
Never No Money [DxD/Genshin/Honkai]

well...in terms of money, I have no money, funny considering my power is never no money. (cover image does not belong to me.)

Lucinziel66 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 13

After breakfast, I walked towards the training grounds, although beidou told me to come to meet her here in two hours, I still had to learn the new sword technique. So I might as well be here, practicing.

Reaching the training ground, I took out one of the many training swords and plunged it to the ground, burying the tip of the sword.

I unfurled the scroll that I took from my room after breakfast, reading it again, but this time i read it intently rather than the cursory read I gave before breakfast.

The inverted scale sword technique was divided into three parts, dragon dance form, dragon scale form, and finally inverted scale form.

The first one, the dragon dance form, is a technique that redirects the opponent's attack. Using your qi, you form a dragon that sweeps the attack somewhere else, ultimately protecting you from it.

The second one, the dragon scale form, turns qi into dragon scale armor that protects the user's body.

The third one, inverted scale form, is the ultimate defense and also the ultimate weakness. It forms a singular scale to protect the user, this scale is very durable, but if the scale were to defend against an attack that breaks it, the users would be gravely injured, regardless if the actual attack were to come into contact with the user.

The reverse scale of a dragon is its strongest scale and its weakness. If the reverse scale is broken, then the dragon might as well be dead. Or at least that was what I read in a book that was in the morax library. Considering the personality of my mother, she would no way in hell own something fake, or something that would give false information.

The inverted scale technique, the first two parts can be used even with normal qi, though of course if the user possessed sword qi - since this is ultimately a sword technique - the strength of the two techniques will be much better than when used normal qi.

The last one though, requires something called Dragon Qi, which I have never heard of, though I am pretty sure that I can find information about it somewhere in the library.

According to the scroll, the most compatible qi's are sword qi, Gold qi, Earth qi, Metal qi, and Dragon qi. Though you could also use shield qi, since this is ultimately a sword technique, it won't be as much good as the others.

Putting the scroll away, I pull out the sword that I buried in the ground.

The first technique, the dragon dance form, needs to circulate my qi in a certain pattern throughout my body then I need to push that qi into my sword, coating it in qi and then detaching the qi once an attack is connected to it so it can redirect it.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed and pulled my qi as the scroll said. Holding the sword with both hands, I redirected the qi into it, making the sword glow.

Concentrating I tried to manipulate my qi that was inside the sword, making it travel along the edge of the blade. And then the final part, which was to detach the qi coating the sword.

That was a little more difficult than expected. You see, qi is lifeforce, I can manipulate it as long as you have it connected to me, but once I detached it, the qi dispersed to thin air. Which was not the way.

The way the dragon dance form works is by letting your qi "sweep" the incoming attack by detaching your qi and forming a dragon's tail. But without physical contact with me, the qi cannot keep its shape or density and disperses into the air.

I felt annoyance bubbling within me, but it was only a slight one so I extinguished it easily.

Sona Sitri is 4, meaning that Rias is also 4, meaning that I have 13-14 years until canon starts, meaning that not only do I have enough time to prepare, but I can easily disrupt canon by stopping certain events from happening.

Stealing the Excalibur fragments before Kokabiel does.

Stopping the hero faction from forming.

Rescuing valerie tepes, keeping the grail from others' hands.

Stopping the Lucifer guy, Rizveim? I can't remember his name, but I do remember reading somewhere that he was the reason why Trihexa and the Evies came.

Helping Ophis find her silence, ophis is the root cause of a lot of things happening. Keeping her happy, and giving her silence will stop many things from coming to pass.

Oh yeah, stop the assassination of the belial woman, the worthlessness clan trait is too strong and should not be an enemy. Especially considering that the person who will be the enemy is the number one of the rating games.

slash/dog should be recruited, maybe I could even, if it was possible, feed the dog/wolf a devil fruit. Since it is an independent avatar type, it should be able to eat it. Increasing its powers.

Kuroka and The sleeping Leviathan girl should also be helped I guess.

Hmm, what else? I can't remember anything else for now, maybe I will remember something later.

I should tell my mother and her peerage about the future events I know sometime soon so that we could properly take advantage of them.

Most of the events that happened in Cannon could be considered huge political fuck ups, mother could easily use them for her own gain.

Like, maybe, for example, taking advantage of risers defeat to drag the entire phenex family to the ground. Although I doubt it would be significant, riser is the third son, utterly useless except for being married off.

…now I feel bad for the guy. From the way mother described her, the head of the phenex house was a huge dick, greedy and lustful to the extremes. Like he has a harem of 10,000 women.

For comparison, Solomon only had a harem of 1000 women.

Honestly, even though I also want one - who wouldn't want a harem - I would not have a harem that large even if you were to pay me. At most maybe between 10-20, and this is the maximum.

Forget it. I am far too young for this shit, ill think about harems and whatever other bullshit in the future.

With those thoughts out of my mind, I continued practicing the dragon dance form for close to three hours. Although it was unsuccessful and I wasn't able to detach my qi, I…yeah, no I learned nothing, just continued failing.

Her footsteps and the sound of alcohol moving around her gourd alerted me to her presence.

I stopped my practice and turned around to see beidou walking towards me. She gave me an inquisitive look, "Someone has been practicing, from the looks of it, it looks like something new."

I nodded my head since I was a little bit tired due to wasting a lot of qi, I had like 12% left, thus I couldn't even use my demonic power to talk like I do due to how exhausted I was.

"Well, it's okay if you are tired, I was only going to teach you a trick. Kinda difficult, but extremely useful against those with regenerative powers, so take a seat as Madam beidou starts her class."

Sighing loudly, I tapped the ground with my foot, a small earthen chair rose. Taking a seat, I tapped the armrest of the chair with my index finger, transfiguring the material from earth to leather. Another tap and I cast spongify on it, giving the leather chair minor rubber-like properties.

My transfiguration skill has gotten much much better, hell i could even completely turn rocks into gold.

Resting my elbow on the armrest, my cheek resting on my fist. I looked at beidou.

"Show off." beidou mumbled.

"Whew." beidou clapped, releasing a wave of lightning qi that gave me a shock. "Wouldn't want you to sleep." she grinned.

"Anyway, before I tell you the trick, let's see where your knowledge in qi is at." she informed me, "now, tell me everything you know about qi."

I sighed but ultimately complied.

{"Well there are three qi's that I know, normal qi, weapon qi, and elemental qi."}

"Expand on them."

{"Well, let's see…normal qi, is bringing out your lifeforce and enhancing your body with it. It can be achieved by pushing your body or mind

to the limits. Though people normally use the body to achieve it, since if pushed too far a mind cannot recover as the body can."}

{"Then next, there is weapon qi. It is when your qi takes the properties of a weapon. There are countless ways to unlock it, but not every person can unlock it by using the same method."}

{"Then the elemental qi, it is when your qi takes the properties of an element. Like fire, water, lightning, etc…, like weapon qi, elemental qi also has many ways that someone could unlock it"}

"Good. now you know three types of qi. Today I will teach you about the third type, and also about the trick that I mentioned."


"The fourth type of qi, well let me show you first."

Beidou raised her hand, and pressure fell on the surroundings.

A huge purple creature made of qi appeared and started circling her. The creature looked to be the result of fusing a fish with a dragon.

It had the head of a dragon and the body of a fish. It swam in the air circling beidou. "This is the fourth type, it has many names depending on the area, but it is universally called beast qi."

Beast qi? Wait is the beast qi, the qi that is needed for the inversed scale sword technique? It did mention that having dragon qi would increase the power of the technique. So is dragon qi, the beast qi?

"As you can see, beast qi takes the shape of qi." she pointed to the giant dragon fish that was hovering above her.

"Now, unlike the other two, Beast Qi is unique. Beast qi can come from genetics, or can come from understanding, or can come from devouring the life force of one strong monster of several weak monsters."

{"What do you mean genetics and understanding?"}

"Let's say, that there are two humans, human A, and human B. Now imagine that human A has a Dog youkai ancestor, while human B's ancestors were all human." she created two people from lightning.

"Now, human A's beast qi has a greater chance of being a dog or something related to dogs, also human A will have an easier time in unlocking beast qi than human B"


"Human B has no special genetics. So he will have to get in contact with his spirit."

{"Like a spirit animal?"}

"Kinda, but not exactly."


"I'm not too sure myself, but from what I heard, if you don't have any special connection or blessings to something supernatural, your beast qi would be like winning a lottery."

Oh fuck no, did the curse of gacha follow through to another world?

"Anyway, the first method of unlocking your beast qi depends on genetics, the second kind relies on luck, the third method, which is the one I used, kill a strong beast and steal its qi, or you could kill a bunch of weaker beasts and state their qi."

{"wait was that how you unlocked yours?"}

"Yup. haishan over here was an experiment of creating the ultimate lifeform, by mixing hydra, dragon, and leviathan DNA."

{"The actual fuck!"}

"Language! Or at least what I would say if I gave a damn about it. But yes, those were my second when I heard about it."

{"What was the first?"}

"My first thought…" beidou grinned, "was me wondering who was stronger, me or it."

{"Since you have its beast qi, you won. How long did you fight for?"}

"We fought for four days straight until I finally brought it down."

{"So should I be out searching for something strong to kill?"}

"Nah. you are, well kinda special. That was also what I wanted to talk about."

I raised my eyebrow.

"You kid, can follow the first method. You are related to Rex Lapis, AKA the original morax, AKA a literal dragon, so you don't have to try your luck nor do you have to kill someone."

{"But what if did? What if I, were to you know kill a monster, and get its qi."}

"I…don't know. There are less than a thousand people with beast qi, although the last time I checked this number was three decades ago. So it could have increased or decreased."

{"cool. Wait?"}

"Yes." beidou replied as she took a mouthful of her drink.

{"You said that Beast Qi is the next level, but I don't see any similarities between it and weapon and elemental Qi. So can I learn it now?"}

"You don't know? The first three qi's are considered one level, weapon, elemental, and beast. Look at my beast qi and tell me what you see."

I looked at swimming dragon fish(?), A purple monster, with a shell-like covering over its back, fins that reminded me of a turtle, and lightning danced through it like it was a creature born from a storm.

{"It's purple, terrifying, and it has lightning abilities."}

Beidou sighed, though it was no one of disappointment but rather it was the sigh that she did when she forgot something.

"Sorry, sorry. I forgot you did not know of haishan before today. Let me give you context, Haishan did not have any lightning abilities. It used water, wind, and poison."

Then why does yours have…lightning? She said that the first three types of qi, are considered one level, meaning that they should have some kind of connection.

"From the look of your face, you got it. Beast qi, the reason why you gain after unlocking both weapon and elemental qi, is twofold." beidou raised two fingers to indicate.

"One, when acquiring beast qi, if the beast qi is stronger than you, it would devour you. That is why you first unlock your weapon and elemental qi so that you could tame the beast qi."

"Two, the next level of qi, can be achieved when you imbue both elemental and weapon qi to your beast qi." beidou pointed at haishan, "I have completely imbued lightning qi into haishan, turning it purple. Currently I am trying to imbue my sword qi, which is also partial success." the fins of haishan, looked sharper than it should be.

{"I am thankful you told me this and everything, but what does this have to do with the phenex clan and the trick you were to teach me?"}

"Simple, phenex clans ancestor was an actual phoenix, meaning that all members of the Phoenix clans have the possibility of unlocking phoenix qi, the morax clan's ancestor is a dragon, meaning you too have dragon qi, or at least the possibility to unlock it." beidou informed.

"Phoenix and dragons do not get along. Both are very dominant creatures, which is why the rancid phenex wanted Ning in his harem. His phoenix blood wanted to place Ning, who had the blood of a dragon, below him. That is also why Ning wants to destroy him and his house."

"Dragons and phoenixes cannot stay together."

"Though you don't have to worry about it too much, since you have unlocked your qi, you have much more control over your base

impulses, you may get annoyed by their presence but not much."

{"I see. But what was the trick."}

"What is qi?"


"Exactly. Inject a significant amount of qi, and it will disrupt their regeneration."

{"Wait does this work on anyone who can regenerate?"}

"Not everyone. Being such as elementals and spirits can easily control their lifeforce and eliminate any foreign qi inside them."

Hmm. so I gained a method to hurt immortals. Heh.

Although…the part where she explained the reason why the phenex and morax hate each other…why do I feel like the problem is different than the reason that dragons and phoenixes hate each other?

-the end.

Whew. is it me or did this chapter feel a bit long? Anyway, this is the 13th chapter, with this i have written over 35k for this.

The third qi, beast qi, and the next stage, where you combine all your qi into one, was kinda inspired by Childe's narwhale. I was fighting the guy, or rather i was kicking his ass, and he used the giant whale thing and was like BAM! Beast qi!!!

Anyway, ill see you guys in next chapter.

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