
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Donquixote Family Auction, Meteoric Iron

It's probably going to be difficult to get started with the Rubber Fruit.

What about the golden fruit?

Even Tezolo can get the Golden Fruit, but Brother Ming is really a waste!

Always ask for news about the Donquixote family's auction; he is very sure to plunder it!

But Brother Ming really likes to use Devil Fruit as a gimmick!

In the past, there was an auction for Jinjin Fruit, and later there was an arena for Mera-mera Fruit.

As a result, both fruits were taken away.

Finally came the deaths of Fisher Tiger and Kuina.

He has always been confused about Kuina's death.

People in this world have very perverted physiques.

Luffy was able to kill wild beasts with his bare hands at a young age.

As a swordsman far superior to Zoro, how could Kuina fall to her death while going down the stairs?

Unless she must die!

In other words, the world wants her to die!

If so, there would be no way to save her.

But Fisher Tiger was different.

He has a good relationship with The Fish Men Island, and Princess Shirahoshi will chat with him using the phone bug from time to time.

Moreover, Fisher Tiger's death was the trigger for a series of events on The Fish Men Island. Avoiding his death will definitely change the world line and get system rewards!

The person who participated in the battle at that time was Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral Stolo Berry. This person should be someone he can deal with.

However, Marine set up a trap to arrest Tiger because of the slave freeing incident. If he wanted to intervene, he must make a plan in advance, otherwise, he would also be finished.

Since Kuji Island is located in the Calm Belt, it is also difficult to receive newspapers here.

After discussing with Hancock, he sent several Nine Snake female warriors to Sabaody to open a teahouse to collect intelligence information.

If there is useful information, use the phone bug to report it directly to him.

If it is not too important, newspapers are delivered to Nine Snakes regularly.

North Blue.

There is a huge ship sailing on the sea.

There was a pirate flag hanging on the ship, and a man with blond hair, sunglasses, and a pink feather coat was blowing the sea breeze on the deck.

"Virgo was suddenly arrested! I don't know how the news leaked out!"

Doflamingo remained expressionless even when he was angry.

He couldn't understand that Virgo's undercover agent had no flaws and had never been suspected, but for some reason, he was suddenly arrested a few days ago!

There was also the personal action of Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral Sakazuki.

The crime is that the Donquixote family is undercover!

"Young Master, Vergo has been following you since he was a child and joined Marine for you. Even among us, not many people know about his undercover identity. Therefore, I suspect that one of us has Marine's spies!"

Torrepol hunched over and expressed his opinion.

Brother Ming was silent.

He already knew that his brother Rosinante was an undercover agent.

However, even Rosinante doesn't know about Vergo's existence!

He originally wanted his brother to eat the Op-Op Fruit to make himself immortal.

But Rosinante has now disappeared, and her life and death are unknown.

Besides him, are there other undercover Marines around him?

From the corner of his eye, he glanced around at the cadres without leaving any trace.

Who is it?

"Dover, will the auction we originally planned continue?"

Diamanti also felt that the atmosphere was a bit depressing, but he was the person in charge of this auction. In order to make the auction a success, Mingge even took out a Devil Fruit as bait!

But now that Vergo has been arrested, they are likely to face a Marine attack next.

But he's not worried about that because he's a Celestial Dragons and Marine can't attack him!

"Continue! And be louder! I'll find a way to rescue Vergo!"

Under the control of the Donquixote family, news of the auction was soon published in the newspapers.

The most eye-catching position in the center is the picture of Devil Fruit!

"Will it be held next month?"

Arias took the newspaper and checked it. The newspaper did not explain what type of fruit it was, but he already knew it.

However, his eyes were attracted by the second line:

"One hundred kilograms of meteorite from the sky!"

This is the best iron ore in the world, the best material pursued by countless knifemakers!

It is very possible to use meteorite iron to create the legendary supreme sharp knife!

The swordsmith naturally doesn't have much money to fight for, but a famous sword can improve a lot of combat power, and many big forces will definitely come to compete for the one hundred kilograms of meteorite iron.

"This is exactly what I need!"

Whether he is refining the black puppet or forging the Thousand Blades of the Demonic Knife, he needs this level of iron ore.

Now it seems that it is no longer important whether the Jinjin Fruit can be obtained, but the one hundred kilograms of meteorite iron must be obtained!

To be sure, he still needed to make some more preparations.

He summoned the white puppet, compared himself with the white puppet, and then gave up: "The height is not high enough. It seems that just returning you to the furnace is not enough. I need to make another one."

Picking up the tools, he had the experience of making a white puppet last time, and this time he did it very quickly.

In particular, its surface has been treated more carefully.

The original white doll only had a round head, but this time, he was carefully carved according to his own appearance, including his height and body shape, which was completely copied from his current figure. Although it looked dull up close, it looked dull from a distance. Almost the same as myself!

The eyeball uses the refining concept of flying insects, which allows you to communicate with its vision, and allows you to speak through the white puppet, which is enough to make it look real!

The ability to copy is still the Earthly Immortal, Ghostly Shadow, and Phantom Body Barrier.

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