

Chapter 228 - Huge Harvest, Origin Rune | National Transformation: necromancer! I Am the Natural Disaster|Universal Transformation: the Necromancer! I Am the Divine Disaster Chapter Read - Four Library Books

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 Book Chapter 228 - Huge Harvest, Origin Rune

 A firelight landed on the Soul Devouring Insect Guard. Lin

 The Soul Devouring Bug Guard immediately let out a miserable scream.

 All the scaly hairs on its body stood up, and its huge insect body was shivering.

 The screams of misery were ear-piercing.

 It had probably never thought in its life that it would enjoy soul attacks again.

 Its scream caused the entire mental shield to shake.

 The gap that had been burned open widened considerably at once.

 With a thought from Lin Moxian, the skeleton mage's attack immediately poured in through the gap.

 Skill: Damage Curse!

 Red light flashed as the curse penetrated through the gaping hole.

 The Soul Devouring Bug Guard's measly 50,000 Physique was facing a sea of attacks from Soul Flame and Skeleton Mages, plus the 10x damage bonus from Curse of Damage.

 Almost in the blink of an eye, he was killed in seconds.

 The shield is missing a quarter of its size and shrinks dramatically.

 Limerick raised his hand and delivered the final blow.

 Skill: Corpse Burst!

 In the first explosion, the remaining three Soul Eater Bug Guards were directly killed.

 The Soul Devouring Insect Mother let out a miserable scream and was lightly injured.

 The Soul Eater Guards are too weak and have little vitality.

 The Soul Devouring Insect Mother's body mass was similarly as high as 200,000, and her defense was very strong.

 Corpse bursts can only wound it, they can't kill it.

 As the Soul Eater guards died, the shield disappeared.

 The Skeleton Mage's skills poured out towards the Soul Eater Insect Mother.

 The Skeleton Warrior also swung his sword and charged.

 The Soul Devouring Insect Mother's entire body trembled as it felt the terror of death.

 The second explosion came as expected.

 The Soul Eater Mother was once again injured.

 Then the third, then the fourth.

 The four Soul Devouring Insect Guards triggered the bursting of the corpses, and the Soul Devouring Insect Mother suffered a considerable amount of injuries.

 The Soul Eater Mother's entire body trembled, dropping large swaths of small hills.

 All Soul Eater nestlings.

 The secret realm then roared as huge energy souls transformed into a blue light that surged into these nesting hatchlings.

 The nest grew rapidly, and in just three seconds it was already more than ten meters tall.

 It was exactly the same as the small hill Lin Moxian had seen in the outside world.

 With a movement in his heart, Lin Moxue made the Skeleton Warrior stop.

 "Since you sought death yourself..."

 Lin Moxian guessed what the Soul Devouring Insect Mother was going to do next.

 That's its skill, Super Hatch.

 Utilizing the soul energy in the secret realm, the Soul Devouring Insects were quickly hatched.

 It didn't understand that the more Soul Eaters there were, the faster it would die.

 Limerick wasn't afraid of much at all.

 Each Soul Eater will be its catalyst.

 The Soul Devouring Insect Mother used her final skill.

 The hill exploded and a giant Soul Eater rushed out.

 Each one was six or seven meters tall, and although they weren't as big as the Soul Devouring Insect King, they looked very powerful as well.

 In just a few seconds, nearly a hundred powerful Giant Soul Eater Insects were spawned all at once.

 The soul energy that had been accumulated in the secret realm for many years was all of a sudden depleted by half.

 The entire secret realm dimmed.

 Lin Moxian was already too lazy to use the Detection Technique to check the attributes.

 They're about to die anyway.

 "Gather fire!"

 The Skeleton Warriors gave up attacking the Soul Eater Mother and turned to the giant Soul Eater that had just hatched and birthed.

 Skeleton Mage's attacks fell on them as well.

 Lin Moxian raised his hand and made a point.

 Red light fell from the sky.

 Skill: Damage Curse!

 Don't want to use the slowing curse either, more looking for a speed kill one now.

 If we can kill one, the rest will be fine.

 The Soul Eater Mother obviously didn't know this.

 It had a blue glow to it.


 All skeletons are attacked.

 Skill: Soul Blast!

 This skill, however, is not much use.

 General Witchfinder casts a skill to heal.

 The Soul Eater Mother suddenly aimed at a Witch Demon General and

 Skill: Soul Frost!

 A Witch Demon General's healing was immediately interrupted, and his entire body froze on the spot.

 The Witch Demon General was severely injured and reached the brink of death.

 Lin MoYu was startled in her heart and hurriedly put it away.

 If the Soul Devouring Insect Mother's attack had been a little stronger, this Witch Demon General would have died.

 As soon as the Witch Demon General was retracted, the undead army it belonged to disappeared along with it.

 The secret realm was suddenly empty.

 As if the Soul Eater Mother had seen hope, it began to target the other Witch Demon Generals!

 At the same time, he ordered the Giant Soul Eater to charge towards the Witch Demon General, not bothering with the skeleton.

 "Still want to come, dreaming~!"

 Lin Moxian softly drank, and his entire body ran in front of a giant Soul Devouring Insect.

 Point it at close range and white light flashes from your fingertips.

 Skill: skeleton fangs!

 Almost within three seconds, Lin Moxian unleashed at least five rounds of Skeleton Spikes in a row.

 Cast at short range, it eats all 1200 Skeletal Spikes per attack without dropping a single one.

 A whole 6,000 skeleton fangs, extremely impressive damage.

 Skeleton Warrior attacks, Skeleton Mage sets fire.

 10x damage increase from Damage Curse.

 This Giant Soul Eater was instantly killed in seconds!

 Screaming miserably, the Soul Devouring Insect finally seemed to sense the danger of death.

 Letting out a violent scream, but it was too late.

 There was one explosion after another.

 Drowning out its screams completely.

 Each super-hatched Giant Soul Devouring Insect became a catalyst for the Soul Devouring Insect Mother.

 The entire secret realm rumbled and exploded.

 Limerick comes in for a complete and utter blast of a show.

 A minute later, the explosions finally stopped.

 At this point, the Soul Devouring Insect Mother was already too dead to die.

 [Kill Soul Devourer Mother, experience +5600000]

 [Obtaining Soul Eater eggs.]

 [Get Soul Crystals*10

 [Acquisition of Soul Gems]

 [Soul Devouring Bug Mother Eggs: Eggs of the Soul Devouring Bug Mother, which can be hatched by a Beast Master to obtain the Soul Devouring Bug Mother].

 [Soul Crystals: disposable item, each use can increase mental power by 1000 points forever, no limit on the number of times it can be used].

 [Soul Gemstone: Can permanently increase the speed of mental power recovery by 100 times.]

 The batch of Giant Soul Eater Insects that came out at the very back also brought a considerable amount of experience value.

 But it's really nothing compared to these gains.

 The Soul Devouring Insect Mother Egg, the value of it was so high that even if Lin Moxue didn't understand it, he could still guess a thing or two.

 The value of the Desert Ant Queen Egg was already not low, but compared to the Soul Devourer Mother Egg, it was undoubtedly heaven and earth.

 When you're free in the future and take this out, there will definitely be beast masters clamoring for it.

 Soul Crystals are good, I got 5 of them at the Soul Eater King place before.

 Now the Soul Eater Mother has given 10 more.

 15 Soul Crystals to permanently increase mental power by 15,000 points.

 Very important for Limerick.

 Lastly, there's the Soul Gem.

 Lin Moxue hadn't thought that there was such a treasure.

 Mental power recovery speed increased by 100 times.

 In the meditative state, the speed of mental power recovery was also about 20 times the usual rate.

 Even when meditating in the academy's skill cultivation hall, the mental power recovery rate was 50 times that of natural recovery.

 The military training grounds are even faster, about 100 times faster than natural recovery.

 In other words, after using the Soul Gem, his spiritual power would recover at the same rate as when he had entered the Military Training Ground.

 In this way, if it could then be stacked with the Military Cultivation Ground, there would be no need to worry about cultivating skills in the future.

 Even if it's not as slow as the desert fruit, it's not that slow.

 "No wonder teacher said that there are countless chances in the Ancient Battlefield."

 "I've only been here a few days and I've gotten so many treasures."

 A burst of joy grew in Lin Moxue's heart.

 While he was killing the Soul Devouring Insect Mother, he caused a strange change in the Eternal Ancient Battlefield.

 The long unchanging light that enveloped the ancient battlefield suddenly became chaotic.

 The countless people in the Ancient Battlefield raised their heads and looked to the sky.

 There were many old men who had been grinding for years in the Ancient Battlefield who said in a deep voice, "A world-class BOSS has been killed!"

 This was an old man from the Human Race who had already reached level 60 and had been crawling around the Ancient Battlefield for many years.

 His teammate wondered, "Who's so powerful that they can kill a world-class BOSS."

 The old man said, "I don't know which world-class BOSS was killed, and I don't know what goodies were dropped."

 "... ~I've heard that world-class BOSSes drop some special items, is that true?"

 "Of course it's real, that's the good stuff."

 "Really? Then let's go find the World Class Boss too."

 "Hehe." The old man laughed disdainfully, "How can a world-class BOSS be so easy to find, they are all hidden in various secret realms and require chance."

 "And...." The old man was thoughtful, as if he was reminiscing, a deep light flickering in his eyes, "Even if you find it, you won't necessarily be able to beat it, or you'll be killed back."


 It wasn't just him, as long as anyone who had rolled around in the Ancient Battlefield for many years, they all knew what the change in light meant.

 A character who can kill a world-class boss is not to be messed with.

 Even if it was a rival race, if they knew about it, they would definitely avoid it.

 Hostility is hostility, and who would do anything to get killed.

 Lin Moxue didn't know what was going on in the outside world.

 Since the death of the Soul Devouring Insect Mother, the secret space began to turn twisted and was fading away.

 Lin Moxue knew that in the future a Soul Devouring Insect Mother might be re-bred in the secret realm.

 This Soul Eater mother would then re-hatch a large number of Soul Eaters.

 A new Soul Eater King appears.

 The Soul Eaters will once again take over large swaths of land.

 Week after week.

 It's just like the Elemental Mysteries in Meta Battlefield III.

 The Meta** King will appear again in the near future.

 Collect the legions of undead and send them back to recuperate.

 There were still only two skeletons left at his side.

 The secret realm disappeared completely, and Lin Moxian saw a special piece.

 With a purple glow, it slanted into the ground.

 It looks like a knight's shield.

 (CHAO GAVE CHO) What's this?

 Limerick walked up to the legion of Witch Demons and at the same time walked up to the piece.

 He didn't touch it directly.

 Bai Yiyuan had told him that there were many things in the Ancient Battlefield that were odd and dangerous.

 Be careful in everything.

 There is no harm in not deciding on detection techniques when things go wrong.

 [Runes of Origin]

 [Qualification credentials for entry into Origin space.]

 Lin Moxue's entire body revealed a look of excitement.

 Origin Space.

 In Bai Yi Yuan's description of the Ancient Battlefield, this was the greatest chance of the Ancient Battlefield.

 Inside you can get all kinds of treasures, skills and more.

 But it's too hard to get in, and it's very dangerous inside, so if you don't get it right, you'll die.

 Bai Yi Yuan had once gone in and gained great benefits from it.

 According to Bai Yiyuan, it was the Origin Space that laid the foundation for him to become a God-level professional.

 If he hadn't been able to go into the Origin Space back then, he probably wouldn't have been able to become a God-level professional.

 Meng Anwen even told Lin Moxue that the detection technique of the Human Race was obtained from the Origin Space.

 How good and important the Detection Technique is, whoever uses it knows.

 Seemingly mundane, it has an unusual significance.

 Unexpectedly, the Origin Rune would be hidden in the lair of the Soul Devouring Insect.

 He quickly picked up the Origin Rune, which was inscribed with complex and difficult to understand graphic lines.

 Suddenly the Origin Rune disappeared and merged into the body wo...

 A red light shot out from Lin Moxian's body and went straight to the sky.

 A dagger suddenly poked out from the space around him and stabbed over viciously!

 Kangxi radical 118
