

Yuki, a 15-year-old student, is having trouble dealing with the loss of his father, attempting to find normalcy while a large piece of his life is no longer there along with his robotic companion, Trivy. Everything changes however when he finds out the truth of his father's demise, which drives him to obtain enough strength and credibility in order to find his own justice. Will Yuki find the justice that he seeks, or is it even justice at all? Side Note: I will try and update Cover Art for the most recent Volume that it is currently on

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41 Chs

A Smile of Benevolence

Yuki is startled at the recent development that he presumed to be true within himself, as he now begins to scope the area around him, looking for possible clues of the theory that arouse within his cognition.

"Where is he..." Yuki thought, still searching through the crowd from his current position behind the yellow tape.

The mere thought of the culprit watching them rose Yuki's heart rate as he continued to rapidly pan through the masses.

What was he looking for?

He had no idea who this person was or what they even looked like?

He knew that, and yet, he still continued to look.

Hopeful that the person on the other side of the fence will make a mistake, will step across the red line without noticing, that alone will be just enough for Yuki to recognize.


There it was...

The smile amongst the crowd of horror and awe, although it was slight, it was more than enough to put a portrait on.

"That's odd... that's the librarian from before..." Yuki thought, taking some time to put the final piece in the puzzle.

After a couple of seconds, it hit Yuki stronger than a truck hauling down the highway.

"That's Him! He has to be the killer!" Yuki thought as he realized he was the same man that was shown to group one by Vivian earlier.

"He's the librarian, he knew all that about Asclepius..."

"And he happens to be the same man from the recordings..."

"It's no coincidence he's here right now either..."

"How should I do this..."

"He can easily escape if I scare him off..." Yuki thought as his stare grew more intense, finally locating what was necessary.