
New Beginning: Second Life

When Alex Summers is betrayed and murdered, he awakens in a medieval world under the name Marcos. Unknown and full of determination, Marcos embarks on a new beginning to discover the mystery of his reincarnation. In "New Beginning: Second Life", accompany him on a journey of self-discovery, full of dangers and surprises, where each choice can change his destiny forever.

TheDiego_Novel · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Assault on the Road

What can I say about the town of Stalvar? Besides its considerable poverty, it suffers from high taxes imposed by the nobles. Due to these steep taxes, it has become a dangerous area, attracting all sorts of people looking to rob others due to the widespread poverty. Not only that, but if we consider the citizens who must steal to survive another day, Stalvar is situated on the northeastern border of the Kingdom of Illas, right next to a dense and ancient forest called Lumin Forest.

Lumin Forest is known for its beauty and danger. It harbors rare and poisonous plants, as well as various creatures like goblins, trolls, and ogres. Fortunately, Marcos only lived near the forest's entrance; had he lived deeper within, he might not have been reincarnated.

But Lumin Forest isn't just home to magical creatures—it also shelters several bands of hidden outlaws.

Speaking of bandits, after a day and a half of traveling toward the capital, making periodic stops to rest, a small group of bandits somehow surrounded them.

"Damn," murmured Marcos in shock. They were traveling by carriage, passing hills and rivers, when suddenly these bandits closed in on them.

"Surrender and step down from the carriage! Or else…" shouted the short bandit holding a dagger—the apparent leader—"we'll kill you."

Upon hearing the threats, Marcos felt powerless. He couldn't do anything against these eight bandits.

It was unusual for a bandit group to appear in this area, so close to the capital. But they seemed to have calculated their move. Marcos' group, consisting of Rodrick and the carriage driver, was about to ascend a hill. Seeing this, the bandits hurried to attack, preventing them from reaching the hilltop and being seen by peasants. If the peasants spotted them, they'd call the knights stationed not far away at a watchtower.

There were watchtowers protecting the peasants and nobles in this region. Those knights could easily defeat these bandits. However, Marcos' small group of three members wouldn't accomplish this feat so easily.

"I'll count to ten! If you're not out of the carriage by the time I finish counting, we'll force you out," shouted the short bandit, growing excited at the prospect of robbing a carriage with only three occupants. Their overwhelming numbers made it seem easy.

And then there was Nate, the bandit leader. Despite his short stature, he possessed a natural gift—an ability that slightly increased his speed, allowing him to reach up to 60 km/h. It was a perfect talent for a thief like him.

"By some miracle, if the guards arrive, I can escape easily," Nate thought. He wasn't particularly attached to his companions, who were just ordinary humans. If things went south, he wouldn't hesitate to flee alone.

With those thoughts, Nate began counting.

"9, 8, 7, 6…"

Each time Marcos heard the short bandit counting, he grew more nervous. He feared that if he stepped out and surrendered as the bandits demanded, they wouldn't honor their word and might end up killing him.

Then, someone blocked his view from behind. Marcos was still inside the carriage, peering through the small window in the door.

After a moment of daze, Marcos heard Rodrick's voice.

"Such pests," Rodrick whispered, ensuring only Marcos could hear. Then, Rodrick, clad in lightweight leather armor with a sword hanging from his waist, glanced at the bandit who continued counting.

"3, 2, 1… Attack!" After Nate, the short leader of the bandits, shouted that order, the remaining 7 bandits drew their weapons and charged toward Marcos' group.

Seeing this, Rodrick also unsheathed his 90cm sword. He declared, "Untalented individuals like you won't defeat me," before stomping the ground and swiftly advancing toward his first target—a bandit who also wielded a sword.

"Such speed!" exclaimed Marcos as he watched Rodrick engage the bandits head-on.

Rodrick closed in on the first bandit, his sword gleaming in the sunlight. The bandit barely had time to raise his weapon before Rodrick struck with a horizontal blow, disarming him instantly. With fluid motion, Rodrick continued his attack, spinning and striking the bandit's chest, sending him sprawling.

"Next!" roared Rodrick, shifting his gaze to the other approaching bandits. One of them, armed with an axe, charged at Rodrick with a battle cry. Rodrick easily dodged the attack, sidestepping and countering with a precise blow to the bandit's arm, forcing him to drop his weapon.

Nate, the bandit leader, watched in surprise and fury as his men fell one by one. Determined not to lose, he used his enhanced speed to launch himself at Rodrick, hoping to catch him off guard. But Rodrick, experienced in combat, had already anticipated the move. In the last second, he stepped back and raised his sword defensively.

Nate collided with Rodrick's blade, the metallic sound pushing him backward. Rodrick seized the opportunity, slashing Nate's leg, slowing his movements. Nate cried out in pain but didn't give up, attacking with rapid dagger strikes that Rodrick skillfully blocked.

Meanwhile, the remaining bandits tried to surround Rodrick, but he spun with impressive agility, delivering precise and lethal blows. Two more bandits fell before the others realized they were completely outmatched.

"Fall back!" Nate shouted, realizing they were losing. Using his speed, he attempted to flee, but Rodrick wasn't willing to let him escape. With a remarkable leap, Rodrick caught up to Nate, delivering a powerful blow to his back, immobilizing him.

"This is what happens when you underestimate a true warrior," Rodrick declared firmly, glancing at the scattered remaining bandits. He then turned toward the carriage, where Marcos stared wide-eyed.

"Let's go; we must continue our journey," Rodrick said, sheathing his sword and approaching the carriage. "We won't let a few bandits stop us."

Still impressed by Rodrick's skill, Marcos nodded quickly and climbed back into the carriage. The nervous driver snapped the reins, and the carriage resumed its journey, leaving the defeated bandits behind.