
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Jesse’S Head, Captain Of Whitebeard’S 16Th Division!

The visitor possessed a striking beauty that held both masculine and feminine qualities, making it challenging to discern their gender at first glance. Adorned in a pink kimono, with heart-shaped lipstick and hair pulled up, the ambiguity added to the allure.

"Big sister!" Hiyori initially thought Izo was a woman. However, Arias clarified with a smile, "He is not a woman but the captain of Whitebeard Division 16, Izo!"

Upon hearing this name, Hiyori's mind raced. Izo, once an Oden retainer, had set sail with her father and joined Whitebeard's crew. Stories circulated that he even held her when she was a child, though those memories eluded her due to her young age at the time.

Yi Zang's ship pulled up alongside the Daybreak, and he tossed a wooden box to Arias. "Arias, this is a little gift from dad!"

Arias, without physically touching the box, swiftly manipulated and controlled its contents. As the box opened, a human head was revealed.


Unexpectedly, Jesse, the elusive target Arias had been pursuing, was already killed by Whitebeard's crew. Yi Zang, witnessing Arias's distant manipulation ability, was amazed, suspecting it to be linked to some form of Devil Fruit power.

"I heard that you have been chasing this person. We happened to encounter him, so we took care of it. Dad asked me to bring it to you. It's a small gift from the Whitebeard Pirates," explained Yi Zang. "If you have time, please come and visit our ship. Dad likes young people very much!"

Arias accepted the wooden box and extended an invitation to Izo, "Come and sit down?"

Yi Zang nodded, appreciative of Whitebeard's goodwill but also keen on establishing a connection with Arias. Rumors about Arias, marrying Empress Nine Snakes and wielding influence as a Shichibukai, were rampant. Some speculated that he might have ties to the Marines or the World Government, with the intention of using his relationships to eliminate pirates.

Yi Zang left his crew on his ship and approached the Daybreak alone. His eyes scanned Arias and the three girls. When his gaze lingered on Hiyori, her appearance and hair color triggered memories of an old friend.

"If Her Majesty the Princess were still here, she would be this old."

However, before he could delve further into this thought, Hiyori eagerly asked, "Are you from Wanokuni?"

Yi Zang was taken aback. Not many people in the sea were aware of his Wanokuni origin. How did this young girl possess such knowledge? Suspicion flickered in his eyes as he glanced at Arias, considering various possibilities.

Undeterred, Hiyori continued her questioning, "Are you Kozuki Oden's retainer?"

Arias allowed the interaction to unfold, knowing that Hiyori would eventually cross paths with Izo.

"I wonder who you are?" Izo, intrigued by the girl's knowledge, studied Hiyori more closely and gradually became excited. A certain possibility dawned on him as he noticed the little girl's sword.

Isn't that one of Oden's swords: "Tian Yu Yu Zhan"?

After receiving Izou's affirmative answer, Hiyori could no longer contain her emotions. Tears flowed freely as she cried out, "I am Hiyori! Kozuki Hiyori!"


Izou's mind went blank, realizing that his guess had come true. It was indeed Princess Hiyori!

"Your Highness, is it really you?"

Overwhelmed with emotions, Hiyori sobbed. Meeting her father's former retainers brought immense joy and relief.

At this moment, Izou couldn't care less about Arias. His attention was entirely focused on Hiyori as he examined her, trying to see the glimpses of the child he had known.

"Your Highness, how is Wanokuni now?"

In response, Hiyori's expression turned sorrowful once again:

"My father led the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes in an attempt to defeat Kaido, but they failed. He was boiled in a cauldron and died."

"Denjiro and Ashura Doji held off the pursuers."

"After we escaped to Kuri, my mother used the power of the Fruit of Time to send my brother, Kinemon, Kanjuro, Raizo, and Kikunojo twenty years into the future. Then she sacrificed herself by setting herself on fire."

"Hesong protected me when I escaped through the waterway. We relied on each other, but we were wanted criminals and had to hide every day. Hesong silently endured hunger, giving me all the food. I didn't want to burden Hesong, so I left him a letter and departed quietly."

"Later, Brother Ye and Sister Hancock came to Wanokuni, killed Kurozumi and his lackey Orochi, and brought me out. Now, I live with Brother Ye in Sister Hancock's country."

Hiyori recounted the events of the past years to Izou. Upon learning of Oden's death in battle, Izou wept, regretting his absence. Relief washed over him upon hearing that the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes had managed to escape with their young master and princess. Denjiro and Ashura Doji's sacrifice earned his admiration for their bravery.

When he heard that the young master, Kinemon, and others were sent twenty years into the future by his mistress, Izou felt a surge of hope.

Upon learning that Hiyori left Kawamatsu alone, he was filled with anger, cursing Kawamatsu for not being optimistic about the princess and allowing her to wander.

However, when he heard the news about the recent events, especially the fate of the big snake, he was left in shock.

"Is the big snake dead?"

The man who had allied with Kaido and plotted to seize control of Wano Kuni died in such a manner? Moreover, who is Kuangshilang? Though unfamiliar with the name, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness.

Despite this, the deaths of Oden, Toki-sama, and the uncertain fate of Denjiro and Ashura Doji were even more heart-wrenching.

"Yes, the snake was turned into stone by Sister Hancock! It stands right in the middle of the street in the Flower City!"

Thinking of Orochi's demise, Hiyori couldn't help but feel joy. She then continued with their subsequent journey.

"Later, Brother Ye took us to Onigashima and brought out Sister Yamato."

When she mentioned Yamato, she pretended to be mysterious and asked Izo, "Do you know who Sister Yamato is?"

Izo was taken aback. Yamato? Onigashima?

"Is she Kaido's daughter?"

Hiyori was surprised. "How do you know?"

Izo, even more shocked, realized that Yamato was famous for her beauty, comparable to Hancock. Additionally, her powerful strength and the use of the same move as Kaido [Thunder Eight Trigrams] made her a formidable figure.

But wasn't she the daughter of the enemy who killed Hiyori's father? Why did they seem so close now?

Seeing Izo's doubts, Hiyori quickly defended Yamato: "Yamato is different from Kaido! She said she would defeat Kaido with me!"

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