
Sacrifices Carved in Destiny

Lee Pov

The sound of Sams light growls woke me up, I opened my eyes seeing Troy walking over to the bunk. Sam's growls got slightly louder as Troy raised his foot about to kick Clem awake.

Lee: You wanna lose that foot? I suggest you not do that

I warned causing him to look down at me. Clem woke up at the sound of my voice and sat up to calm Sam's growling. 

Troy: Just get the fuck up. Bills gonna have a word. And keep that damn dog contained, he growls at me again, and I'll shoot em.

He warned. 

I slipped from under the bed and stood staring at Troy, as Clem calmed Sam, rubbing his ears. I had something special in store for this Troy guy. I hoped I'd run into him while escaping this place. 

Once Sam was calm, Clem got up from the bed glaring at Troy as he pointed with his gun for us to join the others. 

As we joined the group, Carver walked in and began to speak after looking around. 

Carver: There's been increased walker activity along the fence, so be mindful when outside the walls. The herd's moved a little closer as of this morning, but that still doesn't necessarily mean we'll be hit.

He explained. 

Rebecca: Where's Alvin?

Rebecca questioned.

Carver: Don't you worry about that. I've already got him taking care of something.

He replied before continuing with his speech.

As he continued to talk, I heard Sarah speak to Clem asking how she slept. I noticed the way Carver looked at her and made my way over to them.

Sarah: I was so tired, I didn't even realize it. 

Sarah went on before I placed my hand on her shoulder causing her to look up at me.

Removing my hand from her shoulder I placed my finger over my lips and motioned for her to pay attention. Carver was an evil man, and I didn't want to see him put his hands on Sarah like he did Clem on the way here. 

Carver noticed my action and smirked as he continued to talk. Sarah stayed silent the rest of Carvers speech untill he was done. 

Carver: You.. what's your name?

He said pointing to me. 

Clem turned looking at me slightly afraid but I held a straight face and responded truthfully.

Lee: I'm Lee

Carver nodded with a smile.

Carver: Thanks for getting her in line. If she'd continued to talk while I was talking, she would have definitely been punished for it. What did you do before the apocalypse?

He questioned after thanking me. 

Lee: I was a professor at UGA in Athens Georgia.

I answered causing him to raise an eyebrow. 

Carver: We might be able to use you later on. We can set up classes for the kids.

He suggested. I stared at him with a blank expression. He was out of his mind if he thought I was actually staying here. 

After Carver was done talking he sent everyone off to do their assigned jobs.

Lee: Come on, Clem. Let's just get this over with.

I said. 

As we were about to leave, the same woman we saw with Troy when we first got here, walked up to us.

Women: You're working in the armory, follow me.

She said motioning for Clem to follow her. 

Lee: Clem. 

I called out causing her to turn to me. I motioned with my fingers to my eyes telling Clem to pay attention. She understood and nodded before following the woman away. 

As I walked out of the room, Troy stopped me and he didn't look happy.

Troy: Carver wants to see you in his office. Now.

He said pointing his gun at me. 

Lee: I don't need you to point that thing at me, everytime you want me to walk. I know how to fucking walk. 

I said glaring at him as I walked ahead of him towards where Carvers office was. 

I walked up the stairs leading to his office and knocked on the door even though it was already opened.

Carver: Ah, Lee. It's good to see you made it.

He smiled at me. 

Lee: Why am I here?

I questioned causing him to chuckle. 

Carver: You're a tough man. I can see that. I can see the fight in your eyes. Even while missing an arm, you stand tall like a boss should. I like that. I can use someone like you in my group.

He said. 

Lee: I do what I have to do, to protect my girl, Clem.

I replied still not getting what he needed me in his office for. 

Carver: Clementine? She's your daughter?

He questioned. 

Lee: You can say that. She's been with me since it all started. I taught her how to protect herself, And I took care of her all this time I had help along the way, but it's always been me and her till this day.

I said looking him in the eyes when I spoke. I wanted him to know that he didn't intimidate me, like he did everyone else. 

Carver: And you did a good job. She's a tough one. Never met someone as young as her with so much power. She's interesting to say the least.

He smiled. 

Lee: Just get to the point. I'm not in the mood for conversation. Why am I here.

I pushed causing him to chuckle again. 

Carver: I called for you, because I want you to know, that I'm not an evil man. 

He stated causing me to scoff. 

Lee: Shit, you could have fooled me. You don't see anything you did as Evil?

I questioned raising an eyebrow. 

Carver: You would do anything to protect Clementine, Right?

He asked crossing his arms. 

Maniplation just like Yhwach Told us to be aware of.

Lee: I lost my arm protecting her. I'd give my last breath to make sure she's always safe. 

I replied. 

Carver: I feel the same way about Rebecca and our baby.

He said causing Alvin's face to pop into my mind. 

Lee: And if it turns out to be Alvin's?

I questioned. 

Carver: It'll still be mine. I would just have to get rid of Alvin.

He shrugged. 

I chuckled not believing the words he was speaking.

Lee: Someone who's not Evil, wouldn't take a child away from their true parent. You tell yourself you aren't Evil, but deep down you know you are.

I shook my head standing up. 

Lee: Where is Alvin, Anyway?

I questioned looking around. 

Carver: He's... Preoccupied at the moment. Don't worry, he's not dead.

Carver chuckled. 

Lee: I'm not interested in becoming a prisoner of your group. Since we've gotten here, we've been treated like dogs. Troy is constantly speaking to us as if we're less than. Now I was a professor, so I can be cordial, but if that guy speaks to my girl disrespectfully again....

I sighed pausing for a second. 

Lee: If you're going to kill me, do it now, otherwise I would like to go back to work, Because I'll never join you.

I said. 

I knew it was probably stupid, but it would have been even dumber to agree to his deal. Carver laughed shaking his head.

Carver: I'm not going to kill you. I know you'll come around once you get a taste of this life. Don't worry about Troy... I'll talk to him.

Carver: You can go back to work now, but make no mistake, this won't be our last conversation.

 He said as I walked out of the room. Carver could try an convince me for the rest of my time here, but there's no way I was going to join his side after everything I watched him do. 

Clementine Pov:

10 Minutes Earlier.

The lady named Tavia dropped me off to the Armory, Where Bonnie was waiting for me.

Bonnie: Hey... I guess you're starting your day off with me.

She said motioning for me to take a seat. 

Bonnie: We're Loading Magazines.

She explained. 

I quietly began to load the magazines, not wanting to talk to her. She watched me with a smile before nodding. 

Bonnie: That's right, you got it.

She praised causing me to look at her with a blank face. 

Going back to loading the magazines, I was glad when the room fell quiet for a second.

Bonnie: I... suppose I owe you an apology. I wasn't truthful when I came across y'all at the lodge, And I was shown a kindness I never would've expected from a group of strangers. But... Now folks are dead and I can't help but feel that I'm to blame. But the plan was for no one to get hurt, I truly believe that was their intentions. At least it was mine, going in.

She went on talking as I ignored her, silently loading the magazines. 

She sighed.

Bonnie: I know you're mad at me, and you've got every right to be. But I wanted you to know, I regret my part in all this. I apologize which don't account for much anyway, but.. it's all got for now. 

Still, even with how sad she looked, I kept a straight face ignoring every word that came out of her mouth.

Bonnie: How was your first night in the yard? I know it ain't so comfortable, But.. it's safe.which is more than I can say about a lot of places out there. .... I was supposed to go... When Luke and Carlos and all them left, I was plannin' on leavin' too... When Luke approached me about it I ... I thought he was crazy. 

Bonnie :I mean, we're safe here, we got power, we got food and bill he.... Well he wasn't always like this. I justified not going by tellin' myself it's easier to try and change something that's broken than start all over.

After a while of her talking I started to tune her out. I wondered what Lee was up too.

Suddenly Bonnie's Walkie Talkie went off causing me to jump. I still had PTSD from what happened in Savannah even Now the sound of a walkie talkie going off gives me Anxiety. 

Tavia: Hey Bonnie? Is that girl still down there with you? I need to come get her.

Tavia's voice crackled through. 

Bonnie picked it up not even noticing my reaction as she answered.

Bonnie: Yeah, she's here.

Tavia: Okay, I'll be right over. 

She said before the walkie talkie cut out. I sighed not knowing what Tavia could have possibly wanted this soon. 

Bonnie: I'm sure it's fine.

Bonnie said standing up.

Bonnie: Oh.. almost forgot, I grabbed this for ya.

I watched silently as she walked away coming back with a rainbow jacket, handing it to me and watching me put it on.

I looked down at the ugly jacket and then back up at her. 

Bonnie: Well, what do you think? I found it at the lodge y'all were in.

She smiled.

Clementine: It's ugly.

I stated nonchalantly. 

Bonnie's smile dropped at my words.

Bonnie: Really?... I thought it was kinda cute. Well this ain't a fashion show, it'll keep you warm.

She sighed.


I rolled my eyes as she joked that people would be jealous of the " Cool Jacket" . Yeah right.

Tavia walked in, her eyes immediately landing on me.

Tavia: Oh there you are, what's with the ugly jacket?

She raised an eyebrow as she walked towards me. 

Bonnie: Tavia!

Bonnie said in a warning tone. 

Tavia: What??

Bonnie sighed. 

Bonnie: Nevermind. I'll see you later Clementine.

She said turning back to me. 

Clementine: Whatever.

I mumbled following Tavia out of the Armory. On the way to our destination, I spotted Lee walking from around a corner. He saw me at the same time and made his way towards us. 

Lee: You okay, Clem?

He asked once he was close to me. 

Clementine: Of course I am.

I smiled.

Tavia: Alright that's enough of that. I was just about to come find you. Follow me 

Tavia rolled her eyes before stating.

Lee smiled at me and we followed Tavia onto a roof and into a small green house where Sarah was already waiting.

Tavia: Stay in here for a minute, I'm gonna radio down and find out what y'all are doing. Don't touch anything.

Tavia said, walking out and leaving us alone. 

Sarah: Hey Clem! I'm so glad we get to work together. What do you think their gonna have us do? 

Sarah immediately asked once we were alone.

I looked around and shrugged.

Clementine: Don't know, looks like maybe some gardening stuff.

I responded. 

Sarah: I'm not good at gardening, what if I mess up?

She asked, a look of fear washing over her face. 

Lee: Don't worry Sarah. I'll be here to help you. I'm sure it won't be that hard.

Lee spoke up causing the fear to fade from her eyes. 

Sarah: Thanks Lee. 

She smiled. 

Suddenly the door opened and Reggie walked in turning to look behind him. Tavia stood at the door holding it opened. 

Tavia: Don't mess this up

she said with a serious look on her face.

Reggie: Yeah. I get it. 

He replied. Tavia looked over at us before speaking again. 

Tavia: Reggie's in charge here, okay? Listen to him carefully.

Reggie: Yep, No problem, Tavia.

Reggie replied before she walked out once again leaving us alone, this time with Reggie. 

Reggie: Okay, we gotta do a good job guys. The camp is counting on us.

Reggie said as soon as Tavia left. 

Reggie: What we're doing is super easy. So we're picking these berries, right? Just pick them and put them in the basket, Simple.

He said. 

Reggie: While your at it, take those shears and if you see any dead branches, Take those shears and cut them off, and stack them neatly for composting. Got it.

He asked. 

Lee: Yeah, we got it. You worry about your group. Since that's all you care about anyway, I'll help the girls.

Lee replied. 

Reggie sighed.

Reggie: Listen, Lee. I don't really know you that well, but maybe we will get to know each other better in the future, then you'll see I really am a good friend.

He said.

Lee: I'd rather not. You'd rat me out if it meant keeping your spot in the group. Your "friends" don't want to be here. Carver is forcing them here just because he thinks Rebecca's baby is his. He doesn't even care if it's not.

Lee: He told me himself if the baby is Alvin's, he'll just have to get rid of Alvin and the baby will still be his. He's willing to ruin someone's life just to make his own better. How much longer till he comes after you?

Lee said causing Reggie's eyes to go wide. 

Reggie: That's not... Carver wouldn't... He cares about his group, he gave me a second chance.

He stammered staring at Lee. 

Lee: Yeah, to use you as a pawn. He wanted you here if he found them, so when he brought them back, you could help convince them to just give up. There's no way you didn't notice this.

Lee explained. 

Reggie went silent for a second.

Reggie: Just... Just get back to work.

He said turning away as if he was in a trance. 

I really hoped at that moment that Lee had gotten through to Reggie. 

Sarah: Did Carver really say those things?

Sarah questioned as we walked towards the tables. 

Lee: He did. But don't worry, we aren't going to be here much longer.

Lee replied as I looked around noticing there were 3 tables.

Clementine: Lee.. there are three tables.

I told him causing him to look around. 

Lee: Okay, You work with Sarah. I'll handle the last two. 

He suggested and we set off to work. Sarah did pretty good and she was growing more confident too. 

She'll be able to protect herself in no time. As Sarah and I finished up our table, I noticed Lee was on the last table and it looked like he was almost done too. 

Suddenly we heard the door outside opening. We turned to see Carver through the window, approaching the Green House. 

Reggie turned away from what he was doing and his eyes widened. He looked around and sighed with relief once he saw we were all just about done. 

Carver walked inside and smiled.

Carver: Just checking in... See how Lee and the girls are working out.

He said glancing over at me and Sarah taking in our soon to be finished work. 

He nodded slightly before looking over to see Lee just finishing up his table.

Carver: Good work in here guys. Keep up the good work Reggie, you'll be back with the group in no time.

He nodded before leaving. 

Reggie sighed turning to look at us. 

Reggie: Thank you so much. You won't regret this.

Reggie thanked us after Carver left. 

Lee: Yeah let's hope I don't. If you ever put those two in danger..

Lee started pointing over at Sarah and I.

Lee: I'll kill you myself. Understood?

He said and Reggie nodded. 

10 minutes later 

Lee Pov:

After we were finished in the green house, we met up with Bonnie who told us to take some supplies to Kenny and Mike who were working at the expansion.

As Clem and I walked inside the expansion, Kenny and Mike were tussling up against one of the boarded up windows. 

Kenny: I ain't nobody's Laborer. Fuck that! Let them do this shit themselves if it's so goddamn important.

Kenny argued holding Mike by his neck with his arm. 

Mike: Get your fucking hands off me , man !

Mike yelled trying to push him away, but Kenny wasn't going for it. 

Kenny: You ain't gonna force me to do this bullshit.

Kenny shot back pushing harder into Mikes neck. 

Lee: Yo! Chill the fuck out!

I yelled to both of them snatching Kenny away from Mike who fell into the board on the window causing it to come off. 

Walkers were nearby and smashed through the glass, breaking through. I pushed Clem behind me as one made its way towards us while Kenny and Mike fought off the others. 

I kicked the walker back causing it to fall and brought my foot down on its head twice causing it to cave in. 

I found a hammer on the ground and handed it over to Clem as I picked up a Sledge hammer. We ran over and I used all my strength to raise the sledge hammer with one arm, swinging it, hitting a walker across the head with so much Force it exploded on impact. 

Clem rushed past me, tripping one of the walkers and smashing it's head in. Ironically when all the walkers were already dead, Troy came charging into the expansion. 

Troy: What the hell is going on here??

He asked glaring at us and around at all the dead walkers lying around. 

Lee: We handled it. 

I replied not really interested in anything he had to say. I turned around facing Clem. I fixed her hat on the top of her head before speaking. 

Lee: You okay? No scratches or anything?

I asked as I examined her to see if I could see any visible scars. 

Clem shook her head.

Clementine: I'm fine. Don't worry Lee. 

She responded.

Troy: Alright , enough mushy shit. You two, get the fuck back inside right fuckin now. I'm sure they got shit for y'all to do in there

Troy: Now! Think I'm fuckin' around?

Troy growled looking between Clem and I. 

Clementine: How about you lower your tone. We have ears.. we can hear you. You don't have to yell every word you say.

Clem sighed before we walked out as he began to fuss at Kenny and Mike. 

Kenny glanced back at me and nodded before we left. We made our way back towards the main area when one of the doors next to us opened and Clem was snatched inside. 

Yhwach's POV:

Outside the imposing structure known as the "Prison," deep in the woods, Yhwach and Luke cautiously made their way, taking an entire day to reach their destination. They skillfully navigated through the trees, avoiding detection by Carver's guards.

Luke: Here we are.

Yhwach: A camp, I didn't expect to find a building.

Luke: Surprise, right?

Yhwach: Indeed, but Luke, those walkers we encountered during our walk, there are countless numbers of them!

Luke: No kidding, must be thousands. And it seems like they're heading this way too. Okay, follow me, and stay out of sight.

Yhwach followed Luke as they stealthily maneuvered toward the wall, avoiding any potential threats. Luke quietly opened a door, and they slipped inside, finding themselves in a storage room filled with food and supplies.

Yhwach: A lot of food stored in here.

Luke: Yup, follow me this way.

Luke and Yhwach approached another door. Luke cautiously opened it, peeking out to check for any guards. Fortunately, the coast was clear.

Luke: Okay, we're in the clear. Now, when I say go, we—

Yhwach: Shh.

Luke took another careful look outside to ensure safety.

Luke: Okay, on three, we run as fast as we can to that door across the hall, understand?

Yhwach: Alright.

Luke: One... Two... Three!

Luke and Yhwach burst out of the room, sprinting across the hall to reach the other side without attracting attention. Upon entering the new room, they found it filled with comic books, prompting some reminiscing.

Luke: Man, I remember Nick and I used to come here and read comics when we ditched work.

Yhwach: Luke, footsteps. Stay alert.

Both stood in silence, quickly approaching the door leading outside. Peeking out, they discovered the footsteps belonged to Clementine. Yhwach observed her cautiously through the door.

Yhwach watched as Clementine entered the building, her attention focused on something outside. He signaled to Luke to stay hidden, observing the unfolding situation.

Clementine approached Troy, who was barking orders at various people within the compound. She exchanged a few words with him, and Yhwach strained his senses to catch the conversation.

Troy: What the hell is going on here??

Clementine: We handled it.

Troy: Alright, enough mushy shit. You two, get the fuck back inside right fuckin now. I'm sure they got shit for y'all to do in there.

Troy's aggressive tone echoed through the corridor. Clementine rolled her eyes at his outburst but complied, heading back into the compound.

Yhwach turned to Luke, his expression unreadable.

Yhwach: Something is amiss. Let's proceed with caution. We need to find a way to access the inner parts of this facility.

Luke nodded, and they continued their stealthy exploration. As they moved through the compound, they overheard snippets of conversations, catching mentions of Carver, plans for expansion, and the uneasy atmosphere among the captives.

The duo slipped through doorways and narrow passages, gradually approaching the heart of the complex. Yhwach's keen perception allowed them to avoid the patrolling guards efficiently.

They reached a door that led to a dimly lit hallway. Yhwach gestured for Luke to stay back, and he cautiously opened the door to assess the situation. Inside, a group of people was gathered, seemingly discussing their circumstances.

Carver's voice echoed from a room down the hall, and Yhwach strained to hear the conversation. The Quincy King's eyes narrowed as he sensed a familiar reiatsu — Lee, the man who had displayed defiance earlier.

Carver: You handled that well, Reggie. Keep up the good work, and you'll be back with the group in no time.

Yhwach observed Carver's manipulative tactics, recognizing the calculated moves to maintain control.

Luke whispered to Yhwach, his expression grim.

Luke: We need to find a way to free them without causing a commotion.

Yhwach nodded, his gaze unwavering. The time for subtlety was approaching its end, and the Quincy King prepared himself for the inevitable clash that loomed on the horizon.

As Clementine walked back, deep in thought, Luke and Yhwach approached her silently. Luke grabbed her arm and pulled her into the comic book store. Yhwach, ever observant, stood close by, analyzing the situation.

Luke covered Clementine's mouth, expecting the bite, but Clementine, recognizing Luke's voice, refrained. Yhwach, aware of their familiarity, watched with a knowing expression.

Luke: (screaming) Stop! Hey, it's me!

Clementine: Luke?

Luke: Yes! Man... bit the hell outta me. Think you drew blood.

Clementine punched Luke's shoulder.

Luke: Hey! Hey, what was that for?

Clementine: You scared me...

Luke: Well, I'm sorry about that.

Clementine: And it's about time you got here!

Luke: You have any idea how hard this was? Alright, listen, we ain't got much time, okay?

Yhwach: (nodding) Indeed, time is not on our side.

Luke shared the information about the approaching herd and the guards watching everything, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

Luke: There's a herd'a lurkers just south of us. It's bigger than I ever seen around these parts.

Clementine: Carver mentioned that. Said he hopes it passes us.

Luke: Yeah, I heard folks talkin' about that, but that ain't so, okay? It's gonna hit this place, I know it is... I don't know when, but it's comin' and it's gonna be soon. See, I've been lookin' for places to... to get y'all free... but haven't been able to find anything yet. They plugged up all the holes we used when we got out.

Clementine: When do you think the herd will be here?

Luke: I don't know... it's hard to say, really, but I reckon it'll wash over this place when it does. Carver? Oh, he ain't dealt with anything like this before.

Clementine: It seems dangerous.

Yhwach: Danger is our constant companion in this world.

The trio discussed the importance of having a plan and obtaining a radio to monitor the guards' activities.

Luke: Clem, I need you to meet me here tomorrow, about this time, 'cause I... I need you to get me one of those radios, okay? Do you think you can do that? Just... just one of those walkie-talkies. I just need to be able to tell y'all what's goin' on with them guards... you know, I'll figure out the schedule their patrols are on.

Clementine hesitated, aware of the strict rules, but agreed to try.

Luke: Remember, you meet us here tomorrow. We'll try and be here around this time. But if We ain't, just wait as long as you can, 'cause We really need one of those radios. Just let everybody know I'm alright, okay? I'm worried they, uh...

Troy's voice interrupted their conversation.

Troy: Clementine! Get out where I can see ya!

Luke: Go on! Get outta here.

Clementine left the store, contemplating the risks and the crucial role she now played in the impending plans for escape. Yhwach nodded at Luke, acknowledging the importance of the task ahead.

After Clementine left, Luke and Yhwach approached Kenny and Mike, who were still working on fortifying the expansion area.

Luke: (whispering) Alright, we need to talk. Keep it down; we don't want anyone overhearing.

Kenny: (looking around cautiously) What's going on?

Yhwach: We're planning to get out of here, and we need your help.

Mike: (raising an eyebrow) Get out? How?

Luke: (looking at Yhwach) This is Yhwach. He's been with us, watching, and he knows a thing or two about survival.

Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment.

Kenny: (crossing his arms) Survival ain't new to me. But getting out of here? That's a different story.

Luke: The herd is closing in, Kenny. It's going to hit this place, and Carver doesn't have a clue about dealing with it.

Mike: (nervously) Herd? How big?

Yhwach: Larger than you can imagine. We've seen it. We need a plan, and we need to act fast.

Kenny: (rubbing his beard) What's the plan then?

Luke: Tomorrow, Clementine is going to try and get her hands on one of the radios Carver uses. We need intel on the guards' movements.

Yhwach: We have to be smart about this. Shooting our way out won't work.

Mike: (whispering) So, what's the plan then?

Luke: (looking at Yhwach) We're thinking of using the confusion when the herd hits. While they're busy dealing with that, we make our move.

Yhwach: (nodding) Timing will be crucial. We can't afford mistakes.

Kenny: (sighs) Alright, I've been itching to get out of here since we got in. Count me in.

Mike: (nervously) Yeah, okay, I'm in too.

Yhwach: Good. Tomorrow, same time, meet us by the comic store. Clementine will have more information by then.

As they continued their work, the group's determination grew, fueled by the prospect of freedom and the need to outsmart the impending danger that loomed over them.

Lee Pov:

We stepped into the main area of the hardware store and made our way towards Carvers office. The window from his office overlooked the main area, so as we approached, we could see He and Rebecca talking in his office, But Rebecca didn't look too happy.

Lee: I'll be here when you get done.

I nodded to Clem as she made her way up the stairs to Carvers office. Not long after Clementine went up, Rebecca came down in tears. 

Lee: Rebecca? What's wrong?

I asked. 

Rebecca: Alvin...

She cried before rushing off to where we slept. I sighed shaking my head. Carver is evil. There is no other way of putting it.

10 minutes later 

Clem walked down the stairs with a strange look on her face.

Lee: What happened, Clem?

I questioned.

Clem shook her head. 

Clementine: Carvers a Monster. He's going to kill Alvin.

She said looking of at me with sadness.

Lee: Alvin's up there? Is that why Rebecca was crying when she came down?

I asked. 

Clementine: Yes, and he's badly beaten. He won't make it another day in this place.

 She answered.

We made our way towards the Yard where the others were sitting around talking. A girl followed us, closing and locking the gate as we entered.

Kenny: We don't know what that mans gonna do next. We gotta get outta here.

Kenny yelled as we approached them. 

Mike: That doesn't mean you should get yourself and possibly everyone else killed. You'll basically be ringing a dinner bell bringing the walkers right to us. 

Mike argued.

Kenny: This place will be chaos when that thing hits. No one will be paying any attention to us. And that's when we go. That's our opening, we just gotta figure out a way to draw 'em to us. " 

Kenny explained.

Reggie: Guys this is a bad idea. I'm already in enough trouble. If you guys escape, I might as well be dead.

Reggie pointed out. 

Clementine: Are you seriously still on his side? Alvin's up in Carvers office right now, beaten badly. Another day in this place and he will be dead. 

Clem argued.

Reggie sighed looking down. 

Lee: One day you'll have to wake the fuck up! Or it'll be your own fault when he turns on you next.

I added.

Rebecca: The facts are, he's trying to get us killed by lurkers before Carver can do it.

Rebecca chimed in. 

I looked at her and frowned.

Lee: Keep that same energy when you wake up tomorrow and Alvin's no longer with us. We got to do something at the end of the day, unless you would rather stay here and raise your baby with Carver instead.

I spoke. 

Rebecca glared at me but didn't respond.

Clementine: maybe Yhwach and Luke could help us. 

Clem suggested causing everyone to look at her.

Clementine: Their outside. They want a radio to help us keeping an eye on the guards. 

She explained.

Rebecca: Thank God. That's the plan I vote for.

Rebecca sighed not at all seeming surprised by the mention of Yhwach and Luke being nearby. 

Lee: You guys know about Yhwach and Luke?

I asked looking around.

Mike: They flagged us down when Troy wasn't lookin' told us their plan. Mentioned they'd talked to you two. " 

Rebecca: If Yhwach and Luke can help us with the guards. We can use that to pick a good time to escape.

Rebecca nodded.

Kenny: Who knows when that'll be? There was a girl back in Crawford that used church bells to get around. She'd ring the bells in one area to get all the walkers on that side. We just need something really loud. 

Kenny explained.

Lee: Kenny's right. I'm not staying here another day. I gotta get Clem out of here As soon as possible.

I agreed. 

Sarita looked over at Kenny as she thought.

Sarita: The PA system that Carver uses is pretty loud.

She suggested. 

Mike: There's some speakers outside the building, pointing towards the parking lot.

Mike added. 

Clementine: I saw the controls in Carvers office.

Clem told us. 

Everything was falling into place for us. We decided instead of arguing to just go with Yhwach, Luke's plan and Kenny's plan because they both worked. 

That didn't stop the arguing because Rebecca just refused to let up on Kenny. 

Rebecca: I figured out what your problem is, You don't think this stuff though. If the end of the plan is just to stroll through herd of walkers, then you should know from the jump, there's no way it's ever gonna work. 

Rebecca said confident that she knew what she was talking about. 

Lee: Kenny might be onto something. We might be able to do this.

I agreed with Kenny causing Rebecca to glare at me.

Rebecca: I get he's your friend, but you're just agreeing to his stupid plans without thinking of all the possible outcomes. How the hell are we gonna walk through a herd of Lurkers??

She rolled her eyes. 

Weird Girl: Actually, I do it all the time.

The weird girl who never seemed to talk said as she stepped over to us. 

Mike: First words I ever hear you say and it's just some crazy, stupid shit.

Mike shook his head. 

Sarita: What do you mean exactly?

Sarita asked after shushing Mike. 

Selfish Girl: If you cover yourself in the walker guts, they can't tell you from one of them.

The girl explained. 

Lee: She's right. That's how Yhwach, Clem and I got out of Savannah. It could work.

I said backing the girl up. 

Kenny smiled at me before standing up.

Kenny: Let's do this, what are we waiting for?

Rebecca: We still have to get Yhwach and Luke the Radio. 

Rebecca pointed out.

Dumbass Girl: I got a plan for that too. Come here kid.

The girl said motioning for Clem to follow her. Clementine got up following the girl over to a broken ladder on the other side of the room. 

Stupid Girl: We just need to use the winch. She can climb up from there.

The girl explained going on to explain what Clem had to do. Mike boosted Clem up to pull the winch down. Once she was on the winch good enough, he began to pull the rope, lifting her into the air. 

The sound of someone near the gate caught our attention making my heart drop.

Mike: Clem, he's here. I can't hold on any longer. Grab onto something. 

Mike said as he let the rope go.

Luckily Clem was quick on her feet as she latched onto the broken ladder pulling herself up. I sighed with relief as I watched her climb up. 

It didn't take long for her to come back. She jumped down into Mikes arms and made her way over to us . Sam jumped up from the bed wagging his tail at the sight of Clem. 

Kenny: Well?

Kenny said waiting for Clem to say if she had gotten the radio. 

Clementine: Well what?

Clem questioned looking confused. 

A look of panic washed over Kenny's face.

Kenny: Did you get-

He stopped talking once Clem pulled the Walkie Talkie out of her pocket causing him to smile. 

Kenny: You little devil.

He chuckled. 

Clem made her way over to her bed before climbing up next to Sam. 

Kenny: Everyone stay where you are. No need drawing suspicious.

Kenny instructed as he turned over facing Clem and I.

Lee: Nice job Clem. You did good, sweet pea.

I smiled even though Clem couldn't see me, I was certain she knew. 

Sarah: That was so cool.

Sarah said causing me to smile. 

Kenny: Thank you Clem.

Kenny smiled. 

The girl who came up with the plan of how to get the radios was laying on the floor behind where Clem and I were laying. 

Egotistical Girl: I told you, you probably wouldn't die. Nice job kid.

She said.

Clem sighed.

Clementine: I was pretty scared.

She mumbled. 

Arrogant Girl: Nothing wrong with being scared. It's how you handle it, that matters. Anyway, get some rest.

The girl replied.

I closed my eyes about the let sleep take over when Kenny said something unexpected.

Kenny: I thought about duck today, about his dumb little face.... First things that come to mind are always the dumb things he was doin' ... Kid was always runnin' in circles. Every damn place we went he'd just run. Couldn't stop him. Makes it hard to remember he was a good boy.

He said. 

I didn't know what to say so I just sat and listened. I felt like it was the best thing I could give him, he just needed someone to listen. After a few seconds of silence he spoke up again.

Kenny: Well... Long day tomorrow. One long day.

He sighed. Soon everyone was sleeping, dreaming of our planned escape. 

Yhwach: Pov

 The night hung heavy over the compound as everyone lay asleep, their dreams untouched by the harsh reality that awaited them.

 In the quiet moments between breaths, Luke's stomach growled with a persistent hunger. The emptiness gnawed at him, pushing him to the edge of patience.

Yhwach: (whispering) Luke, where are you going?

Luke shot a glance over his shoulder, a hint of guilt flickering in his eyes.

Luke: Just gonna grab a snack from the storage area. I'm starving, man.

Yhwach: (advising) Patience is a virtue, Luke. We can't afford any unnecessary risks.

Luke hesitated, torn between the aching hunger in his belly and Yhwach's cautious advice.

Luke: I'll be quick, Yhwach. Don't worry.

Without waiting for Yhwach's response, Luke slipped into the shadows and made his way to the storage area. The compound seemed eerily silent as he tiptoed through the dimly lit corridors.

As Luke rummaged through the supplies, trying to silence the persistent growling in his stomach, Yhwach's words echoed in his mind like a distant warning. The quiet rustle of the food wrappers seemed to grow louder in the oppressive stillness.

Luke's eyes widened as he noticed the shadows shifting near the storage entrance. A guard, stationed nearby, had caught sight of him.

Guard: (calling out) Hey! What the hell are you doing here?

Luke froze, panic coursing through him. He attempted to retreat, but the guard moved swiftly to intercept him. The situation escalated quickly, and the guard called for reinforcements.

Guard: We got a trespasser in the storage area! I need backup!

Luke's heart raced, realizing the gravity of his impulsive decision. Yhwach's advice had fallen on deaf ears, and now the consequences were unfolding.

Within moments, Carver, Troy, and a few of Carver's enforcers arrived, drawn by the commotion.

Carver: (menacingly) What's going on here?

Guard: Caught this one sneaking around the storage area, sir.

Carver's gaze locked onto Luke, a cold intensity in his eyes.

Carver: (smirking) Well, well, well. What do we have here?

Luke stammered, attempting to explain himself, but Carver's dismissive wave silenced him.

Carver: Troy, take care of this. We can't have freeloaders jeopardizing our security.

Troy advanced, a malicious grin etched across his face. The tension in the air thickened as Luke braced himself for the inevitable confrontation.

Yhwach, drawn by the commotion, arrived on the scene, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation.

Yhwach: Luke, I warned you about the consequences of impatience.

Luke: Yhwach, I...

Yhwach: (firmly) Save your words for later. We must navigate this carefully.

Carver: (mockingly) What's this, a friend come to join the party?

Yhwach: We don't seek trouble. We only desire a peaceful coexistence.

Carver scoffed, unimpressed by Yhwach's words. The atmosphere crackled with tension as the confrontation reached its boiling point.

Carver: You outsiders always think you can waltz in and change the rules. This is my community, and I decide what happens here.

Yhwach: We only wish to survive and coexist. There's no need for unnecessary conflict.

Carver: (smirking) Survival is a luxury I provide, and loyalty is the currency. You outsiders fail to understand that.

Troy: (grinning) Let's teach them a lesson, boss.

The enforcers closed in, forming a menacing circle around Yhwach and Luke. The quiet night shattered into chaos as the first blows were exchanged.

Yhwach moved with calculated precision, deflecting strikes with ease. Luke, on the other hand, struggled to hold his ground against the onslaught.

In the dimly lit storage area, the clash of metal and grunts of exertion echoed as the battle unfolded. Yhwach, a figure of grace and power, moved with the fluidity of a seasoned warrior, effortlessly parrying Carver's aggressive strikes. Luke, less experienced but fueled by adrenaline, fought valiantly against Troy and the enforcers.

Yhwach: (calmly) Carver, this doesn't have to be a fight. We can find a peaceful resolution.

Carver: (smirking) Peaceful resolutions are for the weak. We settle things the old-fashioned way here.

As Carver swung his makeshift weapon, Yhwach countered with precision, their blades clashing in a symphony of sparks. Meanwhile, Luke, dodging and weaving, struggled to keep up with Troy's relentless assault.

Troy: (mocking) You're in way over your head, kid!

Luke: (gritting his teeth) We'll see about that!

Luke managed to land a solid blow on Troy, momentarily stunning him. Seizing the opportunity, he turned his attention to the enforcers, attempting to create a gap in their formation. However, the odds were stacked against him.

Yhwach, sensing Luke's predicament, swiftly disarmed Carver with a calculated strike. The tides shifted momentarily in their favor.

Yhwach: (stoically) Carver, stand down. We don't wish harm upon your people.

Carver, furious and pride wounded, refused to yield. Instead, he signaled the enforcers to intensify their assault.

The battle raged on, a chaotic dance of clashes and blows. Yhwach's movements were a masterful display of combat finesse, while Luke, though outmatched, fought with unwavering determination.

Troy, recovering from Luke's blow, lunged at him with renewed aggression. Luke, driven by survival instincts, managed to evade Troy's attack and counter with a swift kick, buying himself a brief respite.

Yhwach, locked in combat with Carver, attempted once more to reason with him.

Yhwach: (firmly) Carver, we don't want bloodshed. There's a better way.

Carver: (snarling) You think you can stroll in here and dictate terms? This is my world!

The confrontation reached a critical point as Carver, consumed by rage, unleashed a flurry of attacks. Yhwach, maintaining composure, expertly defended himself, but the relentless assault pushed him back.

Luke, catching his breath, saw an opening. With a surge of determination, he reentered the fray, aiming to support Yhwach.

Luke: (shouting) Yhwach, I've got your back!

The odds now slightly more balanced, Yhwach and Luke fought side by side against their adversaries. The storage area became an arena of clashing blades, a testament to the struggle for survival and coexistence in this unforgiving world.

As the intensity of the battle escalated, the fate of the compound hung in the balance, teetering on the edge between cooperation and chaos.

In the dimly lit storage area, the sound of gunfire pierced through the air, adding a deadly cadence to the ongoing clash. Yhwach, a figure of grace and power, skillfully employed Blut Vene, weaving a protective barrier against the bullets that now filled the space. Luke, less experienced and caught off guard, barely dodged the projectiles, but a stray shot struck him in the knee.

Luke: (grunting in pain) Argh! Damn it!

Yhwach: (stoically) Luke, stay down! I'll handle this.

The battle continued, but now Yhwach found himself alone against Carver, Troy, and the enforcers who were armed to the teeth.

Carver: (smirking) Looks like your friend here couldn't dodge bullets as well as he dodges punches. Now, how about we end this peacefully, huh?

Yhwach: (calmly) Peace is still an option. We don't need to escalate this any further.

As Yhwach spoke, the enforcers circled him, guns at the ready. Carver, seizing the opportunity, approached Luke, who was nursing his injured knee.

Carver: (holding a gun to Luke's head) Yhwach, drop your weapon or your friend here becomes a casualty. You choose.

Carver: (smirking) Yhwach, you look like you've experienced enough to understand where I'm coming from. So, I'll ask you this join me, and I'll let him live.

Yhwach, his expression unwavering, contemplated Carver's proposition.

Yhwach, analyzing the situation, knew he had three critical choices. The fate of Luke and the success of their mission rested on his decision:

1-Stand Down: Yhwach could choose to drop his weapon, complying with Carver's demand in hopes of avoiding harm to Luke.

2-Counterattack: Yhwach might opt for a swift and calculated counterattack, attempting to disarm Carver before he could harm Luke.

3-Negotiate: Yhwach could attempt a last-ditch effort to negotiate with Carver, proposing a different solution that might save both Luke and their chances of peaceful cooperation.

4-Consider Carver's Offer: Yhwach could entertain the idea of joining forces with Carver, weighing the potential benefits against the risks. This choice could drastically alter the course of their mission and their relationships.

The storage area became a tense tableau, the choices weighing heavily on Yhwach's shoulders as the seconds ticked away, the room still echoing with the lingering threat of gunfire.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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