
Life is a tragic comedy!

Once more I woke up terrified, its kind of becoming a habit now. The clock showing 8:30. "holy sh*t" I said to myself, now I am gonna have a rush to be on time at office.

The next thing I know is me in the shower, hot water running down my body,I could've stood there for like hours but I can't, that's the reality i hate to accept. I slid into my blue shirt and black pants and put on my tie, I think i look pretty dashing in this outfit. "No time to look at your beautiful face Peter, you got work to do, boring bosses to please and a buttload of swears to hear" I got out of my home and into my car. I drove through the usual traffic and made it to my office, "I'm late" Mrs lawrey is going to kill me its the third time this week. Just as i expected that fatso is standing right next to my desk.

"Oh Mr. Peter you are too early, may i get you a coffee sir?", she told in the most pleasantly sarcastic manner."If youu repeat this Peter I can assure you its going to be end of you" she warned me.

And you could tell that wasn't a joke.

I got into my cabin, turned on my computer and at the wink of an eye its lunch time. Wow time does fly when you're working, After putting my system on sleep I got out of the building to take a quick puff. "Whoa!!" I exclaimed to myself "that's what you call a relief!"

Suddenly, I heard tires screeching and metal banging, even before I turned I knew something terrible has happened, A car lying overturned, I don't know what got over me I just ran to the vehicle, there was someone at the driver's seat, a lady, i just yanked her out. Suddely a chill went up my spine, "Emily" I couldn't think of anything else I wanted to take her to the hospital, My mind was going more and more blank as the moments passed by...