
The Man Clothed in Black

Anzu blinked her eyes open as the blinding white lights shifted on. The shock in color sent a sharp jabbing pain through her skull. She turned over in bed and tried to drown out the light with her white comforter. It didn't help. After five useless minutes of dozing, she ripped herself up off of her bed, the cold sleep leaving her eyes all too slowly. She looked down at her white scratchy clothes. Everything. Everything white. Her skin, her lips, even the tips of her hair. Her roots. The black at the top of her head. The only black thing in the disgustingly barren room. Her roots the only thing keeping her sane. And her eye. However, she never saw this. It was covered up by a white bandage. Like a wound. A mistake.

She lifted herself up off of her shaky legs and sat at her white, barren table. There should be food soon. Something bland like always. It wasn't like she was going to eat it anyway. She simply started at the ceiling. Silently judging it. She heard the door click open and the sound of a worker enter. She didn't even bother to turn. A plate of plain toast was rested in front of her. As well as a glass of water. What time was it? She didn't even remember falling asleep last night. It was like in this white room- no, prison cell. All sense of time was lost. Each day faded into the next, each as meaningless as the next. All for what? A stupid mistake. An uncontrollable mistake. A regret she couldn't take back. An embarrassing mistake that was covered up with the simplest answer. Simply remove the factor of the issue and cover it up. So here she was. An animal chained up in a cell.

"Why don't you try eating?" The friendly woman asked. She snickered at the thought. Friendly. More like sickeningly fake. She was so sick of this stupid game of pretend. Don't anger the animal. Keep her happy. We wouldn't want her making another mistake. Be nice to the animal. She simply rose off her chair and walked back to her bed. The woman let out an exasperated sigh.

"The tutor will be here in thirty minutes. Look presentable." She said, her voice devoid of emotion. Tutoring? What for. It wasn't like she was ever going to leave her cell. Animals are meant to be caged. Who knows what will happen if you let it out. The woman exited the room leaving Anzu festering in her anger. Was she truly in the wrong? Was it her? Was she so bad for wanting to see the sunlight. And grass. She swallowed the thought deep down. Hugged her knees close. Tighter and tighter until she could feel the thoughts being squeezed out of her. From there she rested her eyes. And accidentally let the cold embrace of sleep envelope her.

She awoke to the sound of someone approaching down the hall.. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end as there was a knock at the door. Shit! I'm not ready! She though her mind growing frantic.

"Uh... One moment!" She called shoving on a white shirt as quickly as possible. Tripping all the way as she struggled to put on the white jeans that were barely her size. Anzu combed through her wavy hair with her fingers. When she finally got to the door and swung it open, shock overcame her. This... wasn't the tutor. Her mind swam as she looked as a man with shoulder length black hair. He wasn't cleanly shaven, and had an oddly shaped scar under his eye. A white, bandage-like scarf was wrapped around his neck. She took several steps back. He was wearing... so much color. His skin was slightly tanned, his hair was jet black and he wore a black shirt and pants. He stood out. So... much. Her eyes nearly hurt and she fought her gaping mouth. She had no idea what to think. Who... was he? And why was he here?

"Good morning. My name is Shota Aizawa. You're Anzu I assume?" He asked with an incredibly dull tone. Her heart was racing.

"Y-yes" She said, barely audible. He stepped farther into the room and motioned for her to sit down. She couldn't stop her hands from shaking. He looked almost all black in the bleach white room. He stood out... more than her.

"I've been made aware of your current situation. The U.A. association feels that your situation is... inhumane. Because of this it's been decided that your quirk could be a great ally to the hero field." Her glanced directly into her eyes, burning them with the intensity

"As long as it's kept under control." He said, his tone low. She could tell by his voice. He wanted nothing to do with her. Extra work? She assumed.

"So you have an option. You can stay here for the rest of your life. Or you can transfer into my class. The choice is yours. But take into account you very well might not get this chance again. Think it o-" She cut him short.

"I'll take it!" She said jumping from her chair. Her heart was beating so loud she feared he could hear it. Anything. Anything to get out of this hell-hole. Anything to be free. She'd take down every villain in the country if it meant she could be free.

"You're sure?" He asked, disbelief painted flatly on his face. He was searching for something in her eyes but seemed not to find it.

"I'll do anything. Just get me out of here" She pleaded. He sat there a moment longer. Looking at her, her surroundings. Deciding.

"Fine then. Collect your things. You leave tomorrow." He said rising from his seat with a heave. He looked strangely exhausted. She smiled sadly.

"I don't have anything to collect." She said staring directly at him. His eyes shifted. And she saw something. was it... sympathy? She felt a slow rise of anger. She hated sympathy. That was the last thing she wanted. A disgusted feeling over took her. She wasn't shocked though. Caged animals usually do get sympathy. But no one ever has the guts to stop and do something. That was... until now. She almost couldn't believe it. She assumed she was probably supposed to cry at a moment like this. But she almost didn't know how. The thought of seeing sunlight again. Breathing fresh air, drinking something other than water, seeing color. For the first time in ten years. The over whelming emotions left her dumbfounded. What was she even supposed to say? Freedom was at her finger tips.


Anzu woke up long before the lights. She yanked on her white jeans and shirt and for the first time in at least a year, she was excited. Butterflies buzzed around in her stomach and she had a constant lump in her throat. She laced up her shoes and ate last night's untouched meal. She wrote a final entrance in her diary. Spat at the dull white walls that she could finally leave behind. Minutes felt like hours, but hours went by so quickly. Everything had changed now. She was happy. She was scared, but excited. She felt something. Something other that remorse. When she did all that she could she lay down smack in the center of the floor. And she waited. And she waited. And with every moment the anticipation grew stronger until finally, when the door opened, she was up of her feet immediately.

"Anzu? Come with me please." Asked one of the women that commonly tended to her. Not anymore though. For the first time she would travel the hall. Go up the stairs, be on the ground level. Feel sunlight. She continued up the dark corridor. And suddenly he began to spot more colors. Red brick. Green plant. Blue book. Until she broke through the surface. like she had been trapped under water in some strange reality. She gasped as sunlight began seeping into the room. It was breathtaking. There she spotted the man clothed in black again. And she followed him out the door. Onto the warm sidewalk, past trees with brown and red leaves. Like a dream everything passed by so quickly. She felt as if she wasn't even in her own body. She was watching someone else, travel this path. The sky, so much more blue than she remembered. Would this be an appropriate time to cry? She still didn't know. She got into a long black vehicle. She hadn't been in a car in ten years. It was bumpier that she remembered. The man clothed in black didn't saw anything. Simply stared out the window. Watching the autumn trees go by in a blur. This was it. The point of no return. This was the smell of freedom. She had never been more sure of anything in her life.

Hey readers! I'm going to be leaving small author's notes at the end of every chapter. I'm really excited for this story to come to life and I really hope you all enjoy it. I apologize for this chapter being so short. I honestly would've made it longer but honestly I personally dislike when authors take forever explaining their OC so I decided I would add character development slowly through the chapters. Especially because we both know you didn't come here for the OC, you came here for Bakugou and I hope to bring that by the second or third chapter so please hang tight. Once again sorry for this chapter being so short!

-Melancholic Writer

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