

After the timer hit zero

I became conscious once more. I felt cold, hard, wet ground underneath me. When I opened my eyes blue words appeared before me it seemed like they were held in place by some invisible strings.

It read:

Welcome to the tutorial

This is village number 209,080 and will be your home for the next 2 months

These villages are here to prepare you for the new harsh world.

After reading this, I looked around to try to see the people who I would share my experiences with for the next few months.

Surprisingly there was only around 10 people around me. They were all in different states of unconsciousness. Some were still completely immobile on the ground and others had nearly made a full recovery. Their faces switched between panic, bewilderment and anger at the deity's that had imprisoned us.

Of the other 10 people there was 6 girls and 4 guys. They were a strange mixture of people some had ties and shirts with stiffen collars and others had obviously been taken right out of a yoga or fitness class and it looked like they lived on protein supplements and doing bicep curls.

After briefly analysing the other unlucky participants of this apocalyptic event I looked around at the surrounding area and the place God had forced me to live. It was a strange place which looked like it had been taken straight from the medieval era. It had a simplistic wooden wall , which surrounded a few houses the only interesting things in this place was a broad with the word QUESTS on the top of it , next to it was a map with a multitude of different coloured spots on it denoting all of the monsters around the village and their different powers.

In the very centre of the village or rudimentary settlement. Was a rock pillar which looked like it was natural and had been there since the primordial periods.

In the side of my vision three compulsory quests announced themselves:



Find and Interact with your status screen

Reward: 5 free status points a choice 3 basic skills from a list of 12



Win your village competition in three days.

Reward: Depends on place



Reward: Depends on the type and level of monster

As soon as I saw the words status screen I was exhilarated. I had always loved games with stats and skills it had been a staple of my childhood. To be in a real life scenario where this was a reality was a dream come true.

I thought of the words status screen in my head and this appeared

Name:Simon Smith

Age: 25

Religion: N/A

Kingdom level:N/A








Hidden Stats:




Free Stats:100



Monster Kills:0

Dungeon Clears:0

Strength: The strength that your limbs and body can exert. The higher your strength stat the larger the strength you can exert.

Agility: A stat that dictates leg strength and your ability to quickly and smoothly change direction. Plays a part in max speed.

Dexterity: Your ability to complete fine and intricate movements. This is crucial in many auxiliary professions and in completing various complex movements.

Construction: Dictates your total survivability. In addition it also makes your skin harder and your resistance to poison and magics higher.

Wisdom: The quickness that you regenerate mana and stamina. Also marginally increases mana pool size.

Intelligence: Dictates The size of your mana pool and your ability to comprehend complex magic.

Longevity: The amount of healthy years you will live without taking disease and injuries into account. The amount a human starts with is 100.

Charisma: Your ability to bring people to your side and your ability to lead and order soldiers.

Luck: The most mysterious of the stats. It dictates the dropping chances of equipment and coins from monsters and the likelihood a positive outcome will occur.

Be warned only your first 100 free stat points can be placed in your hidden stats. After that the only way to increase them is through special achievements and special plants and pills.