
A Duel with Mihawk and Yhwach's Curiosity

Mihawk watched Yhwach closely as he read the newspaper, his golden eyes piercing through the older man with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. 

Yhwach: (In thought) When was that taken?

He pondered silently, his mind analyzing the information before emitting a low whistle at the bounty listed.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Quite the sum. I'm almost tempted to turn myself in for that amount.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) You? Turn yourself in? I highly doubt that, Yhwach. That's not your style. You're all about bending the rules to your advantage, not following them like a sheep.

Ginjo said from within Yhwach's mind before continuing.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) But hey, if you're feeling generous, I'll gladly take a cut of that bounty. I've got bills to pay, you know.

His tone was laced with a hint of sarcasm.

Yhwach's expression remained stoic as he mentally responded to Ginjo's taunts.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Bills to pay, Ginjo? Last time I checked, you're living rent-free in my mind. What more could you possibly need?

His voice echoed within his own consciousness, laced with a subtle hint of amusement at Ginjo's audacity.

Yhwach: (Mental link) But if you're so eager for a piece of the action, perhaps we can arrange something. After all, it's not like I have any shortage of resources at my disposal.

He projected an aura of confidence as if challenging Ginjo to push further with his demands.

Ginjo's response carried a tone of nonchalance as if he was unfazed by Yhwach's confident demeanor.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Oh, you know me, Yhwach. Always looking for an opportunity to make a deal. And hey, if that bounty's as big as it sounds, I could help you find some creative ways to make the most of it. After all, it's not every day we stumble upon such a lucrative opportunity. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'll hold you to that promise when the time comes. As for now, I'll just sit back and enjoy the show.

His tone was casual yet tinged with an underlying sense of anticipation, hinting at his eagerness for whatever scheme Yhwach might have in mind.

Mihawk's voice cut through the mental exchange between Yhwach and Ginjo, his tone cool and composed as always.

Mihawk: Are you quite finished with the newspaper, or do you plan on deciphering every word in it?

His words held a subtle edge, indicating his impatience with the prolonged silence as he awaited Yhwach's response.

Yhwach's lips curled into a faint smirk as he folded the newspaper neatly and handed it to Mihawk.

Yhwach: Now I understand why you've taken to calling me the 'Dragon Slayer'.

Yhwach said as Mihawk took the newspaper, his eyes scanned the page until they landed on Yhwach's bounty, displayed prominently at the top.

( Picture )

Bounty: 'Dragon Slayer'. Wanted dead or alive. 2,100,000,000 beli.

Mihawk: Interesting. This is the highest starting bounty I've seen in quite some time.

His tone was nonchalant as if the staggering amount of the bounty held little significance to him. He glanced up at Yhwach, his expression unreadable.

Mihawk: Given the gravity of the accusations against you, it's no surprise they've deemed you a high-value target.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, well, well. Looks like someone's finally caught the world's attention. Way to steal the spotlight, Yhwach. I was hoping we could fly under the radar a little while longer.

Yhwach couldn't help but chuckle softly at Ginjo's remark, his amusement was evident in his tone as he responded.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Oh, come now, Ginjo. Where's your sense of adventure? A little notoriety never hurt anyone. Besides, it's not like we weren't expecting some attention after the events at Mary Geoise.

Ginjo's response was laced with a hint of resignation, his tone tinged with amusement despite his apparent annoyance.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) I suppose you're right, Yhwach. After all, what's life without a little excitement? But mark my words, this won't be the last time we find ourselves in the spotlight.

Yhwach grinned at Ginjo's words, a sense of anticipation building within him as he contemplated the challenges that lay ahead.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Indeed, Ginjo. Let them come. We'll be ready for whatever the world throws our way.

Mihawk studied Yhwach intently for a moment, his gaze unwavering as he assessed the older man's demeanor. Despite their earlier encounter at sea, they still knew very little about each other. Mihawk couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Yhwach than met the eye.

Finally, breaking the silence, Mihawk spoke, his voice calm and measured.

Mihawk: You still haven't told me your name, Dragon Slayer.

Yhwach met Mihawk's gaze head-on, his expression calm and composed as he responded in kind.

Yhwach: And you haven't told me yours, Swordsman.

Mihawk's lips curled into a faint smirk, a glint of amusement in his golden eyes as he acknowledged Yhwach's point.

Mihawk: You have my curiosity, Dragon Slayer. Now, perhaps it's time for introductions. I am Dracule Mihawk, the Strongest Swordsman in the World.

Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment, his own curiosity piqued by Mihawk's title and reputation.

Yhwach: Yhwach. That's my name. As for titles... well, let's just say I've had a few over the years.

Mihawk's eyebrow arched in mild surprise at Yhwach's response, his interest further piqued by the older man's cryptic words.

Mihawk: Yhwach, you say? An intriguing name. And those titles of yours... care to share a few?

Yhwach chuckled softly, his gaze drifting to the bounty poster still clutched in Mihawk's hand.

Yhwach: Let's just say that the world has a way of assigning titles to those it deems worthy of attention. 'Dragon Slayer' is just the latest in a long line of monikers.

Mihawk studied Yhwach intently, his keen gaze taking in every detail of the man before him. There was an air of mystery about Yhwach, a sense of depth that intrigued Mihawk. As the conversation progressed, Mihawk couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity that washed over him, a feeling reminiscent of encounters he'd had in the past with individuals who bore a striking resemblance to legendary figures.

With a subtle tilt of his head, Mihawk spoke, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

Mihawk: Yhwach, forgive me for prying, but I couldn't help but notice certain... similarities between you and another individual of great renown. Tell me, are you by any chance related to Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates?

The question hung in the air, laden with implications of lineage and legacy. Mihawk's eyes bore into Yhwach, awaiting his response.

Yhwach furrowed his brow, a look of confusion crossing his features. The mention of Gold Roger drew a blank in his mind, his knowledge of this world's history limited to what little he had gleaned since his arrival.

Yhwach: Gold Roger? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that name. Should I be?

His tone was genuine, betraying his lack of understanding regarding the significance of the name Mihawk had mentioned. Yhwach's gaze flickered with curiosity, a silent question lingering in his eyes as he awaited Mihawk's explanation.

Mihawk's eyebrows raised slightly in surprise at Yhwach's response. It was unusual to encounter someone unfamiliar with the name Gold Roger, especially given Yhwach's apparent significance and the attention drawn by his sizable bounty. Nevertheless, Mihawk remained composed, his demeanor unchanged as he considered his next words carefully.

Mihawk: Gold Roger was a figure of immense renown in the world of pirates. Known as the King of the Pirates, he left an indelible mark on history with his exploits and adventures on the Grand Line. Many sought to emulate his legacy, while others aimed to surpass it. Your resemblance to him, both in appearance and demeanor, is... striking, to say the least.

Yhwach's mind raced as he processed Mihawk's words. The mention of Gold Roger intrigued him, stirring a curiosity that bordered on fascination. Despite his lack of familiarity with the name, Yhwach couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this connection than mere coincidence.

Yhwach: (In thought) Gold Roger... King of the Pirates. A figure of legend in this world, it seems. 

Yhwach's gaze shifted from the newspaper to Mihawk, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered the implications of Mihawk's words.

Yhwach: Do you happen to possess a bounty poster of this Gold Roger?

His tone was measured, betraying a hint of curiosity mingled with a subtle undercurrent of intrigue. Yhwach's mind raced with possibilities as he awaited Mihawk's response.

Mihawk regarded Yhwach with a calm demeanor, his expression unchanged as he responded.

Mihawk: I'm afraid not. Gold Roger met his end many years ago, long before I established this island as my home. As such, I've had no reason to possess a bounty poster of him.

His voice was steady, devoid of any trace of deception as he provided Yhwach with a straightforward answer.

Yhwach's brow furrowed slightly at Mihawk's response, a sense of disappointment flickering briefly across his features. Nevertheless, he remained composed, his curiosity undiminished.

Yhwach: I understand. However, I am curious... are you affiliated with any particular faction or organization? Are you perhaps aligned with the Marines?

Mihawk regarded Yhwach with a calm expression, his gaze steady as he prepared to reveal his true status.

Mihawk: I am not aligned with the Marines, Yhwach. However, I am one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Yhwach's brow furrowed slightly at Mihawk's revelation, a hint of confusion coloring his expression. The term "Seven Warlords of the Sea" was unfamiliar to him, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity about this new faction.

Yhwach: Seven Warlords of the Sea? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that organization. Could you enlighten me, Mihawk?

Mihawk observed Yhwach's confusion with a slight sigh, he began to explain.

Mihawk: The Seven Warlords of the Sea, or simply the Seven Warlords, were a selection of seven incredibly powerful and notorious pirates allied to the World Government.

As he spoke, Mihawk's voice held a measured tone, conveying the gravity of the situation.

Mihawk: The purpose of the Seven Warlords was to have the pirates deal with other pirates. They were also a great symbol of the government's strength. In return for their alliance with the World Government, every member's bounty was frozen, and they had significantly more leeway to commit crimes.

Yhwach listened intently as Mihawk elaborated on the role of the Seven Warlords, his curiosity piqued by this new information. The idea of pirates aligning themselves with the very organization tasked with hunting them down was both intriguing and perplexing to him.

Yhwach: So, they were pirates who worked for the World Government? That seems... contradictory.

His tone held a note of skepticism, reflecting his struggle to reconcile the notion of pirates cooperating with the very organization that sought to eradicate them. Mihawk nodded in understanding, acknowledging Yhwach's confusion.

Mihawk: Indeed, the arrangement may seem paradoxical at first glance. However, the Seven Warlords served as a balance between the chaotic forces of the Four Emperors and the orderly jurisdiction of the Marines. While they worked for the World Government, their allegiance was often fleeting, and their actions were driven by their own ambitions rather than any true loyalty to the government.

Yhwach absorbed Mihawk's explanation, his mind racing with new insights into the complex dynamics of the world he found himself in.

Yhwach: I see. So, they were essentially mercenaries, using their power and influence to further their own goals while maintaining a tenuous alliance with the World Government.

Mihawk nodded in agreement, pleased to see Yhwach grasping the nuances of the situation.

Mihawk: Precisely.

Yhwach's interest was piqued by the mention of the Four Emperors, a term he had heard before but had yet to fully understand. He turned his attention back to Mihawk, his expression thoughtful as he formulated his next question.

Yhwach: Mihawk, if the Seven Warlords of the Sea were tasked with maintaining a balance between the forces of the World Government and the pirates, what of the Four Emperors you mentioned earlier? Are they a part of this hierarchy as well?

His tone was measured, betraying a hint of curiosity as he sought to understand the broader dynamics of the pirate world.

Mihawk regarded Yhwach with a thoughtful expression, his gaze momentarily distant as he contemplated his response.

Mihawk: The Four Emperors are a different matter altogether. Unlike the Seven Warlords, who operated under the banner of the World Government, the Four Emperors are among the most powerful and influential pirates in the world. These four individually reside within the second half of the Grand Line, exerting impressive influence and control over dozens of other pirate crews and self-governing islands. They make up one of The Three Great Powers.

As he spoke, Mihawk's voice carried a weight of respect tinged with caution, underscoring the significance of the Four Emperors within the pirate hierarchy.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Fascinating. It seems the world we find ourselves in is even more complex than I initially thought.

As Yhwach absorbed Mihawk's explanation, a familiar voice echoed within his mind, interrupting his thoughts with a hint of sarcasm and mischief.

Ginjo's voice resounded within Yhwach's consciousness, his tone carrying a mix of amusement and skepticism.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, well, well, looks like we're delving into the juicy details of pirate politics now, huh? Who would've thought we'd end up discussing the inner workings of the pirate world? It's almost like being back in the Soul Society, only with more saltwater and fewer Shinigami lurking about.

Yhwach couldn't help but smirk at Ginjo's remark, the familiarity of their banter bringing a sense of camaraderie to their exchange.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Indeed, Ginjo. The parallels are intriguing, aren't they? It seems power dynamics and politics are constants across different realms, whether they be the Soul society or the high seas.

His mental response carried a hint of amusement, reflecting his appreciation for the unexpected similarities between their current situation and their past experiences.

Mihawk regarded Yhwach with a thoughtful expression, his gaze narrowing slightly as he observed the older man's demeanor.

Mihawk: You know, Yhwach, for someone who claims to be unfamiliar with the ways of pirates and swordsmen, you possess a certain aura of... proficiency.

His tone was measured, yet there was a subtle undercurrent of challenge in his words, a hint of intrigue sparked by the possibility of facing off against someone of Yhwach's caliber.

Yhwach raised an eyebrow in mild surprise at Mihawk's observation, his interest piqued by the suggestion of a potential confrontation.

Yhwach: Proficiency, you say? I suppose one could acquire certain skills when survival depends on it.

His response was cryptic yet tinged with a hint of amusement, reflecting his willingness to entertain the notion of a duel with Mihawk.

Mihawk's lips curled into a faint smirk, a glint of excitement dancing in his golden eyes as he contemplated the prospect of facing off against Yhwach in combat.

Mihawk: Survival indeed breeds skill, Yhwach. But I sense there's more to you than meets the eye. A swordsman's instincts are not easily concealed, especially from one as attuned to them as myself.

His words carried a challenge, a silent invitation for Yhwach to prove himself in battle against the renowned Strongest Swordsman in the World.

Yhwach regarded Mihawk with a steady gaze, his lips curling into a faint smile as he leaned in slightly, the air between them thick with anticipation.

Yhwach: Very well, Mihawk. If it's a duel you seek, then a duel you shall have.

His tone was calm yet resolute, betraying a sense of anticipation for the challenge that lay ahead.

Mihawk's smirk widened slightly, a glimmer of excitement flickering in his eyes as he nodded in acknowledgment of Yhwach's acceptance.

Mihawk: Excellent. Let us test each other's mettle and see whose blade proves sharper.

Scene Break - Outside Mihawk's castle - Location: Isolated Wilderness

With a swift movement, Mihawk drew his legendary blade, "Yoru," from its sheath, the gleaming black steel reflecting the sunlight with an ominous aura.

Yhwach mirrored his actions, revealing his own sword from beneath his cloak. The atmosphere buzzed with tension as the two combatants squared off, their gazes locked in a silent exchange of determination and resolve.

Yhwach: Shall we begin, Mihawk?

His voice was calm yet brimming with confidence, his stance poised and ready for the impending clash of swords.

Mihawk's smirk widened into a grin, a fierce glint in his eyes as he prepared to engage his opponent in combat.

( Picture )

Mihawk: By all means, Show me what you're truly capable of, Dragon Slayer.

As Yhwach and Mihawk slowly approached each other, a palpable tension filled the air, their every movement calculated and precise. With each step, the anticipation was building up with every passing moment.

Then, in an instant, they surged forward, their blades meeting in a thunderous clash that reverberated across the landscape. The force of their collision sent shockwaves rippling through the air, unbeknownst to them their clash causing the very sky above to split.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his words laced with a hint of excitement and anticipation.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Ha! Looks like things are heating up, Yhwach! Show him what you're made of!

Yhwach's focus remained squarely on Mihawk, his attention consumed by the intensity of their duel. He barely registered Ginjo's commentary as he pressed forward, determined to gain the upper hand.

In a sudden burst of speed, Yhwach reached into his pocket, his hand closing around the hilt of an iron knife. With a swift motion, he aimed the blade at Mihawk, intent on delivering a decisive blow.

However, Mihawk was quick to react, his own pocket knife flashing in the sunlight as he deftly parried Yhwach's attack. With a swift counterstrike, Mihawk shattered Yhwach's iron knife, sending metal shards scattering across the ground.

With a fluid motion, Mihawk channeled his Haki into his legendary blade, "Yoru," enhancing its cutting power to an even greater extent. As the black blade sliced through the air, a surge of invisible force accompanied it, amplifying the impact of Mihawk's strike.

Yhwach, caught off guard by the sudden display of Haki-infused attack, found himself unable to fully defend against the onslaught. The sheer force of Mihawk's blow sent him hurtling backward, his body crashing against a nearby tree with a resounding thud.

As Yhwach crashed into a nearby tree, the impact sending vibrations through his body, he couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu wash over him. His mind flashed back to a memory not too long ago.

( Flashback - The Arena)

Zaegar's tail lashed out, delivering a resounding slap across Monke's face, eliciting a chuckle from Zaegar.

Zaegar: Seriously? Is that the best you can do? How did a chimp-like you end up calling the shots in the jungle? Wasn't it supposed to be a lion? Who the hell changed the rules? This whole thing is a load of crap, man.

His words dripped with sarcasm as he voiced his disbelief.

Monke, unfazed by Zaegar's taunts, remained stoic. With a focused expression, he coated his arms in armament haki.

Zaegar's smirk faltered as he sensed the surging spiritual energy emanating from Monke's transformed arms.

Monke: Monke.

The simple utterance carried a weight of determination as Monke closed the distance between them. His eyes glinted with fierce resolve as he prepared to deliver a devastating blow.

Zaegar's laughter faltered, replaced by a sense of intrigue as he sensed the surge of spiritual energy emanating from Monke's form.

Zaegar: Hold on a sec... Are you a shinigami by any chance?

Monke responded with a simple nod, his gaze unwavering as he prepared to unleash his full power upon Zaegar.

Monke: Monke.

With a swift motion, Monke launched himself at Zaegar, his armament haki gleaming in the sunlight as he delivered a thunderous blow aimed squarely at his opponent's chest.

The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the arena, the force of Monke's attack shaking the very ground beneath their feet.

( End Of Flashback )

As Yhwach lay against the tree, his mind racing with thoughts and memories, he couldn't help but marvel at the familiarity of the sensation coursing through his body. The surge of spiritual energy, the manifestation of Haki, it all felt strangely reminiscent of experiences he had encountered in the past.

Yhwach's reikaku reached out instinctively, probing the essence of the power that had struck him. What he discovered puzzled him. It was not the energy of a Shinigami, nor that of a Quincy, a Hollow, or even a Fullbringer. It was something altogether different, yet strangely familiar in its own right.

Yhwach: (In thought) Spiritual energy... But not of any origin I'm familiar with. It's neither Shinigami, Quincy, Hollow, or Fullbringer. How curious... This energy feels distinctly different from anything I've encountered before. It's as if... it exists beyond the boundaries of my knowledge.

Despite his uncertainty, Yhwach couldn't deny the allure of this mysterious power. There was a raw intensity to it, sparking a sense of curiosity and intrigue within him.

Yhwach: (In thought) Whatever this power may be, it's clear that I have much to learn about it. Perhaps this encounter with Mihawk will provide me with the opportunity to further explore its depths.

Mihawk observed Yhwach with a mixture of curiosity and impatience, his golden eyes narrowing slightly as he noted the older man's prolonged silence.

Mihawk: Are you quite finished with your inner monologuing, Dragon Slayer? It seems you've been lost in thought for quite some time.

His voice held a hint of amusement, tinged with a subtle edge of impatience. Mihawk had little patience for idle contemplation, especially in the midst of a duel.

With a swift motion, Mihawk raised his legendary blade, "Yoru," once more, the gleaming black steel poised to strike. Without waiting for Yhwach's response, he surged forward, intent on pressing his advantage and ending the duel swiftly.

Yhwach's eyes snapped back to attention as he registered Mihawk's movement, his instincts kicking into overdrive as he prepared to defend against the impending strike.

With a fluid motion, Yhwach grabbed his own sword, the blade flashing in the sunlight as he met Mihawk's attack head-on.

As Mihawk's blade descended towards Yhwach, ready to slice him in half, Yhwach's instincts kicked in with lightning speed. With a swift movement, he activated Hirenkyaku, the Quincy technique allowing him to move at incredible speeds, disappearing from Mihawk's sight in an instant.

Mihawk's blade cleaved through the air, slicing only empty space as Yhwach reappeared behind him. Before Mihawk could fully turn to face him, Yhwach launched his own attack, aiming to catch Mihawk off guard.

However, to Yhwach's surprise, Mihawk barely looked back, his instincts honed to perfection as he sensed the incoming strike. With a deft motion, Mihawk raised his blade, intercepting Yhwach's attack just in time to prevent it from landing a fatal blow.

Yhwach's eyes widened in astonishment at Mihawk's swift reaction, his respect for the swordsman growing with each passing moment. Without missing a beat, Mihawk seized the opportunity to launch his own counterattack, his blade flashing with deadly precision as he struck at Yhwach with ferocious speed.

Yhwach, slightly caught off guard by Mihawk's sudden assault, found himself on the defensive, parrying the flurry of strikes with all his skill and focus. Each clash of blades sent sparks flying, the intensity of their duel escalating with each passing moment.

Then, suddenly Yhwach launched himself forward, delivering a powerful kick aimed squarely at Mihawk's chest. The force of the blow sent Mihawk staggering backward, his footing unsteady as he struggled to regain his balance.

As Mihawk regained his footing, he couldn't help but notice a peculiar detail about Yhwach's fighting style. Despite the intensity of their duel, Yhwach had yet to utilize Haki, the invisible armor and weaponization of one's spirit, a technique commonly employed by skilled combatants.

Mihawk's curiosity piqued, and he couldn't resist voicing his observation.

Mihawk: Tell me, Yhwach, why do you refrain from utilizing Haki? As far as my observation Haki can tell, you haven't employed it once during our duel.

His words held a note of genuine curiosity, tinged with a hint of perplexity. Mihawk was renowned for his keen perception and analytical mind, and Yhwach's apparent disregard for such a fundamental technique intrigued him.

Yhwach, taken aback by Mihawk's question, furrowed his brow in confusion. The term "Haki" was unfamiliar to him, and he couldn't comprehend its significance in the context of their duel.

Yhwach: Haki? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that term. What exactly does it entail?

His tone betrayed his genuine curiosity, a hint of confusion lingering in his golden eyes as he awaited Mihawk's explanation.

Mihawk's eyebrows raised slightly in surprise at Yhwach's response. He hadn't anticipated encountering someone unaware of Haki, especially given Yhwach's apparent skill in combat.

Mihawk: Haki is a latent power that resides within every living being. It's not some flashy trick or magic spell; rather, it's a manifestation of one's spirit and willpower. There are three types of Haki: Observation, Armament, and Conqueror's. Observation Haki allows one to sense the presence and intentions of others, predicting their movements before they even make them. Armament Haki hardens one's body or weapons, allowing them to bypass defenses and strike with incredible force. Conqueror's Haki is a rare ability possessed only by those with exceptional willpower, capable of exerting their dominance over weaker minds and even causing physical harm to those who lack the strength to withstand it. Haki is a crucial skill for any serious fighter, as it can level the playing field against opponents of greater strength or ability.

Yhwach absorbed Mihawk's explanation with a furrowed brow, his mind racing as he attempted to process this new information. The concept of Haki intrigued him, sparking a sense of curiosity about its potential applications and significance.

Yhwach: (In thought) So, Haki is a manifestation of one's spirit and willpower, allowing them to sense the presence and intentions of others, strengthen their body or weapons, and exert dominance over weaker minds... Fascinating.

Yhwach's mind raced as he drew parallels between the concept of Haki and the abilities he was familiar with from his own world. The similarities were striking, each possessing its own unique properties yet sharing a common foundation rooted in the manipulation of spiritual energy.

Yhwach: (In thought) Observation Haki... akin to Reikaku used by both Quincy and Shinigami. Both allow the user to sense the presence and intentions of others, granting them an advantage in combat by predicting their movements.

The comparison between Observation Haki and Reikaku sparked a sense of recognition within Yhwach, highlighting the fundamental similarities between the two abilities despite their different names and contexts.

Yhwach: (In thought) Armament Haki, on the other hand, bears a resemblance to Blut Arterie and Blut Vene. Both strengthen the user's body or weapons, enhancing their offensive and defensive capabilities in battle.

The correlation between Armament Haki and Blut Vene intrigued Yhwach, underscoring the universal nature of spiritual energy manipulation and its application in combat across different realms.

Yhwach: (In thought) And Conqueror's Haki... it shares similarities with Reiatsu Crush, the ability to exert dominance over weaker minds and overwhelm opponents with sheer force of will.

As Yhwach drew parallels between Conqueror's Haki and Reiatsu Crush, a sense of understanding washed over him, illuminating the underlying connections between these seemingly disparate abilities.

Yhwach: (In thought) It seems that despite the differences in terminology and context, the manipulation of spiritual energy remains a fundamental aspect of combat in both this world and ours.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his words carrying a mixture of amusement and skepticism as he commented on their discussion about Haki.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, well, well, looks like we stumbled upon another set of superpowers, huh? First, it was all about Reiatsu and Reikaku back in the Soul Society, and now we've got Haki and all its flavors to contend with. Talk about déjà vu.

His tone was laced with a hint of sarcasm, reflecting his bemusement at the similarities between the spiritual abilities they were familiar with and those they were encountering in this new world.

Yhwach couldn't help but chuckle softly at Ginjo's remark, a sense of camaraderie forming between them as they navigated the intricacies of their current situation.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Indeed, Ginjo. It seems the more things change, the more they stay the same. Whether it's Reiatsu or Haki, the essence remains unchanged: the manipulation of spiritual energy to gain an advantage in combat.

His mental response carried a note of amusement, reflecting his appreciation for the parallels between their past experiences and their current discoveries.

Ginjo's voice resounded within Yhwach's consciousness once more, his tone carrying a hint of curiosity as he pondered the implications of their newfound knowledge.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, if this Haki stuff is anything like Reiatsu, then we should have no problem mastering it, right? After all, we've had plenty of practice back in the Soul Society. How hard could it be?

His words held a hint of confidence, tinged with a touch of mischief as he contemplated the prospect of exploring the depths of Haki and its potential applications in combat.

Yhwach couldn't help but smirk at Ginjo's confidence, his own curiosity piqued by the prospect of mastering this new form of spiritual energy.

Yhwach: (Mental link) Indeed, Ginjo. If Haki is anything like Reiatsu, then we should be able to adapt to it quickly. Who knows? Perhaps we'll discover new techniques and abilities that will prove invaluable in our future endeavors.

His mental response carried a note of optimism, reflecting his eagerness to delve deeper into the mysteries of Haki and unlock its full potential.

Mihawk sighed softly, a hint of exasperation evident in his expression as he sheathed "Yoru" on his back. With a casual flick of his coat, he turned away from Yhwach, his attention already shifting to other matters.


Here are two decisions Yhwach could make:

Decision 1: Yhwach decides to express his interest in learning more about Haki and its applications in combat. He acknowledges Mihawk's explanation with genuine curiosity, eager to explore the potential of this new power.

Decision 2: Yhwach acknowledges Mihawk's explanation of Haki but remains skeptical, preferring to focus on his own abilities and strategies rather than delving into unfamiliar techniques.

Author's Note: This decision marks a crucial turning point in the story's progression. So, please take a moment to consider carefully before making your choice.

Continue to donate more power stones and motivate me more I'm in need of a little nudge right now.

MisunderstoodKingcreators' thoughts
Next chapter