
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

The True Meaning Of Tai Chi, Conqueror's Awakening!

The determined young girl, Hiyori, wore a serious expression as she sheathed her sword, pointing it resolutely at the pirates in front of her. Yet, her attention remained split, always vigilant of those behind her.

With the assistance of Qi, she had become adept at utilizing both the weapon color and the knowledge color. In this critical moment, she focused on sensing every move around her.

"Superior!" a pirate bellowed, taking the lead and stepping forward with a sword.

In an instant, Hiyori's small feet forcefully kicked the ground, unsheathing her long sword. Energy surged through her meridians as her figure moved like a phantom, evading attacks from the pirates. When she came to a stop, one of the pirates fell, clutching his throat.

Taking a deep breath, she adjusted her body.

Her sword master, an ordinary female warrior among the Nine Snakes, could only provide the most basic training. However, relying on memories of watching her father practice swordsmanship in her youth, Hiyori had independently mastered the art of drawing the sword.

Qi and blood boiled within her, quickly tempered by her control over Qi.

"First!" her soft voice reverberated like thunder in the pirates' ears.

"Damn, this little girl is too arrogant! Brothers, take her down!" shouted another pirate.

Twelve pirates swarmed forward, and the fatigue in Hiyori's arm muscles momentarily hindered her from drawing her sword. Yet, fear did not grip her. If she couldn't handle these ordinary pirates, how could she hope to surpass her father, defeat Kaido, and restore her country?

Tai Chi's footwork unfolded beneath her, navigating the dangerous space among the twelve adversaries with the grace of knowledge and Tai Chi steps. Another swift cut across a throat, and a pirate fell unwillingly.

"The second," she uttered with the softness of an oriole, further stoking the raging anger of the pirate group.

The eleven assailants attacked with fervor, and Hiyori valiantly blocked three of them with a sword in one hand. The immense strength exerted by the pirates caused her face to pale, but she gritted her teeth and held on.

Taking a misstep, she managed to evade four steel knives heading her way. In a sudden move, she reached out, grabbing the wrist of a pirate. Utilizing the principles of Tai Chi, she effortlessly redirected the pirate's momentum, pulling him into the path of the four steel knives. 

With a gruesome sound, the knives struck him, one penetrating his lungs.

"The third," she calmly declared. However, her right hand finally gave in, and her sword, Tian Yu Yu Zhan, was shaken away. Despite turning around in time, she was slashed in the back, and blood stained her delicate skin. It was the first time she had suffered such a serious knife wound. The intense pain eroded her soul, yet she refrained from screaming.

Behind a tree not far away, a figure emerged from the ground, quietly observing the battlefield. It was a white puppet created by Arias. In the Cave of Miracles, he wore a single eyepiece on his eye, viewing the battle between Hiyori and the pirates in a mirror.

The little Loli's growth was impressive, and her character had undergone a complete transformation from the original. Arias was pleased with her change, recognizing it as a necessary evolution for survival at sea.

He had already detected the pirates' arrival through flying insects, but with Yamato handling the situation, he initially paid little attention. These pirates posed no threat to Yamato.

However, Hiyori's unexpected actions prompted Arias to send out a white puppet in preparation for a potential rescue.

On the battlefield, the young girl quickly sheathed her sword after evading the pirates' onslaught. She shouted loudly and launched another attack, but the toll on her strength was evident, and her speed this time wasn't as formidable as before.

Two pirates intercepted Tian Yu Yu Zhan's blade, while another aimed to slash her body.

Frowning, Hiyori slashed out without dodging as the ordinary pirate sword clashed with Tian Yu Yu Zhan. The impact was thunderous, and the steel sword of the pirate shattered under the force. While Hiyori successfully dispatched one pirate, her own body suffered slashes from two steel swords.

The Armament Haki protected her from deeper wounds, but the pain was evident, and she grimaced. Despite the agony, she refused to scream or accept assistance from Yamato, who kept a vigilant eye on the battlefield, prepared to intervene if needed.


Bleeding from her mouth, Hiyori's immature eyes remained fixed on the remaining pirates. Despite the pain, dazed consciousness, and weakened muscles, she rallied herself.

"I can't fall; I have to keep fighting!"

"I am Oden's daughter, and I want to found a country for my father!"

She repeated these affirmations deep within her consciousness, injecting renewed strength into her body. With a deep breath, she swiftly rushed towards the remaining pirates, wielding knives in both hands.

In this moment, everything seemed to slow down, and she felt a new understanding of the Tai Chi principles taught by Arias.

Engaging with a pirate using a steel sword to resist Tian Yu Yu Zhan, this time, the sword did not advance as far as before. It seemed stuck to the pirate's sword, and the pirate felt a loss of control over his weapon.

Under the mysterious power of Tian Yu Yu Zhan, the long knife in the pirate's hand flipped over, causing him to inadvertently harm himself.

Arias, observing the battle from the cave, was surprised.

"This is not just Tai Chi; it's Tai Chi swordsmanship that incorporates the principles of Tai Chi! In other words, it's the Tai Chi sword technique!"

The little girl's extraordinary understanding left the pirates terrified, especially witnessing one of their own committing suicide under the influence of her unique technique.

"It's magic! It must be magic!"

"No! It's Devil Fruit power; it must be the power of Devil Fruit!"

Once she grasped the essentials of Tai Chi, the young girl's proficiency seemed to skyrocket, as if she had received divine assistance in enhancing her knowledge, weapon, and color.

She skillfully avoided a long knife attack, demonstrating an uncanny awareness akin to having eyes in the back of her head. Testing her body's limits, she maneuvered Tian Yu Yu Zhan through her armpit, successfully stabbing a pirate in the chest. However, this move left her visibly exhausted.

"Not good!"

Witnessing her impending collapse, Yamato prepared to rescue her, but an astonishing force emanated from the little Loli.

"I am Oden's daughter; I want to kill Kaido and take back Wanokuni!"

"I will be the queen of Wanokuni; I can't fall here!"

In the Cave of Miracles, Arias stood up abruptly, smashing the light of life he had obtained from Guy on the ground.


Why does this girl have Conqueror's Haki? Isn't Conqueror's Haki supposed to be innate? Does this mean the little Loli is born with the qualifications to be a king? Perhaps her lack of combat ability in the original plot obscured this fact.

What's astonishing is that in this small team, both Hancock, Yamato, and now Hiyori possess Conqueror's Haki, yet Arias himself lacks it.

This discrepancy felt unscientific to Arias, who prided himself on being a systematic time traveler. He plunged into deep self-doubt, questioning the nature of his abilities.

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