
Never Was There

Switching sides. "I have only one condition, and I trust it won't be hard for you to meet. I want Granger. . . . Read the complete novel in PDF, available at my Patreon Store! Subscribe to me Patreon for more advanced content... patreon.com/Fictiontopia

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36 Chs


When she reaches it, she turns around, and her eyes widen. She must have seen my Death Eater mask. I wave my hand, gesturing for her to leave.

Get the fuck out of here! I want to scream at her.

She's mouthing words at me, but I don't pay attention to her lips. Her eyes already say it all. She's thanking me.

My heart leaps in joy.

Fuck me.

She finally Disapparates, and I can breathe normally. She's safe.

I point my wand at myself.


It's bright. Too, too, too fucking bright.

I raise a hand to rub my eyes.

My mother's voice sounds out.

"Oh Draco, you're finally awake."

I groan and sit up. With one glance, I know I'm lying in my room. Since when was my room ever bright?

"Mother," I say, looking to my right and finding that sunlight is streaming in, "didn't I tell you not to open those?"

"It gets dreadfully dark with the curtains drawn, Draco. I think it'd be healthier if you got some more sunlight. You're unnaturally pale as it is, just like your father."


Great. Father's coming. Just what I need.

He appears in the doorway looking extremely angry.

"I thought I told you—"

He stops when he sees that I'm sitting up.

"Oh, so you've finally recovered, have you?" he spits at me furiously. "What happened last night? How did that Mudblood escape?"

"Lucius, dear, could you please—"

"Mother, it's fine," I say.

"Narcissa, leave us."

I hold back the desire to glare at my father. I hate how he orders my mother around like she's a servant. But this is normal for him, and I learned the first time I confronted him about it that he wouldn't change. And that he wouldn't hesitate to hurt me for talking back to him.

My mother exits the room without complaint, and I reach over to grab the wand on my nightstand. I wave it once, and the curtains slide shut.

Much better.

"Last night, I was patrolling up near Gryffindor Tower when the whistle was blown. I went out to join the others. I eventually caught sight of Granger and chased her. That's all I remember," I lie.

"Do you know where you were found?"

I frown. "I was on the grounds, wasn't I?"

"You were found by the dead bodies of three Death Eaters. Why is it that the others around you were killed while you were spared?"

I hadn't thought of that last night.

Stupid. Stupid, stupid me.

"I don't know," I reply lamely.

My father gives me a very cold, penetrating gaze. "If there's something going on between you and Granger, you'd better tell me now."

I shake my head. "There's nothing between us. You can use Veritaserum on me."

"You think you're so clever, don't you? I already know your Aunt Bellatrix taught you to resist it."

"Then take my word for it."

"You're lucky the Dark Lord isn't concerned with that Mudblood right now," he says venomously.

"Really? I'd like to think it's more that we are lucky that he isn't concerned about the Mudblood. I was under the impression that if one of us fails, then all of us will die. Isn't that right, Father?"

He's livid, but I can't seem to stop the words from coming out of my mouth.

"So really, I think it's in your own best interest not to say a word about what happened last night. The other Death Eaters will have said enough without you fanning the fire. Like you said, Mudblood Granger isn't top priority right now. And if you think about it, I'm really lucky to be alive. You know what, I think it's because I was smaller than the other ones. Maybe she thought I was a student and took pity on me."

I don't bother to mention that I'm not any smaller than the Death Eaters around me. I've only just stopped growing, and at six foot one, I'm one of the taller Death Eaters.

"Boy, don't speak to me in that tone. Have you forgotten—"

"No, I haven't forgotten."

"Don't interrupt me! Are you asking for a beating? It's about time you had one."

I glare at him and spread my arms out to the sides to show him I'm not afraid.

"Fine. If that's what makes you feel powerful, go right ahead."

Pain assaults me, surrounds me, stabs through me.




The surface beneath me is hard.


Have I fallen off the bed?


Is that my father's voice I hear? Is he laughing?


I hate him. I hate him with every fiber of my being.

I feel like my head is splitting in half.

When will I die?

As suddenly as it began, it stops.

Interesting, this time was shorter than usual.

I gasp for air and look around. Yes, it seems I've fallen off the bed.

My father is smiling smugly. "Was that enough for you?" he asks.

"Why yes, thank you so much," I reply sarcastically.

He frowns at my tone but decides not to reply, exiting the room without another word. I'm grateful to be left alone at last.

As I get to my feet, Aunt Bellatrix enters the room.

Why does no one ever decide to knock?

"Draco," she says, smiling sympathetically.

She thinks that she's the only person who understands me. But I suppose it's my fault she's under that false impression.

"Hey, Aunt Bella."

"It'll be easier for you if you stop talking back to Lucius. He's a moron, and we both know it. Don't bother with him."


"But tell me, what happened last night? It must have been something serious, to have him worried like that."

"Mudblood Granger got away from Hogwarts. I don't know why she was there."

"And he blames it on you?"

"Supposedly the other Death Eaters found four people unconscious near the Apparition Point that she used. Three of them were dead, and I was just Stunned."