
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Go To North Blue Again And Walk With Kuzan

Naval Headquarters.

Buddha Sengoku reported to Marshal Kong the aftermath of the Op-Op Fruit incident.

"On the day of the transaction, the Donquixote family was ambushing near Mignon Island. Before Rosinante disappeared, he reported that his undercover identity had been discovered."

"According to Barreiros' confession, it was Rosinante who robbed the Op-Op Fruit. The child we rescued, Trafalgar Law, also admitted that Rosinante robbed the Op-Op Fruit to treat his terminal illness, but Rosinante has disappeared, and Law has not eaten the Op-Op Fruit."

"Based on the information provided by Arias, we found out that Colonel Vergo of the G-5 branch was Doflamingo's subordinate. Therefore, I speculate that Op-Op Fruit was kidnapped by Doflamingo and that Rosinante was also killed by him, but no body has been found so far."

"In addition, a ship of the Iron Bar Pirates appeared near Mignon Island that day. The captain of the pirate group, Gil, was killed by Arias. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that Arias used a special method to sneak into Mignon Island to kill Rosinante and steal Op-Op Fruit possible."

"However, I have used seastone to test and confirm that Arias does not have Devil Fruit ability. His ship has also been searched in all aspects and Op-Op Fruit was not found, but the suspicion cannot be completely ruled out."

"Marshal, are we going to capture Doflamingo and Arias?"

Kong looked at the thick documents in front of him and felt a headache:

"Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragon; we have no right to arrest him. Arias married the Nine Snakes Empress, and the empress has just joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Without evidence, we cannot arrest him either!"

"Besides, Op-Op Fruit had not completed the transaction at that time and did not belong to us, Marine. We had no reason to arrest the suspect."

"Okay, I will explain this matter to the World Government, and this matter is over."

Kong accepted these reports and said to Sengoku:

"Doflamingo holds an auction in North Blue and uses Devil Fruit as the finale. Although this is most likely a gimmick, it is Devil Fruit after all. Send a few people to take a look."

"Also, if you can get the meteorite iron, try to get it. It is a good material for forging weapons!"

Sengoku took the order and left.

Nine Snake Island.

Arias summoned Yamato and others: "Come to the sea with me!"

"Where to?"

Yamato was very excited to hear about going to sea.

It had been more than three months since she came to Nine Snakes. Although she often followed the Perfume Cola to plunder nearby, she still felt a little tired of staying in one place.

Now that I have escaped from the ghost island, I naturally want to go see the whole world.

"North Blue!"

When Arias said this name, the little lolita Hiyori jumped up and shouted: "I'll go too, I'll go too!"

With the Qi training method and a lot of meat, the little Loli is now growing well and has grown a lot taller.

Still leaving Sonia and Mari on the island, he took Hancock, Yamato, and Hiyori to sail on the Daybreak.

Oh, yes, there is also Salome, the water snake who is always around Hancock.

After returning from North Blue this time, he planned to send people to Cigu Island to find the Renren Fruit. This snake guarded Hancock every day. After observing Hancock's Qi training for many days, it actually learned to swallow the sun and the moon. Essence!

Arias was really shocked at that time!

If this thing were placed in a foreign world, sooner or later, it would become an elf more powerful than Liu Kunsheng!

The black puppet came to the port through the Earthly Immortal, and activated the phantom body barrier and ghost walking to board the ship quietly. Even the female warriors of Nine Snakes did not know the existence of the black puppet!

Yamato stood on the bow of the ship. With the reputation she had built up these days, wherever the Dawn went, not a single pirate dared to come forward and seek death.

The ship turned on the coating, passed by the Dragon Palace under the sea skillfully, crossed the Calm Belt again, and came to North Blue.

On the way, they even encountered a warship.

"Yo! Kuzan Vice Admiral! Why are you here in North Blue?"

Arias stood on the deck of the Dawn and greeted Kuzan with a smile.

Kuzan: Huh?

Who is this guy?

Taking off the blindfold, he saw Hancock next to Arias and just then remembered that this was the Arias who gave Sengoku Admiral a headache!

At this time, Arias was wearing a light singlet, with a string of red beads on his wrists and ankles.

His long hair was already draped over his shoulders and tied into a ponytail, making him look quite fairy-like.

Under his influence, Hancock also went out barefoot, instead of wearing high heels. The red beads on her ankles made her little feet as beautiful as white jade.

"Is Vice Admiral Kuzan going to the Donquixote family's auction?"

Going to North Blue at this time, still led by Kuzan, Arias guessed that there was no other choice but the Donquixote auction.

Kuzan thought for a moment and said, "Are you going too?"

Hancock has joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he is one of his own, and they are traveling without flying the pirate flag, and Kuzan has no reason to attack.

Besides, why attack?

Now Kuja is killing pirates even harder than their Marines!

I heard that there have been a lot fewer pirates in Paradise and South Blue recently, which also makes their Marine work more leisurely.


Arias sailed with Kuzan's warship very familiarly.

On the way, no one dared to stop him.

North Blue, Lampasa Island.

There is an auction house run by the Donquixote family.

Today, this island is extremely lively, with countless businessmen, rich people, nobles from various countries, and powerful pirates all coming here.

The goal is that Devil Fruit!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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