
New Beginning: Second Life

When Alex Summers is betrayed and murdered, he awakens in a medieval world under the name Marcos. Unknown and full of determination, Marcos embarks on a new beginning to discover the mystery of his reincarnation. In "New Beginning: Second Life", accompany him on a journey of self-discovery, full of dangers and surprises, where each choice can change his destiny forever.

TheDiego_Novel · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Arrival in the Capital

"Wow!" exclaimed Marcos internally after witnessing Rodrick's fight against the bandits.

After these thoughts, Marcos leaned out of the small window in the carriage door and looked at Rodrick. Rodrick was sitting at the back of the carriage, keeping watch in case more enemies appeared.

Rodrick always sat at the back; he never went inside the carriage with Marcos. It seemed as though he was intentionally avoiding him for some reason.

When Marcos and Rodrick's eyes met, Rodrick grinned maliciously and asked, "Need something?"

For some unknown reason, Marcos felt a chill run down his spine upon hearing Rodrick's question. Finally, he replied nervously, "I-I was just amazed by your fight earlier."

Hearing the nervous tone in Marcos' words, Rodrick burst into laughter. "Hahaha…" After laughing for a while, Rodrick looked at Marcos and responded, "Amazed by my fight, you say? If my little scuffle with those guys impresses you, you'll faint when you see the real monsters in the capital," he said with a somewhat nostalgic tone.

Marcos simply nodded and re-entered the carriage. As he sat down, he seriously pondered the words Rodrick had spoken earlier.

"I'll faint when I see the real monsters of the capital…" Remembering Rodrick's words, Marcos shuddered, realizing their significance.

"…I'm just an insect that can be squashed at any moment." With this thought, Marcos' determination to become stronger only grew.


After one more day, they finally arrived at the long-awaited capital. Marcos was awestruck by the sight.

Approaching the capital of the Kingdom of Illas, the first thing that caught Marcos' attention was the imposing city wall. Made of massive white stone blocks, the wall rose majestically against the sky, protecting the inhabitants from external threats. Along the wall, well-equipped watchtowers and battlements kept a vigilant eye on the horizon. The main city gates, adorned with intricate carvings and coats of arms, were guarded by soldiers in gleaming steel armor, each holding a spear and shield.

Upon crossing the gates and entering the city, Marcos was amazed by the vitality and bustle of the capital. The streets were paved with well-maintained cobblestones, forming an organized labyrinth that led everywhere. Multi-story houses and buildings, constructed with brick and red-tiled roofs, featured flower-filled balconies and colorful stained glass windows. Merchants and artisans filled the streets, selling their wares at wooden stalls: from fresh fruits and exotic spices to fine fabrics and sparkling jewelry.

After stepping down from the carriage and bidding farewell to the driver, Marcos and Rodrick continued toward the city center.

At the heart of the capital lay the central market square, surprisingly less bustling than expected. As Marcos walked, he noticed that people seemed somewhat somber, as if nervous about something.

"Must be because of the war," Marcos thought to himself.

Although the ongoing war primarily affected the eastern border of the Kingdom of Illas and the western border of the Kingdom of Aqualis, these soldiers were the relatives of the city's inhabitants. It was likely that they were deeply concerned for their loved ones.

Marcos felt sympathy for all these citizens worried about their family members, who might be either dead or fighting for their lives. Lost in these thoughts, he unconsciously wore a concerned expression.

Marcos felt someone place a hand on his shoulder and turned his head to see Rodrick staring at him intently.

"Marcos," he heard Rodrick's serious voice.

"You don't need to feel pity for the people dying in the war. Instead, you should be proud of their sacrifice, as they are giving their lives for the greater good."

Marcos was surprised to hear such motivating words from Rodrick, considering him a brute. But upon deeper reflection, he realized Rodrick was right. He shouldn't dwell on those things now; instead, he should strive to become stronger and truly be of help.

"Thank you," Marcos replied to Rodrick. He now considered him more of a friend than a mere acquaintance.

Rodrick simply nodded in response, and they continued their journey. They headed toward the heart of the capital, a bustling square where people from all professions gathered. Here, the voices of vendors echoed everywhere.

"Fresh vegetables for sale!"

"Find the finest swords, crafted by the dwarves!"

"Get a 2-for-1 deal on armor!"

After hearing various announcements, Marcos looked beyond the main market to where the majestic royal palace stood—a symbol of power and wealth. Built atop a hill in the city center, the palace was surrounded by well-maintained gardens with marble fountains and statues. Its tall towers and golden domes gleamed in the sunlight, and the Kingdom of Illas' flags proudly fluttered from each tower. At the main entrance of the palace, a grand marble staircase led to massive wooden doors adorned with intricate reliefs.

"How magnificent!" exclaimed Marcos, gazing at the palace—the residence of the royal family of the Kingdom of Illas and the administrative center where crucial decisions were made.

After admiring the palace for a few seconds, Marcos continued walking with Rodrick. After a few minutes, Marcos realized he didn't know what they would do now that they had arrived.

"Rodrick, where are we heading?"

"Right now, we're going to a hotel. After I check in, I'll take you to the military camp where you can train freely," Rodrick said, sounding somewhat tired. How could this kid just now remember to ask such an important question?

"Aren't you coming with me?" asked Marcos, feeling a bit sad. It seemed he would soon have to part ways with Rodrick, who was starting to grow on him.

"Lucky for you, kid, I'll have to stay in the capital until you complete your first mission." Before Marcos could respond, Rodrick continued.

"Once you finish the training they'll provide here in the capital, they'll assign you a mission. I'll accompany you in case of any unknown dangers. Once you complete that mission, you'll officially become a soldier of the Kingdom of Illas." Rodrick paused and then added, "And just so you know, you're not the only one getting assigned a mission. All your fellow trainees will have one too, escorted by a guardian. Depending on your performance at the end of training, the tougher your mission will be. And if you complete that difficult mission, you might earn a higher rank."

"Understood," Marcos replied before following Rodrick to the hotel where they would register.

Thank you for the support!

I'll try to publish chapters more often

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