
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Exchange For Devil Fruit, Tiger Is Attacked

Hiyori explained for a long time until Izo was no longer hostile to Yamato.

"Your Highness Princess, since you have escaped from Wanokuni, why not follow me to Dad's ship? When Kin'emon and the young master come back, we will fight back to Wanokuni together! You were born on my father's boat back then. My father also hugged you. I believe he will be very happy to see you arrive."

Izo's confident persuasion was flatly rejected by Hiyori: "No! I want to follow Brother Ye!"

Upon hearing Rihe's words, "Brother Ye" looked dangerously at Riye with his hidden eyes. Judging from his half-male, half-female sixth sense, this Arias is simply a girl killer! Her Highness the Princess is in her first year of love. If she continues like this, she will fall into his hands sooner or later.

Seeing that Yizang's eyes were not good, Rihe quickly stood in front of Arias: "Brother Ye is very nice! Sister Hancock and Sister Yamato are also very nice to me! Brother Ye not only gave me my father's sword but also taught me a very powerful skill. When I master it, I can defeat Kaido [and win Wanokuni] without waiting for my brother to come back!"

As she spoke, her confidence grew stronger, and by the end, she even showcased her Conqueror's Haki.

Izo, having been with Whitebeard all year round, couldn't believe that Hiyori possessed Conqueror's Haki, and she was even awakened. Moreover, although Hiyori did not take action, he could feel that her strength was not weak among pirates.

Given her potential, it might not be impossible for her to reach Oden's peak strength in the future. Izo was delighted as this revelation provided them with another source of hope.

"Izo, why don't you stay with Brother Ye? Let's fight back to Wanokuni together in the future!" Yizang was stunned, while Arias simply smiled.

This little girl also knows how to poach people for herself, and she is still poaching Whitebeard's corner.

Yi Zang smiled bitterly; he couldn't persuade her, so why did he get counter-persuasion? He shook his head: "Dad treats me very well, and I can't let him down. However, Your Highness, whenever you are ready to fight back to Wanokuni, just tell me, and I will be there immediately~々!"

He knew that his princess had become dependent on Arias, and it was unlikely that she could be persuaded. Then he bowed to Arias: "Your Excellency Arias, Your Highness the Princess, I'd rather trouble you to take care of her!"

Arias nodded: "Of course, you don't need to tell me this."

Yi Zang's visit was an unexpected surprise. With the established relationship with Whitebeard, many things became much easier, especially obtaining various maritime intelligence. As one of the Four Emperors in the future, Whitebeard must have good intelligence capabilities. With Hiyori's relationship, it should be no problem to get information from Whitebeard, perhaps even purchasing it.

Izou said goodbye to Hiyori, and when he was about to leave, Arias suddenly asked: "Is Whitebeard's ship far from here?"

Yi Zang didn't know why he asked such a question, but considering their friendly relationship, he replied: "It's not far, but it's not too close either. It takes about five days to travel."

Five days? Arias pondered. It wasn't too much, but he couldn't leave Forchart Island for too long, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to catch up with Tiger's ambush.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" Izo saw him thinking deeply, as if he really wanted to go to Whitebeard for something.

Arias thought for a while and shook his head: "Forget it, I have a Devil Fruit, but Marine gave it to me, and I don't really want to use it. I wanted to exchange it individually with you, but I have other things to do now. Let's wait until next time. I'll talk about it when I visit Whitebeard's ship." "That's it?" Yizang thought it was something important.

"When I came here, I killed a group of pirates and found one in their warehouse. It looks like it belongs to a Zoan. If you don't mind, I can exchange this one with you."

As luck would have it, Day and Night readily agreed, saying, "Yes!"

With that said, Arias returned to the cabin and took out the weasel fruit - the flat-headed brother form given by Marine - from the sac. Izo also ordered the crew to bring out the Devil Fruit from the warehouse.

This Devil Fruit was shaped like a round bamboo shoot, with a body as white as jade and black circles on the surface. Yizang didn't know the name of this fruit but judged it to be a Zoan from the aura emanating from it.

"If it's a fantasy beast, you'll make a lot of money!"

After the fruits were exchanged, Yizang said goodbye and left.

Arias went back to hold the Devil Fruit illustrated book and compare it. After searching for a long time, he finally found its name. It was indeed a Zoan, but unfortunately, it was not a fantasy beast species, just an ordinary one.

Bear Fruit - Giant Panda Form!

Arias still liked this fruit very much. The giant panda is a national treasure, and although it is an ordinary species, the giant panda is a living fossil, not inferior to ancient species. Still made money.

He smiled and asked Salome to sail back to Forchart Island. A few days later, when they arrived at the harbor of Forchart Island, they saw a huge pirate ship docked there. There was no skull on the fluttering flag, but a fiery red sun.

It's the Sun Pirate Ship!

It was surrounded by dozens of Marine warships.


Arias's heart tightened. Did he still not catch up?

"Why did Marine suddenly surround this place?"

Yamato is very confused, and isn't that sun flag the Sun Pirates that Arias has been looking for?

"Open the coating!"

Arias made a prompt decision, turned on the coating, sank the Dawn into the sea, and continued sailing towards Forchart Island.

This is the only way left now!

The power system was turned on at full capacity and quickly arrived outside the port.

Above their heads are countless Marine warships.

"Wait for me here and don't conflict with Marine!"

Arias only said this and jumped into the sea.

When he arrived at the shore, he directly rushed toward the island with the phantom body barrier and ghost shadow.

When the Sun Pirates and the murlocs saw Marine being surrounded, how could they not know that they had been betrayed?

"Damn humans, I told them they can't be trusted!"

One after another cannonballs struck, and the Sun Pirates' ship was quickly blasted out of the gap and began to move silently into the sea.

Arlong said angrily, "You should listen to me and kill that human girl! Big brother must have been attacked by Marine ambushing on the island by now!"

Jinbei also feels angry, but Tiger is not here. He is the boss here, so he must not let his anger drive him irrational:

"I'm going to save Tiger Boss, Arlong, I'll leave this place to you!"

With that said, Jinbei started running towards the island.

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