

Yuki, a 15-year-old student, is having trouble dealing with the loss of his father, attempting to find normalcy while a large piece of his life is no longer there along with his robotic companion, Trivy. Everything changes however when he finds out the truth of his father's demise, which drives him to obtain enough strength and credibility in order to find his own justice. Will Yuki find the justice that he seeks, or is it even justice at all? Side Note: I will try and update Cover Art for the most recent Volume that it is currently on

Vikings1428 · Action
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41 Chs

A Familiar Face

"You're finally up." Martin said, gazing at Yuki as if he died yesterday, who's waking up in a hospital bed.

"Where are we..." Yuki slowly said, his voice was stiff from waking up.

"Yuki!" Trivy shouted in excitement, completely ignoring his soft question.

"In a hospital dummy. You took quite the beating. Doctors said you had 2 broken arms and a couple of broken ribs. And that's just what was broken..." Vivian said.

"We thought you were dead when we found you..." Kaso said softly.

"Good thing he's up now." Alex said, the enthusiasm he once had is now completely gone in favor of something else.

"Where's Ana?!" Yuki shouted in concern as he shot up half way from the bed.

The last thing he remembers after all was Anastasia plastered into a brick wall.

"Don't worry about her. She also had broken ribs and a broken shoulder blade along with numerous bruises on her back and neck. But she got up two days ago." Martin said, surprised Yuki had more concern for Anastasia than what he did for himself.

It was clear raising up from his hospital bed as swiftly as he did came with its own repercussions.

"Two days ago? How long have we been in here?"

"It's been a week since your incident." Martin responded, which left Yuki in a state of confusion, just how bad was this?

A question that has been answered numerous times already.

Yuki finally retracted himself from his confusion, and simply asked "Did you catch him?"

"Unfortunately no—But—I called the IJA." Martin replied.

"Huh?" Yuki didn't know how to respond to this, was it greed that drove him to a door filled with anger?

Was it because he wanted to be the one responsible for bringing Theo in, he wanted that pleasure for himself, maybe that was true, but today is not that day.

"They sent an agent already. This serial killer case has gone way too far, and two youths got hurt on my watch..." Martin paused in disappointment with himself for allowing this to happen, then continued, "The agent arrived two days ago and has been waiting to talk to you first."

"Why?" Yuki wasn't completely back to himself after hearing the news of the IJA being called, so his question was released with some attitude.

"You can see him for yourself, see you soon." Martin said as he began to leave the hospital room.

"Who is it?" Yuki asked, but it was too late for Martin to answer that question, luckily it was asked aloud, so the others within the room may have an answer to it.

"Only like one of the strongest Agents in the IJA, he's a division captain too." Kaso replied, this response only strengthened Yuki's curiosity.

Just who was this world class agent that was dragged down to clean up the mess that group one made?

"Really... someone that strong..." Yuki remembered the time when Kaso told him about Asami's father, who he specifically said he was also a division captain, to which Yuki thought, "So he's on her father's level then..."

Yuki was somewhat anxious to see whomever this agent was, just what does an agent of that caliber even look like anyway?

The voice of the unfamiliar could be heard in the hall conversing with Martin, who's words were distinguished from the fog.

"He's up." Martin said from the hall.

Yuki began to stare at the door, waiting, waiting for this agent who wouldn't leave the hospital until he awoke.

Was he really that important?

Just who was it?

Did Yuki know him already?

So many questions that kept bubbling up, but the conclusion to each and every one of them was just behind that door, why, why did it feel as if this was taking forever to happen.

Why can't the door just swing open already?

The door opened slowly.

Yuki and Kaso paid close attention, especially to the hand that can be seen from the bedside turning the doorknob.

Yuki squinted a bit, the hand somehow looked familiar, he did know this person, didn't he?

A man walked in, fully revealing himself to Kaso and Yuki.

A somewhat tall and slim but built man with messy hair, as if he didn't care to look in the mirror for whatever reason.

His eyes were afflicted with sleep deprivation, or was that just how it always was, a question only Yuki and him knew the answer to.

He wore a black long sleeve with dark colored jeans and black boots, a very simple and casual outfit.

Yuki knew this man, much more than the others within the room did.

His face was recognizable almost instantly, his odor itself brought back memories, their bond was something that couldn't be broken, no matter how hard one or the other tried to do so.


Yuki is a bit surprised, both at the fact that he's here, and the fact that he's the division captain that Kaso spoke so highly of.

Yuki's words completely startled the other members of group one within the room, they had no idea Yuki had a relative within the IJA, and neither did he.

"He's your brother?!" they all shouted simultaneously.

"Why are you here?" Yuki bluntly asked.

"I was assigned here." the man responded in a careless tone, as if he didn't want to be here either.

"What?!" Yuki shouted as he grew a bit frustrated in seeing his brother.

"You're probably astonished that I work for the IJA right now... tell you the truth, I didn't know you were in the youth program myself."

"No... why weren't you there..." Yuki said in anger, as only the both of them know what he's talking about.

The other members of group one just watched in awe, even though they hadn't the slightest idea what's going on.

"I was busy." his brother bluntly responded, not showing much sympathy to the insisted.

"You were busy..." Yuki softly responded.

"What a jerk..." Trivy said under his breath.

"I'm surprised you're still alive."

"What... what do you mean?"

"I'll let you know later, for now, you should get some rest."

"You sound like you're in a hurry, where are you headed?" Yuki said, even though the tone of his brother's voice didn't indicate that at all.

"Gonna go do my job."

"Wait... I... I still have questions..."

"I don't have time for that."

"Ryuzaki, the least you can do is answer my questions..." Yuki said, he doesn't often refer to his brother with his full name, which created a small pause within the room before his brother responded.

"Fine. You have two questions. Make them quick."

"How long have you been with the IJA?"

"I started after I left."

"Why'd you even come here?"

"I already said I was assigned here."

"No, I mean here to my hospital room."

"Sorry, you ran out of questions. Time for me to go." Ryuzaki said as he turned for the door.

"Still the same old Ryu..." Yuki thought.

"Still the same old jerk..." Trivy thought.

"Wait!" Yuki shouted, which halted Ryuzaki in the doorway.

Ryuzaki is tempted to look back and acknowledge his brother, but he had more important things to tend to than catching up with his brother.

Then suddenly, Yuki leans his head onto Ryuzaki's back, which surprised him to say the least.

Ryuzaki wasn't sure how his brother even got there so quickly, especially without so much as a yelp from the pain moving in his current condition.

"So... you know what happened to him..." Yuki softly said, holding back tears in the process.


"I'm glad..." Yuki said before pausing, which led Ryuzaki to think "He's glad our old man is dead?"

"I'm glad you're ok... I didn't think I'd see you here... I'm just glad you're here..." Yuki said as the stream began pouring down the sides of his face.

"Yeah... well I don't have time for this reunion."

"You're going to get the killer right?"

"Yeah." Ryuzaki said as he walked away from the hospital room.

He was headed to finish off the deranged killer that left his brother in a hospital bed, not that it made any difference whether it was his brother or any other youth member of the IJA.

Ryuzaki made his way down the hall before being halted for a second time.

"Then take me with you!" Yuki shouted from across the hall, leaving his group one members in awe that he was still able to stand, let alone make his way out of the room.

He was struggling a bit to continue, but his willpower alone kept him standing tall, well somewhat to say the least.

This left a slight smirk on Ryuzaki's face before he responded to Yuki's demands.

"Sure." Ryuzaki said, then thought, "Same old Yuki..."