

Yuki, a 15-year-old student, is having trouble dealing with the loss of his father, attempting to find normalcy while a large piece of his life is no longer there along with his robotic companion, Trivy. Everything changes however when he finds out the truth of his father's demise, which drives him to obtain enough strength and credibility in order to find his own justice. Will Yuki find the justice that he seeks, or is it even justice at all? Side Note: I will try and update Cover Art for the most recent Volume that it is currently on

Vikings1428 · Action
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41 Chs


He didn't want it to end like this.

There's still far too much he needs to do.

And like this, at the hands of a psychotic deranged killer.

No, not like this.

Then, suddenly, something grabs Yuki's shirt from his backside, and yanks him to the right, to which Theo's fatal blow is able to miss Yuki completely.

Yuki is tossed a bit to the right, barely having his back off the right wall of the alley, still surprised that he's somehow still alive, and yet, there stood the person that saved his life, well, the back of the person that is.

It was Anastasia, the swing that missed Yuki left Theo wide open, and Anastasia capitalized on that by kneeing him in the gut.

The impact, as well as a retreat thereafter, allowed Theo to separate himself from a surprise guest that allowed Yuki to go beyond his expiration date.

"Next time you should tell someone." Anastasia said.

"Sorry, but I didn't have time for that."

"It's her..." Theo thought, then said, "Well well well, it looks like my plan worked out in the end after all..."

Theo couldn't withhold all of his excitement from his plans succeeding.

"What... did he want me and Yuki here?" Anastasia thought while glancing back towards Yuki, already identifying his broken arm.

"This was part of his plan?" Yuki thought, still shocked that he's still alive, and the fact that he now knows he walked right into the belly of the beast willingly.

Theo couldn't waste this perfect opportunity, his plans had worked just as he set it up after all.

Theo darted towards Anastasia, attempting to complete his blueprints, and attempted a full on assault on her by swinging recklessly and testing her capabilities.

She was able to easily dodge his onslaught of bone breaking swings with ease, even managing to land another blow on him, which allowed a pause within the assault.

"Hmph... you're better than the boy..." Theo let out before swinging straight for her temple.

Anastasia veered it, yet again, by simply outmaneuvering it, but Theo didn't let up, he resumed the assault, with another swing, this time to the side of Anastasia as she left herself open for a fraction of a second after her successful dodge.

She managed to push his wrist out the way, making sure whatever he wasn't able to land a blow that seemed to be enough to break her ribs.

He swung towards her again, this time heading for her cheek.

She side-stepped it with ease, but didn't expect him to already have launched his second attack, as it was T-minus two seconds towards impact.

She barely swerved the second one to her left cheek, but in the process, she somehow still got a cut on her right cheek from maneuvering the career ending blow.

"What... but I dodged it..." Anastasia thought as she looked at the small scratch on her right cheek.

This irritated her, but this didn't stop Theo's assault, he swung again, this time aiming for her neck area.

Anastasia easily dodges this by ducking and still going through in a sweeping motion in the process, successfully cutting through Theo's legs.

He was down on his back, similar to a flipped over tortoise, as she didn't hold up from her part with a knee going straight into his chest, pinning him onto the ground.

"Don't move."

"You actually think this'll hold me?!" Theo shouted as he began to grasp onto the ground beside him.

The ground began to crumble away like shortbread as Theo sunk his fingertips into the concrete.

"What the hell is he..." Anastasia thought before stepping back from the situation that was very threatening to say the least.

"Yuki, can you move?" Anastasia asked, now knowing it's going to take more than just her to last a couple rounds with this guy.

"Yeah..." Yuki is a bit surprised Anastasia was able to gain an advantage, even though it only lasted a few seconds.

Theo slowly rose from the ground, smirking and barely holding back laughter as his lust for blood was palpable, the sinister smirk alone was enough to scare large animals away.

Just what was he?

It was as if they felt a big gust of the screams from the underworld blast through their pores every second they gazed upon the sadistic beast.

"You... you're the gold that my brother needs..." Theo said while holding back his joy from becoming a double edged sword.

"What... what is he?" Anastasia and Yuki thought as the foul presence of Theo was so overwhelming that they even questioned their own capabilities in the few seconds of him standing there.

Anastasia couldn't help but think of the past during the overwhelming ocean of bloodlust being poured onto her and Yuki.

A dark room, a slim man sitting in front of a fireplace that was presumably her father spoke to her.

"You'll know when you see someone like this one day, Ana."

Anastasia was much younger than her present self, standing innocent and childlike and idolizing the still man in front of the fireplace who gave off the impression of experience with just a glance.

"Papa... but how?"

"When one is consumed by their own bloodlust, one would be consumed by fear at the sight of this. Whatever you do, don't let the fear consume you or you will freeze." her father wisely said as his breath was visible even though he sat directly in front of the fireplace.

"Huh?" Innocent Anastasia couldn't understand what her father was talking about let alone even define the concept of bloodlust.

This brought a smirk to her father's experienced face, to which he gave her more attention by turning towards her while still being seated in the chair.

"Don't worry, one day you will see." her father finished, and turned back around to continue bathing in heat.

Anastasia's past was more than this, but this alone was brought to the surface as she finally experienced just what her father talked about.

For what it was worth, his information was useful as Anastasia snapped out of it from the sheer screams of a wailing banshee.

"I'll kill the both of you!!" Theo is consumed with rage right now, as he heads straight for the two of them who are stuck within the fearsome aura.

It feels as if they are neck deep in swampy waters, unable to avoid the speeding bullet train, the one way ticket to hell.

"I can't let it consume me!" Anastasia thought as she slowly overcame her fear, although it felt like it took forever, it was a mere half a second.

She was able to move just in time, and just enough to shove Theo to the side, avoiding his murderous intent.

Unfortunately, she shoved him straight onto Yuki.

"What the hell!" Yuki thought in frustration as the bloodthirsty demon's breath oozed onto Yuki's cheek.

Yuki's shoulder hit the right wall, causing slight pain as his broken arm pressed against the brick, especially with Theo having lost complete control and basically squirming about on his other shoulder.

Theo grudgingly swings his palm straight for Yuki's cheek, attempting to crush his head against the brick wall.

Luckily, Yuki was able to slide forward a bit, just barely stepping out of the way of the devastating hand of the underworld.

Theo's hand crushed the brick wall, as if it were a sheet of styrofoam, to which he swipes through it, hitting Yuki further into the alley.

It looked as if Yuki was thrown by a twister as he began to roll deeper into the alley.

Theo then swings through, using the same arm he crushed the brick wall with, heading straight for Anastasia who was behind him.

She was able to duck down under his vicious swipe.

"I can't let him land an attack on me..." Anastasia thought as Theo was already swinging his palm downward towards her as she just dodged his initial strike.

She stood up and sidestepped the downward swipe.

"He's fast." Anastasia thought as she attempted to land a kick on the deranged beast that stood in front of her.

Theo blocks it as if he was fighting an infant, it looked far too easy for him to do so as he smirked at Anastasia, possibly smirking at the very fact that she even attempted to do such a pitiful counter.

Theo swiftly reacted by grasping Anastasia by the throat, such a swift motion that Anastasia didn't even see it coming even though he stood right in front of her.

"I finally caught the little birdy..."

"Dammit..." Anastasia thought as oxygen was a luxury at this point, each breath being more precious than the last.

Theo slammed Anastasia against the wall behind her, still having a firm grip of her throat, which was strong enough to knock her unconscious.

Theo didn't recognize this, nor has he even been pushed this far, he never knew the lustful essence of his strength that lay beyond the picket fence.

He continued to press further, and further, even though she was unconscious, he pressed her almost halfway into the brick wall.

This feeling, the feeling was much, much more blissful than the first bite of an egg salad sandwich while watching the birds sing along to classical music.

The very thought of this very situation brought a feeling of euphoria, more than enough to stiffen Theo enough in pure excitement.

The feeling was nothing like he's ever felt before, even though he was doing this for his brother, the benefits were truly something to die for, were they not?

It was far better than anything he's ever experienced before his first kill, even though that one still remains special to his heart.

Each one brings him to a new height, a different height as well, as each had their own erotic and indescribable feel that brought individuality to each carcass.

This feeling was truly something else, but it was cut short, far too short than what he was used to by now.

Theo found himself back to reality, and away from Anastasia, who was still pinned in the brick wall in the alley.

He found himself on the outside of the alley, standing on the main street, staring at a gasping Yuki who had just launched his head straight into Theo's ribcage, but only causing him to step away just a few feet.

"Dammit... what am I doing... I should've just played dead... but I had to throw my safety away to help her... I... Couldn't stand by and watch him take another innocent life..." Yuki thought.

His appearance was far different than what he looked like before this altercation.

Both of his arms dangled from his shoulders, his face was similar to an old road, bumpy and rough.

He could barely see through his eyes as they were swollen, his cheeks were stained with blood, he didn't really know where from though as his entire body and face were numb, and this is with the adrenaline and dopamine still in full effect.

Theo, who now is fully aware that he is out in the open now, takes a halfhearted step forward towards Yuki, questioning whether he should still continue and kill the only bird left, was it too much of a risk being that anyone could have seen him by now?

He was very hesitant about taking a second step towards Yuki who was a few more breaths away from passing out.

No, he had to end this now, he already finished off the candidate, but now, he has to tie loose ends, it's only the logical thing to do.

Risks shouldn't be a problem now, the only thing that is a problem stood a few feet in front of him.

Theo's third step was halted by the sounds of sirens in the distance, he grew more conscious in his next decision, what should he do, what was the best choice of action here?

"Dammit... They'll probably be here in two minutes, but he's standing right there... I..." Theo thought as his eyes began shaking in relentless fashion, he couldn't control his infinite amount of thoughts that led to no conclusions.

The sirens grew louder by the second.

"They'll be here any second now..." Yuki gasped towards Theo, which brought a confident smirk to his face.

"The gods granted you your life for now, but let's see if it'll do the same for my next victim..." Theo said with arrogance.

"What?!" Yuki surprisingly shouted, then thought, "Dammit... the police will probably be here in another minute or so... He can easily escape if he wants to... I just have to hold him here for a bit longer..."

"If you do that, who knows when you'll get a second chance on me... leaving me alive may be regretful..."

"He's actually trying to make me stay here... I underestimated him, I'll make sure I don't make that mistake the next time I see him..." Theo thought as he gazed at Yuki, then said, "I'll save that for the next time."

Once he finished his words, he took off, leaving Yuki's poor field of vision.

"Dammit... I couldn't keep him here... It wasn't enough..." Yuki sadly said while gasping for air.

Those were his last words before he fell unconscious to the ground.

It was surprising that he was able to stand up at all after being dealt that much damage, let alone attempting to get under Theo's skin, risking his own life to make sure Theo stays at the scene for a few more seconds.

Nonetheless, his bravery was something to be looked up to, a hero?

Maybe not, but he was still able to stand his ground against a demigod of Hades, that in itself should be something to be proud of, shouldn't it?