
Neurolink System in the Modern World

[System Activate : Neuro link] [Warning : Extreme Explicit Mission] [Accept Mission (Yes) (No) ] [Mission Reward : Mind Break Unlock ] [Mission Penalty : Erectile dysfunction]

InnocentFox · Urban
Not enough ratings
537 Chs


"What is he doing here?" I muttered to myself as I noticed a guy with wavy brown hair and black eyes.

Normally, I wouldn't have recognized this guy, but he had been in the headlines in Korea for a couple of months due to a scandal.

This person was none other than Ije Hajoon, a former taekkyon champion in Korea. 

He had been on his way of turning into an international fighter and entering ONE, the top Asian MMA league. However, his career had taken a tragic turn when he accidentally killed his opponent during a fight. 

Adding to his downfall, he had also tested positive for using steroids and performance-enhancing drugs. His name had become synonymous with controversy in the Korean sports scene. 

But despite all the controversies surrounding him, it was widely agreed on the internet that he possessed some real skill. He had managed to elevate Taekkyon to a new level.