

Chapter 229 - Red light rushes to the sky, Lin Moye has become a red-named monster|Transformation for All: Necromancer! I Am The Natural Disaster|The Universal Transformation: Necromancer! I Am The Natural Disaster Chapter Reading - Siku Book House

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 Book Chapter 229 - Red Light Rushes to the Sky, Lin Mo Yu Becomes a Red-Name Monster

 There was a soft thud. Lin

 The skeletal armor shimmered and blocked the dagger attack.

 There was a sneak attack!

 There was a flash of red light in his palm.

 Skill: slow speed curse!

 The sneak attacker was cursed to reveal himself at once.

 It's a dragon assassin.

 The Skeleton Warrior Soul Flame on the side pulsed violently, and the two large swords had already chopped over.

 The Dragon Assassin darted back, avoiding the Skeleton Warrior's attack.

 Dragons Skyfirst are resistant to curses.

 The slowing curse is drastically weakened on them.

 Limerick's fingertips lit up at the same time.

 Skill: skeleton fangs!

 The miserable white light exploded, and in an instant, 1200 skeleton fangs whistled out.

 The Dragon Assassin was too close to dodge.

 In an instant, he was pierced by the skeleton's sharp teeth and flew out backwards with a miserable look.

 A healing spell had lit up on it as it flew backwards.

 Looking up, a group of dragon professionals flew in, "Kill him!"

 Killing intent surging, the twelve Dragon Race Professionals, without saying a word had already launched an attack towards Lin Moxian.

 A blood-colored red light from Lin Moxue's body shot straight up into the sky for a long time.

 Lin Moxue also knew that this red light was going to last for ten whole days.

 Bai Yi Yuan had spoken to him about the rules of the Origin Rune.

 Upon acquiring the Origin Rune, a red light would shoot out from his body and could be seen for a thousand miles around.

 Those in the Battlefield of Eternity would know they had gotten the Origin Rune.

 They'll come and grab it.

 The only way to snatch it was to kill yourself so that the Origin Rune would fall out again.

 It is not difficult to find yourself because of the red light guiding you.

 During these 10 days, one becomes a public enemy and has to face a large number of enemies.

 Only when the red light disappeared after 10 days would he or she be able to completely claim the Origin Rune for himself or herself.

 It's not easy for any professional to last 10 days.

 It was also very difficult for Bai Yi Yuan to persevere back then.

 And now it's his turn.

 "In that case, kill as many as come!"

 Lin 727 Silence's heart chilled as he looked at the dragon professionals who were rushing over, rising with a gust of killing intent.

 The Dragon Professionals were close at hand.

 Lin Moxue could see the greed and ferocity in their eyes.

 The level 30 Limerick was nothing in front of them.

 The legions of undead that had been retrieved not long ago were all released at the same time.

 Skeletons were all over the field in an instant.

 The dragon professionals' eyes went black and they were already deep in the skeleton surroundings.

 The Witchfinder General raised his staff high and enchanted the status.

 A flash of white light rushed through the sky as the skeletons strengthened en masse.

 The Skeleton Warrior swung his greatsword, and the Skeleton Mage skills surged like a tsunami.

 The Dragon Professionals' faces changed drastically.

 The sudden turn of events had thrown them off their game.


 The leader of the knights roared.

 The group protection skill opens, forming a shield to block the first wave of attacks.

 The detection spell had landed on it ahead of the others.

 The dragon knight at the head, level 50.

 It was a full 20 levels higher than Lin Meiyu, and with the innate advantage of being a Dragon Race Professional, it was even stronger than a Human Race Professional of the same level.

 Seemingly strong, but not a shit in front of Limerick.

 This kind of team, no matter how strong they were, they couldn't be stronger than the Soul Devouring Insect King.

 The Soul Eater King could only be slaughtered in front of the Undead Legion, let alone them.

 The Skeletons' landslide of attacks blindsided them.

 There was clearly only one person, and only two skeletons around.

 What's with all the skeletons popping up all of a sudden.

 The Dragon Professionals hadn't seen the previous great battle at all.

 They arrived when the secret realm disappeared and Lin Moxian obtained the Origin Rune.

 They instinctively thought that Limerick was just lucky.

 Following each . Every day! More, newcomer? From the... 说 群. () while being swept away by the Origin Rune.

 It wasn't even clear to them that the sneak attack failed and they were instantly seriously injured by Lin Moxue.

 As it is, the end is already predetermined.

 In the Eternal Battlefield, once you lose your cool, the result that brings is often death.

 The Skeleton Mage's second round of attacks arrived, and the Skeleton Warrior simultaneously exploded his skills.

 Like a piece of glass shattering, the knight's group protection was instantly shattered.

 Skill: Damage Curse!

 Even though Dragons have the innate advantage of Curse Resistance, the Curse of Damage can still boost damage by more than 100% with a talent increase.

 The moment the group's protection was broken, the knight instinctively began to defend at the limit.

 At the same time, he let out a roar, and his entire body radiated a brilliant light.

 The light enveloped the entire team, and all spell attacks fell towards it.

 Skill: fire attraction!

 An advanced skill for level 50 knights that draws all of the enemy's long-range attacks to themselves.

 Then it follows every . Every day! More, newcomer? From the... The group. () continues to release skills.

 Skills: group taunting!

 A shimmering light rose from the hundreds of skeletons around them, affected by the skill, the skeletons collectively targeted the Dragon Knight.

 It was just a second before and after, three skills in a row.

 The Dragon Knight used himself as a meat shield and drew the majority of the firepower.

 Limerick looked in his eyes and was indeed an excellent and qualified knight.

 With Ultimate Defense turned on, its defense was ridiculously strong.

 The concentrated fire of a thousand Skeleton Mages falling on it could only cause some minor damage.

 Only under the powerful attack, the time of the limit defense was drastically shortened.

 It's trying so hard, it doesn't care if it lives or dies.

 Buy time for your own teammates.

 Unfortunately, it didn't work.

 Skeleton Warriors can indeed be affected by skills, but they can also re-shift their target with a new command.

 Sure enough, the Witchfinder General quickly gave a new order.

 The Skeleton Warrior shifted his target again, re-attacking the rest of the Dragon Professionals, ignoring the Knight.

 One of the mages in the Dragon team thrust his staff into the ground with force.

 Skill: Landslide!

 The earth exploded.

 The earth, which was already devastated by the bombing, collapsed again at this moment.

 The skeleton warriors had trouble keeping their footing and fell over.

 This one bought them time.


 The Dragon Knight roared and attempted to break out.

 Now that they had come to their senses, they knew that it was impossible to snatch the Origin Rune from Lin Moxian.

 All I'm asking for now is to get out and save a life.

 The sky went violently black as a large number of skeleton warriors leapt up and jumped from the sky.

 More skeleton warriors jumped over from all around.

 The Skeleton Warrior's agility attribute was as high as 50,000, and with the status boost, it was faster than them.

 Buzz off.

 Limerick turns Curse of Damage into (e) Curse of Retardation.

 Dragon professionals slow down.

 If you want to escape, there's no door.

 Under the curse, it is difficult for assassins to escape through stealth.

 Soon they will be invisible, but the cursed logo above their heads will still be there.

 Still can't escape the skeleton's attack.

 They have a full three mages in their ranks.

 There was a flurry of skill casting.

 A rain of fire fell from the sky.

 There are tons of tornadoes all around.

 The ice storm was like it was going to freeze heaven and earth.

 The Dragon Professionals fought back to the death.

 Unfortunately, it was useless against the legions of undead that could heal and uncontrol.

 A twelve-man team of dragon professionals, one knight, one support, two healers, one assassin, four fighters, and three mages.

 Sort of a more standard Battle Law team.

 At this point, the warriors and knights together surrounded the mage assistants, trying to fend off the skeletons' attacks.

 The aid kept treating them.

 The assassin tried to break out several times, and not only did he not succeed, but he was injured a little.

 The battle was doomed from the start.

 But Limerick didn't want to waste too much time.

 He likewise joined the fray.

 Lock on the assassin.

 Soul flames blazed in his palm.

 With a buzz, the curse changed again.

 Once again, it went from a slowing curse to a damage curse.

 The sudden change in speed made the Dragon Professionals a little uncomfortable.

 At the same time the Dragon Assassin let out a terrifying scream.

 The sharp pain of the soul flames was unbearable.

 Aid in rapid treatment.

 Lin Moxian unceasingly cast Soul Flame.

 The assassin screamed in agony.

 There was an assist that could only keep healing it, otherwise it wouldn't last more than five seconds and the assassin would be killed by Limerick.

 Soul Flame is too effective to use for solo kills.

 Limerick firmly stalled a healer.

 The other therapist's stress level plummeted.

 The Dragon Knight's draw fire skill finally ended.

 The Skeleton Mage makes a set point kill, targeting the Assassin.

 The assassin, who had already been tossed around, was suddenly attacked by a concentrated fire and instantly relieved.

 Skill: Corpse Burst!


 The explosions were deafening.

 Strong winds scraped against the scale armor like knives.

 The group was collectively killed in seconds, except for the knight and four knights.

 "What's happening!"

 "Why are they all dead!"

 The knights and warriors hadn't realized what was happening.

 The team is dead.

 Then the explosion sounded again.

 One voice after another.

 Four explosions in a row, and four knights dead.

 Only the Knight remains.

 The extreme defense on the knight's body had completely collapsed, and his entire body was seriously injured, with only his last breath left.

 There was a flash of red light in front of his eyes.

 Skeleton Warrior added the final blow.

 With reluctance, it fell to the ground and died.

 Lin Moxue's gaze was flat, as if he had done something insignificant.

 The entire battle, back and forth, lasted no more than a minute.

 It's a far cry from fighting a world-class boss.

 The sergeant's badge once again bloomed with a clean white light.

 The sixth and seventh stars follow each . Every day! More, newcomer? From the small . Say Group. () appears.

 Killed 12 high level professionals of the Dragon Race, military merit increased by 12,000.

 The total amount of military honors had just reached 70,000, and Lin Moxue had logically become a seven-star second lieutenant.

 The Skeleton Warriors flew and stripped the equipment off of them, then disappeared.

 There were still only two Skeleton Warriors left beside Lin Moxian.

 Level 30 Human Necromancer with two level 30 Skeleton Warriors.

 The attributes of the Skeleton Warrior are still so weak.

 It looks human and harmless.

 A random monster in the Battlefield of Eternity could kill him.

 Take the skeleton away from the crumbling earth.

 At that moment he was red and a pillar of light illuminated the sky.

 The red light spread out and could be seen for a thousand miles around.

 Limerick was like a big light bulb that shone everywhere he went.

 Shortly after leaving, there was suddenly the sound of footsteps.


 At the call, a group of men ran up.

 Lin Muyue stopped and let her eyes look around, the visitors were wearing uniform clothing.

 It bore the logo of the Shakyo Academy, the Genesis Academy.

 And Lin Moxue was also wearing the clothes of the Xiajing Academy at this time.

 The House of Fellowship.

 Limerick didn't let his guard down.

 Bai Yi Yuan had said that no one could be completely trusted in the Eternal Battlefield.

 It doesn't matter if they are from the same clan or classmates.

 Be two hundred percent alert.

 In the Ancient Battlefield, Lin Muyue preferred to believe in himself .

 Kangxi radical 118
