
Necromancer, new branch - I can enslave the living!

Follow Bardeelus' journey as he discovers the wonders of 'pure necromancy', one of the rarest types of magic out there. Some despise it, while some adore it, but ultimately, he was free or any demonic influences and was as pure as a mage could be! Though, training was a different story. lt wasn't easy to uncover the secrets of pure necromancy, as those secrets were locked in the 'old world' of magic. Ancient and cryptic languages were a must know, if any progress was to be made, and the tag-along dangers were ten times worse! Bardeelus' goals were greater than any threat, however, as he wanted to enslave the living, without killing them. Although this was almost unheard of across the dark arts of magic, it was possible! ~ For the sake of power, he'll find a way to do it. Besides... a greater threat awaited them, the clock was ticking. He had to be ready! ~

Enkamos · Fantasy
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172 Chs

No deal. I eat beaver!

"I believe in our gods, but never talked to one… unlike whatever it is you do with your demon lords." Bardeelus answered. 

He was very direct, and continued to argue. "You're trying to convert this village into your shrine, I know that well. But the deal is off, I'll tell everyone that you all are demon worshippers. People will come down here and burn all those wagons, they won't think about it twice, trust me on that."

"Don't be retarded, that's a lot of food and you shouldn't waste it." Medon advised. 

Though, the tension between the two sides rose more than ever now. Bardeelus acted as a direct barricade against the enemy's plans, which could spark conflict almost immediately. 

These dark mages were definitely powerful enough to cause damage if they wanted to, and he even noticed some of them pacing frantically, back and forth.