tasked with security of the crash sites."

"Alright, echo you heard the man, get with the rest of your team and report to the vehicle bay, you will have your briefing there."

"Yes sir." I give the captain a quick nod and rush away, wondering what this planet has in store for us.

End chapter one

My first chapter ever wrote, please keep in mind my English isn't the greatest and I'm bad at creating conversations

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