
Naval Legend

In the dawn of time, when the world was but a mere shadow of itself, a great progenitor descended upon the land, bringing with him the gift of mystic genes. Yet, with the gift of power came a dark madness and insatiable lust, igniting a war that ravaged the earth. As the land was consumed by chaos, a divine goddess beheld the destruction from above and decided to halt all travel over the seas in a desperate bid to slow the spread of war. For centuries, the world remained in a state of calm, the calm before the storm. In this era, Sarcelles is raised and honed to be a weapon in the impending war. As the ban weakens, surrounded by fiends, conquerors, and berserkers, the pacifist elves and brute orcs must work together to protect their continent. Follow the young spearman’s journey as he battles across the treacherous seas, his every step a step towards transcendence, until he ascends beyond the realm of mortals. *Comment on any errors you find, I would do my best to fix them.

BlackMango · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Progenitor’s Bride

The goddess reflected on her time as a bride to the progenitor. The term "bride" was a euphemism for women who were essentially sold to the progenitor in exchange for a 1G. These brides typically spent either 3 months or 19 years on the island before returning. Their return was always celebrated triumphantly, akin to a queen returning to her castle, irrespective of their prior social status. However, those who stayed for only 3 months were often forced into hiding due to the social stigma attached to their brief stay.

She had not desired to be married off to a god or demon, but her upbringing did not permit her to voice her discontent. In noble families, complaining was not typically allowed except by the elders or those of similar status. She had received extensive training in sword arts, aura manipulation, and blood purification, to the best of her abilities, considering she was a normal human in her age group. At the age of 20, she participated in the tournament and was qualified to proceed.

To qualify for the tournament, one must not possess the progenitor's bloodline, be between 18 and 25 years old, and be in good health. Additionally, one must give consent. However, the royals and nobles in charge of the selection process disregarded the latter requirement and instead replaced it with virginity as a prerequisite. They had elevated the process to a ritual of the highest order, having sent people to the island for almost 90 years. The prearranged time had become a festival.

Most royal families, such as the one Cerys was under, would organize a tournament that resembled a beauty pageant to fill their quota from the top participants. The contestants had to possess good genetics, fitness, and a high BEC among normal people to ensure the birth of 1Gs with high BEC and optimal genetics from the human side.

Cerys eagerly anticipated her visit to the Island, which she had heard was magical and unlike anything any royalty in the world had ever experienced. Her participation in the tournament earned her a spot among the final two hundred selected brides-to-be. A parade was held in their honour, with each participant being among the most beautiful and talented on the continent. If there was any regret, it was that they would be about forty years old by the time they returned.

As the most powerful navy family on the Azuran continent, Cerys's family was tasked with transporting the brides to the island. The journey was uneventful, but the destination made up for it. The port where they stopped was built on an artificial bay made of coral reefs. There was a wide tower made of mirrors ashore, serving as a lighthouse. On the shore, three people were waiting to receive them, all of whom were citizens of the island. They were a rare sight, as the only known ways to get onto the island were by birth or as a bride.

As the bridal party made their way into the building, the doors opened automatically, eliciting a wave of gasps from the guests. Such a display of power was reminiscent of only the royal castle, yet this was on an entirely different level. The reception hall was adorned with peculiar but elegant food arrangements, presented on sleek and sophisticated tables. Even the chairs were unlike any she had seen before. Being from a noble family, Cerys recognized them as couches, although these were far too exquisite to compare to anything she had seen previously.

As she began to explore and sample the various delicacies, Cerys picked up a skewer with a few cubes of meat - the only item she could identify. She then tried what appeared to be a steak wrapped in bread, relishing the flavours as she continued to indulge in the diverse array of delectables scattered about.

Suddenly, a voice boomed throughout the room, drawing everyone's attention. The head attendant appeared, with a glowing wall in the background displaying an overview of the city.

"A screen of some sort?", she thought, "… like used to project maps and documents in the main meeting room". Cerys recognized the device from a similar presentation during the pre-tournament meeting.

"Welcome, everyone," announced the attendant. "You have arrived at Genesis Island. Recognizing that not all of our esteemed guests may be fluent in the common language of the Azuran continent, all of the information I provide will be translated and made available on your personalized tablets."

The crowd buzzed with excitement at the mention of the tablets. Some had heard of them - highly coveted items only attainable by the wealthiest individuals. The technology required to create them was simply beyond the reach of most, with industrialization still several decades away. The 1G's education was centred around cultivation, math, English, general science, art and philosophy, with only a few ever accessing the free library's computer systems. Even then, they often struggled to comprehend and utilize the vast information at their disposal.

The attendant continued her speech, while packages were distributed to the ladies. "In a few moments, you may open your packages, which will contain your very own tablet. This device will enable you to order food, clothing, and other items, and you will also receive a notification when invited to the His residence. Please take out your tablets and follow the on-screen tutorial to log in, after which a map will direct you to your respective accommodations."

As her voice quieted down, the projected screen behind her changed and showed a video of a person opening their package. It played in 3 loops then paused. With excitement coursing through her veins, Cerys swiftly unwrapped her tablet, her eyes sparkling as she gazed upon the device. She had seen a few before but had never held one in her hands. The cold, smooth casing sent a shiver down her spine as she pushed the side button, and the screen lit up with an ethereal white light. A checklist promptly appeared, featuring all the languages spoken on the Azuran continent. Following the tutorial, she set off to her room.

Located on the 9th floor, her room was higher up than any building she had ever been in. From her window, she gazed out at the city, periodically spotting children with wings flying around in the distance. The scenery was nothing short of magical, a true paradise. Her notification informed her that she would be summoned in 1-3 weeks, leaving her ample time to explore the building, nearby areas, and her new tablet.

The experience was nothing short of wonderful. As a bride pre-maternity, her allowance was modest, but all essential items like food and clothing were provided free of charge. The environment was peaceful, with not a single police officer in sight. Cerys had the pleasure of meeting other ladies from various continents and engaging in delightful conversations. It was not at all what some had anticipated - rather than being imprisoned like slaves, they were given the freedom to learn and explore. Most from influential families were aware that they would be unimpeded during their stay, and many had specific goals in mind for themselves and their future offspring.

As the day drew to a close, she made her way back to her room, satisfied with yet another pleasant day. Despite having spent only a fortnight in this place, she felt a deep sense of attachment and couldn't bear the thought of leaving anytime soon. Upon settling into her room, she retrieved her tablet and noticed a notification indicating her presence would be required the following day.