
Powers of choice?

Peter Parker is a smart guy, but he did not have much presence. No, it's his only friend, Herry Osborn, the young master of the Oscorp industries, who caught the attention of the girls. The Oscorp industry is a multibillion-dollar corporation, after the Stark industries stopped producing weapons. Oscorp was the only one who competed in armaments with my father's company. Currently the Green Goblin causing trouble in the city, Simon did not know until when this friendship Peter and Herry could last.

"Jack, do not cause trouble. Lets sit. Class will start at any moment. "Simon patted his friend's shoulder before walking toward the seat, overseeing the urban passageway inside.

Jack shrugs and smiles faintly. "I'm just a little surprised, your dad keeps talking all the time about the Oscop and blah blah blah." He follows suit and walks toward the seat next to Simon.

Simon sits down and does not pay much attention to the crowds in the corner room. While waiting for the bell to ring, Simon begins to think about how long he is, and what powers have helped him to future events. It's been two years since Tony Stark made his armor, and it's been three years since the Hulk's brutal battle for Harlem, maybe in a few months Thor will be banned from Asgard. Simon knows that if he chooses very strong powers he may not be able to control them and even end up dying, among all the powers that see the mind one stands out. The powers of Milis Morale can act both offensively and stealthily, to be honest he had the spiderman's improved powers, and most importantly he would have the power to almost foretell the near future.

Simon rubs his temples for a little moment, and his gaze turns to the side. Maybe he should think better and ask his friend what powers he would like if he could choose, but when he sees his wolf eyes staring at the bunch of pretty women, Simon's lips tighten and his eyes roll.

"Hey! Come on with the powers of Miles Morales! "He screams in his heart.

[System - Purchase of powers (Usable only once)]

-Incredible Hullk Red (0.1% Fainter than Hulk)

-Teleportation (mutant gene)

-Iron skin (mutant gene)


-Genetically modified spider (spider man)

-Genetically modified spider (Miles morale)

Simon selects the powers of Miles.


Jack "Do not choose the powers of the Miles Morale! He's also the spider man, do not you know you're going to lose readers?"

Simon "I can not control it, it looks like somebody is writing what I should do!"

Eu sei que muitas pessoas não querem que o Mc tenha poderes de homem-aranha, então acabei escolhendo os poderes de Miles porque eles podem ser explorados de muitas maneiras diferentes. não se preocupe, ele não vai ser como Miles Morales da Hq, muito menos ele vai pular de edifícios em instalações com lançadores da web em Nova York, sua pegada será diferente do Homem-Aranha. espere pelos próximos capítulos: D

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