
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Little Camie Was A Big Help!

Hearing this, Arias shifted his gaze towards the fish-man once more. Close to Hody Jones, he was small, yet robust, with exceptionally sharp teeth. If Arias's guess was accurate, this fish-man must be Bodhidharma. Is this diminutive individual quite cunning? There's no evidence of this little dwarf's intellect from the original script, but his words placed Arias at a disadvantage because, being a human, he was the target of Fishman Street's animosity. No one was willing to vouch for him!

At the same time, the right minister found himself in a challenging position. Despite leaning towards believing Arias, there was no proof, and he had to provide an explanation to all the fishmen. While pondering, a soft voice echoed, "Well, I can attest that the human elder brother was expelled from Fishman Street by those three fishmen!"

A young mermaid struggled to enter, catching Arias's attention. It was none other than little Camie. Why had she come here? "You?" The right minister recalled this mermaid, who was in Arias's arms when they were surrounded by troops.

"Yes!" Little Camie strained to amplify her voice: "Camie saw it! Those three fish-bearing men were relentlessly pursuing the human brother, and he was driven into Fish-man Street!"

Pointing at the three fishmen in the crowd—the same trio initially eager to harm Arias—she continued. The fishmen hastily defended themselves, "We didn't! She's lying!"

Camie, visibly angered, retorted, "Camie didn't lie! It's you bad guys who've been chasing the human big brother! Camie even saw you with a knife, saying you wanted to kill your human brother!"

Arias mentally applauded Camie for her unexpected assistance.

With witnesses now present, the right minister regained composure, instructing the Poseidon army captain, "Take these fishmen away! I'll interrogate them later."

"Understood!" The captain promptly led his troops to apprehend the fishmen.

However, Fishman Street had become lawless, not just due to management neglect but also because its gangsters were fearless. The short fishman, under attack, shouted defiantly, "Humans kill fishmen! The Poseidon army aids humans in bullying us! Is there justice in this world? Neptune doesn't deserve to be king!"

Arias was taken aback; this was a true warrior. How dare he voice such rebellious sentiments directly!

Sure enough, the right minister was furious upon hearing the defiant words.

Originally, he intended to detain these fishmen for a brief period. However, with the provocative statements, sparing their lives now meant branding them as benevolent followers of Neptune.

The Poseidon Army, fueled by the minister's anger, intensified their efforts to capture the fishmen. As more soldiers joined in, Bodhidharma, though caught, continued shouting, "The Poseidon army, like this, is a shame to us fish people! The unscrupulous king will be overthrown sooner or later!"

Bai Ye's expression lost its solemnity, replaced by pity. Had he been indoctrinated into foolishness? Unseen in the corner, several fishmen and mermaids observed the scene, quietly armed.

"I didn't expect Hody Jones to meet this end."

"I thought he would achieve something significant."

"Maybe it's time to join Boss Tiger!"

"No, I disagree with Tiger's philosophy."

Witnessing this incident, the right minister abandoned plans to take Arias and others to visit Fish Men Island. He stated, "Your Excellency Arias, I need to bring these traitors back. Please excuse me."

Arias nodded understandingly, "No problem. We've explored many places; your responsibilities are crucial. It's time for us to depart."

Arias bent down, lifting little Camie, questioning, "Why did you come here?"

With some embarrassment, Camie replied, "Camie came out to play and didn't know how she ended up here. Then she saw you, big brother, being chased by them."

In Dragon Palace City, Neptune had ordered all fishmen to be thrown into prison. As they prepared to leave, Princess Otohime expressed reluctance, "You're leaving now? Don't you want to stay for a few more days?" She admired the human pair for their strength, lack of racism, and friendliness toward mermaids—ideal allies.

Shirahoshi, too, was reluctant about their departure, asking, "Brother As, can you stay a few more days?" Their bond had deepened during the journey. Arias comforted her, stroking her hair, and handed her a phone bug, saying, "Brother As and Sister Hancock are traveling the sea. If you encounter difficulties or bullying, contact Brother As through the phone bug, and he'll come to help you immediately!" He connected their phone bugs, allowing them to communicate.

These phone bugs were acquired from various pirate groups along the way, including one left by Nine Snakes. Arias had taken two, foreseeing their potential usefulness.

Shirahoshi, holding the phone bug given by Brother As, promised to keep it safe. With hopeful eyes, she asked, "When I grow up, can Brother As take me to the sea?"
