

David looked at the computer screen and more and more tears began rolling down his eyes.

'I have to end this right now.' He thought and opened the zip of his pants and took out his small and thin penis.

He then started stroking it as he kept looking at Rebecca getting pounded on the screen.

"Aahaha... Look at your pathetic husband, he even started to stroke his penis," Rick said and showed Rebecca the screen.

Rebecca on the other hand was already lost in pleasure and could hardly comprehend what was happening in front of her.

Her tongue was already hanging out and her eyes were rolled back, she couldn't stop her hips from moving as the pleasure she was feeling was already too great.

"Master.... Ahh... You are so amazing, nothing compared to my pathetic husband." Rebecca moaned as her face turned red in ecstasy.

"Rebecca stop please..." David continued to stroke his dick faster and faster and soon enough he was on edge.

"David, do it quickly, I can't bear this anymore... Ahh..." Rebecca's whole body started shaking as goosebumps rose on her body.

Saliva dripped down her mouth as she continued to pound her ass on Rick's lap. "Darling cum quickly, we can keep this relationship if you cum first," Rebecca said again while moaning.

Rick laughed at this and held both of her hands and then started thrusting even harder.

"Hahaha... David, you may be able to win..." Rick looked at the camera.

David on the other hand increased the pace of his stroking and a warm feeling soon moved through his body, he knew that he was about to cum.

However before he could release his fluids, he heard a loud moan and then his eyes landed on the screen.

"Rebecca..." He murmured as his eyes stayed wide and cum slowly dripped out of his penis.

In front of him, Rebecca was lying on the bed with her legs spread apart and the bedsheets below her were already wet and she was still squinting as her body twitched.

Rick's thick cum was also dripping out of her pussy as she lay there with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Hahaha... Looks like you lost." Rick came in front of the camera with a mocking smile on his face.

"Rick, please..." David begged as he sat there with a lost expression.

"Hehehe... Just tell me how many kids you want." Rick said and then moved towards Rebecca.

He then looked at the camera again. "You know what, since you lost, I am considering throwing you out of the company." He said as he grabbed Rebecca's leg.

"No, please, I need this job or I will lose everything, I have to take care of my sick father too," David said as he banged his head down on the table.

Rick looked at him and laughed. "There is one way if you want to keep your job," Rick said and his penis erected again, there was a mocking smile on his face.

"I will do everything," David begged.

Rick laughed and then inserted his penis deep inside Rebecca's vagina.

"Don't touch her ever again. You can take care of the kids I will give her, however, her pussy is now my cumdump." Rick looked at the screen and started hammering his penis inside Rebecca's vagina.

Rebecca on the other hand was so lost in pleasure that she couldn't hear what was happening, her tongue was hanging out as she started to moan loudly.

David listened to him and a hollow feeling moved through his chest, he loved Rebecca and couldn't imagine her to belong to someone else.

Clenching his fist he looked down as tears continued to fall on his lap. "OK, boss I will never touch her again, but please don't take my job away." David finally said as he looked at the screen.

"Hahaha... You are a good guy!" Rick laughed out loud and switched off the video call.

After the call ended. David stared at the screen, soulless, as tears continued to fall from his eyes.

After an hour of continued crying, he finally regained some of his senses and then looked down.

After cleaning all the mess up he stood up from his table, took his bag and moved out of the company building.

'Should I go to my house, or should I stay in a hotel? Rick might still be there with Rebecca.' David thought and felt pain in his chest when he imagined Rebecca with Rick.

'I should stay in a hotel tonight.' He thought and started walking through the company parking with his hands hanging low.


And just as he was about to enter his car a sweet voice came from behind him. David turned around and looked for the source of the voice.

"Stacy, what are you doing here at this time?" David asked as he looked at Stacy, his eyes still hollow and his posture still slouched.

Stacy was his coworker and although they were familiar they talked to each other very less.

"I should ask you this question." Stacy came forward and looked at David's condition. "What are you doing here on New Year's Eve? And if I remember correctly today is also your first anniversary, you should be with Rebecca, celebrating." She said in a worried tone.

David listened to her and looked at her, she was a curvy and beautiful girl and many people were after her in the office, even Rick had tried and failed his luck to get her.

She had black hair and deep black eyes, her boobs were ample and so was her ass. She had both seductive and elegant features to her.

David liked her however he never looked at her, he knew that he would never be able to get her as even Rick and many handsome men failed to do so.

And after getting together with Rebecca he started ignoring her completely, not giving her any sort of attention.

He never spoke to her other than about his work stuff. Now that he remembers it he feels even more pain, for Rebecca he even stopped talking with any of the girls while she continued to talk with all the guys in the office.

David clenched his fist and looked away from her, tears almost formed in his eyes again.

"It's just, that Rebecca has gone to her mother and I had some work left in the office, so we decided to celebrate our anniversary after New Year's Eve." David lied.

Stacy looked at him and then at his eyes, she could see slight tears in them.

"Are you done with your work now?" She asked.

"Yes, I was going back to my house," David said as he controlled his emotions.

Stacy listened to him and sighed, she could tell that there was something wrong with him.

"You know I am free today too, so if you wanna grab some drinks?" She asked as she looked into his eyes.

David listened to her and also looked into her eyes. After thinking for some moment, he nodded. He didn't wanna go home and witness his wife with Rick, and he also needed some drinks.

"Sure." He said.

Stacy smiled at his agreement and then moved closer to him, she grabbed one of his hands and started moving towards her car.

When David felt her soft hands on his, a tingle moved through his body, he never thought that the cold beauty of their office would ever hold his hand and pull him towards her car.

"Let's go." She made him sit in the passenger seat of her car and then she sat in the driver seat.

And soon enough she started her car and moved on the road.

"Where are we going?" David asked suddenly after they travelled for fifteen minutes.

Stacy looked at him and smiled. "To my apartment, I have a lot of booze stored for today." She said and pressed the accelerator even more.

David listened to her words and was even more surprised, he felt like he was dreaming, just an hour ago he had felt the most dread he had ever felt and now the most beautiful lady from their office was taking him to her apartment.

'She is just taking me to have some drinks. She must have pitied me after looking at my condition.' David thought and calmed his raging mind.

He knew that he was an ugly-looking guy and although his position in the company was greater than Stacy's, she had even rejected Rick before who was the CEO of their company.

After about fifteen minutes her car finally stopped in front of a large apartment building and then she parked her car in the parking.

"Let's go." She stepped out of the car and looked at David with an excited expression, she wanted to elevate his mood.

David when saw her excitement finally smiled slightly and moved out of the car.

"My apartment is on the tenth floor." She said and held his hand again. And soon enough both of them entered her apartment.