
Naval Legend

In the dawn of time, when the world was but a mere shadow of itself, a great progenitor descended upon the land, bringing with him the gift of mystic genes. Yet, with the gift of power came a dark madness and insatiable lust, igniting a war that ravaged the earth. As the land was consumed by chaos, a divine goddess beheld the destruction from above and decided to halt all travel over the seas in a desperate bid to slow the spread of war. For centuries, the world remained in a state of calm, the calm before the storm. In this era, Sarcelles is raised and honed to be a weapon in the impending war. As the ban weakens, surrounded by fiends, conquerors, and berserkers, the pacifist elves and brute orcs must work together to protect their continent. Follow the young spearman’s journey as he battles across the treacherous seas, his every step a step towards transcendence, until he ascends beyond the realm of mortals. *Comment on any errors you find, I would do my best to fix them.

BlackMango · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Inheritance War (1)


The air crackled with raw power as the godlike creature let out an earth-shattering roar. The very elements seemed to tremble in fear as the beast unleashed its fury upon the world. Waves rose high, crashing against themselves with enough force to shatter mountains. Lightning danced across the sky, illuminating the dark clouds gathering overhead. A tempest raged at the behest of the beast, tearing through the landscape with savage ferocity. This was its unnecessary display of power.

The thick and dark cumulonimbus clouds gather as if to hide the impending battle from the eyes of the gods. However, the gods were not so puny for such acts to blindside them. In fact, from the firmament, a goddess looked down upon the earth, this fight of all the others taking place.

High above the tumultuous scene, an angelic figure soared through the storm, his eyes gleaming like aquamarine crystals in the darkness. His wings beat a fierce rhythm as he surveyed the chaotic scene below. Though his body was strong and his spirit unyielding, the weight of a decade of constant warfare hung heavily upon him.

As the mighty creature bellowed its challenge, Jorah's heart surged with righteous fury. This beast had destroyed his family's fleet, leaving nothing but debris and devastation in its wake. With a fierce cry, he charged forward, calling upon the power of the seas to aid him in his quest for vengeance.

But the 20-meter-tall behemoth was not easily defeated. With a thunderous roar, it unleashed a sonic wave that shattered the very air around Jorah. The force of the blast rattled his bones and shredded his eardrums even with his protective aura on. He still pressed on, destabilised but determined to emerge victorious.

Seeing the dragon prepared to unleash its deadly breath attack, Jorah plunged into the sea, his body wreathed in an aura that froze the water above him. He dove deep, his wounds quickly healing thanks to the blessing of the goddess of the sea. The lightning-infused energy breath slammed into the ice, melting it immediately.

Luckily, he had predicted such as he snaked his way to the dragon from deep below. But even as he swam, he knew that the dragon was watching him as the breadth trailed closely behind him. Once it ended, Jorah knew it was time to counterattack.

With lightning speed, Jorah burst from the water, launching a massive pike that transformed into a colossal sea serpent as it flew through the air. The beast roared in fury as the serpent struck its wing, causing it to falter in mid-air. Sensing an opportunity, Jorah unleashed a barrage of corrosive water tentacles, pulling the dragon down towards the sea with all his might.

The dragon's crystal scales shimmered in the sunlight, introduced by the force of the collision, as Jorah's corrosive water had no effect on the massive creature. The tentacles were equally useless in pulling it down. But Jorah had managed to restrain the beast, turning it into a stationary target. Just as he was about to charge in, the atmosphere shifted, and the dragon got serious.

Jorah grinned, readying his spear. He was a grandmaster spearman, but facing a creature that outclassed him left him with little hope of survival. Still, he stood tall, the grandchild of the powerful progenitor and a respected figure in his noble family. He was a genius and had become a grandmaster before the age of 120. He was in his early 120s and would have probably been able to make it to godhood in a few decades, but he had to do what he had to do. He could not shy away from this fight.

As Jorah's blood boiled with energy, he let out a guttural scream. He held his crystal pike tightly and used it to parry and deflect the dragon's lightning strikes and wind blades. While the dragon was a master of the wind, Jorah was a master of water. Their clash generated a massive storm at sea, but its impact on the vast planet was minimal. They battled for four days, covering nautical miles in the process.

On the turbulent waves, Jorah stood firm as the battered dragon looked at him with disdain. It was half submerged in the ocean with thick water tentacles restraining it. With an arm missing and his blood thin after days of combat, Jorah was on his last legs. He had not breathed air for ten hours, relying on water-breathing magic to survive. It was not enough.

Jorah opened his mouth for a deep breath, but the dragon caught on, attempting to siphon the air out of his lungs. He resorted to the uncomfortable magic once more. It was a problem when he had enough energy for spatial domination.

Water enveloped his mouth and nose, filling his respiratory system and rinsing away the metallic taste of blood. He knew he was on his final stretch, his body beyond repair, surviving only by the blessing of the sea.

With his beloved weapon on the brink of destruction, Jorah took a stance, freezing the water below his feet. He twirled his pike like a monk's staff, and the water followed his lead, whirling around him. Using all his remaining aura, he reinforced his legs and the pike and shot forward with a straight pierce, shattering the ice beneath his feet.

As he charged, the water transformed into a small, dense sea serpent, coiling around the pike's shaft with its head at the pointed end. He pierced the dragon's chest through a hole he had previously prepared, stabbing straight through to its heart. With no regard for his safety, he pushed the serpent into the heart, making it explode with steam. The dragon's heart expanded and popped like a bubble; the energy released was more akin to a bomb.

Jorah was thrown into the ocean, barely alive and slipping in and out of consciousness. Despite his injuries, he had achieved the impossible but was destined to die at sea. The goddess, who had blessed him and most of his family, looked down on his tragic end. A slight current picked up; his body was pushed into a sea cave. With her limited influence on the world, that was all she could do for her granduncle.