
Love Me?

"Please don't judge me, I forgot to clean up my room," Stacy said as they moved inside her room.

"No worries, it's pretty clean, to be honest." David smiled politely as he looked around her room.

The whole room was neatly arranged and minimal, suiting her cold nature in the office, there was a large bed in the middle and a sofa in the corner.

There was an attached kitchen and bathroom, the walls were painted jet-bluish in colour with big windows that were draped fully, not letting any light come from outside.

The only light source in the room was a dim LED roof light, that gave the whole room an eerie calm.

"You can sit on the bed, while I microwave some pizza for you," Stacy said with a shameful expression.

She never thought that she would bring David with her so she was not prepared in advance, the only things she had were alcohol and pizzas.

"Should I help you?" David asked he placed his bag on the table in front of the sofa and looked at her with a smile on his face.

Stacy listened to him and turned silent for a second and then a smile formed on her face. "You are such a good person David." She said and moved towards her kitchen. "Just wait, I will prepare everything." She disappeared into the kitchen.

David saw her leaving and a sigh left his mouth. 'She is a nice lady, contrary to what people believe.' He thought and sat down on the bed as he looked around the room. 'She definitely pitied me.' Another thought moved through his mind and a sad expression appeared on his face.

'Only if I was awakened then I wouldn't have to witness such shame!' He clenched his fist and thought about Rebecca and how she was moaning loudly with Rick.

'She never acted like that when I was with her.' More and more dread started filling his brain. 'I wonder if they are still fucking?' A hollow feeling moved through his chest when he thought about what must be happening in his house.

As he was lost in his thoughts he suddenly felt a gentle touch on his clenched fist and then he broke out of his stupor.


He looked ahead and saw Stacy in front of him, she had a worried expression on her face and one of her hands was resting on his fist.

"Are you troubled by something? You can tell me." She said.

When he saw her worried expression, he relaxed a bit and forced a smile on his face. 'I don't want her to feel more pity for me. I can't put my problems on other people.'

"No, it's nothing." He said and moved his gaze away from her face and saw a bottle of whisky on the table with some pizza boxes and glasses.

Stacy listened to him and took in a deep breath. Turning silent she moved and sat on the sofa. "Come sit here." She said while patting the empty seat beside her.

David saw the empty seat and gulped his saliva. 'She is telling me to sit beside her?' A small blush formed on his face. 'Is she interested in me?' He thought.

However, suddenly the image of his wife moaning loudly under Rick appeared in his mind and he shook all the thoughts from his mind.

'No that can't be the case. No one would ever be interested in someone as ugly as me. She must be feeling bad for me and trying to lift my mood.' He thought and stood up.

A polite smile appeared on his face and he moved and sat in front of her, instead of the seat beside her.

Stacy looked at him sitting in front of her and her smile disappeared. She sighed and then picked up the bottle of whisky and then started pouring it into both glasses.

"There has been an increase in workload since our company has acquired the Farvas Portal," Stacy said as she sipped on the whisky.

"Yes, that's the reason I was working overnight today." David lied while he also started sipping on the whisky slowly.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Stacy said suddenly as she looked at David with a serious expression.

When David saw her expression he gulped his saliva and nodded subconsciously.

"Yes." He said.

"You promise to not tell anyone?" Stacy said and took in a deep breath.

David turned silent at her words and after some time nodded. "I promise to not tell anyone." He said.

Stacy smiled seeing the assurance on his face. "You are the best guy in our office. I admire your good attitude, not many people are left in this world like you." She said and laid back on the sofa as she emptied her glass in a single gulp.

David smiled at her words and a blush formed on his face. "Thank you so much." He nodded, he was feeling happy that someone appreciated his attitude.

"No need to be humble, you deserve to be praised." Stacy filled her and his glass again.

"Thanks." David's smile widened. "Is this the good news?" A confused expression appeared on his face and he also gulped the next glass down.

"No." Stacy chuckled and took down another shot. "I need to be a bit tipsy to tell you the secret." She took another shot.

"You don't need to if you are not comfortable," David said with an apologetic expression. He didn't wanna trouble Stacy for her kindness.

He could tell that she wanted to elevate his mood.

Stacy laughed again and stood up from her seat, her face turned red as alcohol started to kick in.

"I am a weak drinker." She murmured and sat beside him.

David's heart started to beat faster when he felt her presence beside him, he could smell the fragrance of her perfume mixed with the smell of alcohol.

"You are such a good guy, Rebecca is so lucky, I am jealous of her," Stacy said as she pressed her chest on his shoulder.

An awkward smile formed on his face when David felt her soft boobs pressing against his hand. 'She is already drunk.' He thought and tried to move away from her, he didn't want any misunderstandings to occur between them.

"Where are you going?" Stacy grabbed his hand and pressed it hard against her chest.

"Nowhere..." David said nervously as sweat began forming on his forehead.

"It's the whisky not good? This was the most expensive one I have." She said as she looked at the bottle on the table.

"No, it's good," David said and poured some into his glass and then emptied it in a single go.

"Ahh..." David placed the glass on the table again and his face also started turning red as alcohol finally hit his bloodstream.

Stacy looked at his face and a wide smile formed on her face, she moved her head near his ear and giggled.

"You are so cute." She said and landed a kiss on his face.

David's eyes suddenly widened when he felt her kiss, his heart skipped a beat and he quickly stood up from his seat.

"You are drunk." He said and moved away from her.

Stacy saw him moving away and a dissatisfied expression appeared on her face. She also stood up and moved towards him as her steps stumbled.

"Aa..." She slipped and began to fall. However before she could fall, David caught her and then both of them landed on the bed in each other's embrace.

David was lying on his back while Stacy was on his chest, her boobs pressing against him.

Their eyes finally met and silence suddenly covered the whole room. Stacy started looking deep into his eyes with a mesmerised expression on her face.

'She is extremely drunk, I have to stop this before it gets out of hand.' David thought and looked away from her eyes.

Stacy raised her nose in annoyance and grabbed his chin, she then moved his chin in front again and looked back into his eyes.

"Do I look ugly?" She asked suddenly, annoyance clearly visible in her eyes.

David's eyes widened at her question, for some reason he couldn't control his heart as it started beating rapidly.

"No, you are beautiful..." David said with a worried expression, he didn't want to offend her.

"Then why are you not interested in me? I am giving you such clear signs. I love you." She said and a deep blush appeared on her face.

"You... You... Love me?" David looked at her with his eyes wide. He couldn't believe his own ears. To think that the cold beauty of their office was in love with him.

"Yes stupid! I love you. I fell in love with you because you are not like the other creeps. You are such a gentlemen I always wanted a man like you." She said again as she started caressing his face with her fingers.

"Why?" David asked in a choked voice, he couldn't believe that a girl like Stacy would love someone as ugly as him.

"I already told you! Hmph! How many times do I have to repeat myself?"