
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Hiyori: Leave These Pirates To Me!

Jesse, spotting the Daybreak docked in the harbor, inquired, "Is this ship theirs?"

"Yes! They've got some skills and took care of all the idle folks around here."

"The skills of a few young people? Haha."

Leading over a hundred pirates towards the village, Jesse left more than thirty on the boat to ensure their targets couldn't escape.

"You guys, assign some of your crew to guard the ship. That ship belongs to us too! Nobody touches it before I return, or I'll personally see to it that you're chopped alive by Laozi!"

He was convinced that a noble lady like her must be carrying valuable treasures, likely left on the ship. Concerned about potential theft in his absence, he instructed the pirates to wait until he returned to plunder it.

With over a hundred pirates entering the village, the atmosphere was formidable. Hearing the news, villagers hurriedly retreated to their homes, rendering the entire island eerily quiet.

"But is your home safe?"

Jesse's crew forcefully opened a door, pulling out a middle-aged man.

"Where are those young people who just entered the village?"

He pressed his foot onto the man's chest and brandished a steel knife at his neck. No secrets were to be hidden.

"They went to the Stone of Life!"

"Guy sent them there! He knows better!"

Not only did the man disclose the whereabouts of Arias and others, but he also exposed Guy Li.

"Who is Guy?"

Though Jesse frequently raided Forchart Island, he couldn't possibly know everyone.

But a tall man stepped forward, saying, "Boss Jesse, I know! He's a renowned craftsman here. Only he can make the light of life!"

After uttering his command, he volunteered to lead the way to Guy's house.

Before long, Guy was brought over, appearing as limp as a lifeless dog.

"Where are those foreigners?" Jesse demanded.

Guy replied weakly, "They went to the Cave of Miracles. I sent them there and was on my way back."

In sync with the villager's response earlier, Jesse kicked Guy, growling, "Get out of here!"

Jesse refrained from killing Guy; he understood that catching all the money at once might sever his financial lifeline.

The Cave of Miracles housed the Stone of Life, and having been there before, Jesse didn't require the villagers' guidance. He led more than a hundred pirates towards the cave.

On their way, they crossed paths with Yamato and Hiyori, who were enjoying a moment together.

"What a nice view!"

The pirates were captivated by the two.

Unquestionably, Yamato's beauty was natural. At fourteen, Hiyori's figure had begun to take the shape of the oiran she was destined to become.

"Boss Jesse, those two are part of the group we're after! There's also a man and a woman unaccounted for," informed one of Jesse's crew.

Jesse eyed them intently, unwilling to look away.

He wasn't inclined to sell such beautiful women. Even if he entertained the notion, he resolved to savor the experience first.

Despite the potential decrease in their market value, what did a pirate, with his eyes set on wealth and beauties, care?

Nothing but money and allure!

He could always find ways to accumulate wealth, but the opportunity to enjoy the company of these two exquisite women might never present itself again.

Yamato and Hiyori were discontent with their situation, and judging by the pirates' attire, they deduced their nefarious intent.

Despite their training under Arias, the duo adhered to the principle of not initiating an attack.

Jesse, noting their hesitation, took charge. With a wave of his hand, he directed his pirates to encircle them while cautioning, "Don't hurt them!"

Observing the predicament, Yamato and Hiyori understood the pirates' intentions. In swift motion, they reached into their pouches, revealing concealed weapons, and efficiently dispatched their assailants.

As the pirates wondered about the sudden appearance of the weapons, Yamato executed a powerful hand seal, while Hiyori unsheathed her mace and demonstrated her refined sword skills honed during their training period.

Witnessing their swift retaliation, Jesse realized he had encountered formidable opponents.

Surviving in the New World required more than just brute strength, and Jesse's survival skill was evident as he drew his longsword, choosing to face Yamato, the strongest in combat. However, he was swiftly repelled in a single encounter.

An unsettling realization struck him as he glanced at his crew. One of his pirates, realizing the dire situation, turned and fled without looking back. Jesse, though not particularly formidable, had thrived in the New World due to his timely escapes.

Unfortunately, his crew had yet to notice their leader's apprehension, and they continued to engage Yamato and the two women fiercely.

"Yamato, leave these people to me!"

With only half of the pirates remaining, they belatedly discovered their boss had discreetly retreated. However, it was too late to escape. As the fight continued, Yamato grew bolder, and in the end, only a dozen pirates remained standing.

Just as Yamato was on the verge of dispatching the remaining pirates, Hiyori abruptly halted him.

"Yamato, leave these people to me!"

Hiyori's tone was resolute. While she had played a supporting role in previous battles, now she needed to rely on her own skills to confront and defeat the remaining pirates.

The pirate minions weren't particularly formidable individually, but given Hiyori's relatively brief training, taking on thirteen opponents simultaneously seemed nearly impossible. While she could manage one-on-one battles, the odds were against her in this scenario.

Yamato, however, didn't hesitate to agree, "Okay! I will fight for you!"

The thirteen pirates, eager to escape, found themselves frozen in place when Yamato fixed a stern gaze upon them.

Although infuriated by Hiyori's audacious words, they dared not express their anger.

"Kill me, and you can leave!" Hiyori declared, holding Tianyu Yuzhan with a serious expression.

Yet, her words lacked conviction, and the pirates shifted their attention to Yamato.

Yamato reaffirmed, "Kill him, and I'll let you go. Anyone who dares to run will be killed on the spot!"

With Yamato's assurance, the pirates reluctantly regained some composure.

"This little girl isn't that strong. There are three of us. Killing her will be a breeze."

"That scoundrel Jesse betrayed us behind our backs! Damn it, if I survive this, I'll settle the score with him when he returns!"

"We can address Jesse's betrayal later. Let's hope this woman keeps her word."

"Even if she doesn't, what choice do we have?"

The thirteen pirates, adopting a fierce stance, closed in on Hiyori. Thirteen steel knives were pointed menacingly at her.

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