
A New Start

My life was going in its normal repetitive fashion. I had just grabbed a takeaway coffee from my local Starbucks and the monotonous office job that took up the vast majority of my time was about to start. My hope of a better life had long withered away while I was still in school. By the time I came out of university I found that there was a cold hard truth , that I was no more special or adept than the next person and that a degree in this modern world is worth less than a blank piece of paper.

I welcomed my colleagues as I came through the door and into my office building . Hi Nick they said and than started to make small talk on a variety of random topics as a sort of pointless daily ritual. I sat down on my chair getting ready for a new day. And than it happened! The ground shook, the sky went black and a deity's voice boomed in the sky:

The End Of The Preparation phase is nigh, The Introduction of Monsters and Dungeons as well as the formation of Pangea will now commence

His words were language less but I instinctively knew what they meant. As if my soul was translating for me.

Is words echoed in my brain for a moment as I had to comprehend and process this new bizarre information.

Was this a joke on a massive scale

Was this a dream

Or was this.. was this REAL

The world went black as a status screen appeared before my eyes. A timer in the top right corner counted down before I would see the world once more.

Today was the day that changed my life , a day where the apocalypse had descended from a story to a reality