
Never ending Maze! - The Backrooms!

Infinite rooms and infinite levels! Finding the exit if it even exists. There have been millions trying to survive in this maze, some become the entities of the maze while others become the Wanderers that can barely survive. Follow Vain as he has clipped through his reality and ends up in this maze! He must fight off horrific monsters and other people to survive in this new reality that seems to care about nothing but trying and kill the people who have entered! The levels range from destroyed cities to strange apocalypse-like scenarios to an endless maze of strange objects like pipes. "Is there even an exit?" "We know of at least a thousand levels that for sure exist. So probably." **This is based on the basic idea of the backrooms levels but I will not follow it strictly. **

ObsidianWolf · Sci-fi
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114 Chs

Escape to Level 15

Vain knew he would be attacked as soon as they realized he had killed the other member they had left to watch over the house. Vain quickly took out the last of his Firesalt crystals and got ready while watching both the window and the front door.

Vain go ready and soon saw the door move. Vain on the other hand simply threw the Crystal without even getting to know what would come out of the door. The dust flew up with several leaves from outside flying around the room. Vain could only squint and stare at the door as the wind calmed down.

Vain stood still watching everything with another Crystal in hand. Nearly ten minutes passed when the door moved slightly again. Vain on the other hand felt that the last Crystal had not hit them hard and waited so that the door opened enough to let the entities feel the full blast.