
The day the new boy came


I got a message last night from Monika, it said 'Make cupcakes tonight because I have a special suprise for you and Yuri tommorow.' I didn't know how to reply so I just left her on read. I then ran downstairs and started making my cupcakes, but, my dad was downstairs.

He kept asking me questions like ' why are you making cupcakes?' and ' are they for a boy?' but I decided to just ignore him and he left me alone.

I've finally finished the cupcakes, they now all look like little cats. THERE SO CUTE(0w0)

Now I just have to hope that dad doesn't eat them, if not I'll be super pissed.


ITS FINALLY THE DAY OF THE SURPRISE. I wonder what it is? Well I guess I'll have to wait until the club meeting.


Yes! it's time for the club meeting. I walk up into the clubroom and find Yuri sitting at her desk looking at a poster on the wall. It was a poster about the Cult Club... I still wonder how the school accepted a club like this to be in school. Ehh why not I guess. I disturb Yuri's staring by standing Infront of her and screaming 'YURI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?' she then jumps out of her seat pretending that she wasn't doing anything but I know what she was doing, but I let it slide and went into the teacher's desk and grabbed the cupcakes. Yuri doesn't know what's happening and asks me 'Why did you bring cupcakes today... oh god don't tell me I missed something in yesterday club meeting' I decided to ignore her which I think made her angry. Eh oh well she'll have to find out at the same time as me.

The door opens with a big SLAM!

It's Monkia and she's normally here with Sayori but something seem different, Monika's smiling, she never smile's I don't think that I've ever seen her smile before, it's quite nice.

A few minutes after Monika's grand opening Sayori joins us and she's here WITH A BOY !!!! Where the hell did Sayori find a boy from... IS THAT HER BOYFRIEND!!! I never knew that Sayori had a boyfriend I always thought that she was too weird and that all the boys hated her. I ask the boy 'what are you doing here, are you Sayori's boyfriend??' He didn't really know how to respond so he just stood there and started whispering to Sayori. Sayori immediately screamed 'WE ARE NOT DATING... This is our new club member Jack. Monika told me to get a new club member and the first person I found that would join was Jack...'

'HEY I never agreed to actually join I said that I would look around at all the clubs and then decide I never actually wanted to come here Sayori act...' Sayori immediately coverd Jack's mouth as if he was going to say something that she didn't want him to say. I decide to let it slide and I go to the back of the room and grab my favourite type of book Manga and I grab the 'Parfeit girls', which I have the whole collection of stacked on the club room because if my dad finds out that I even own these then he will beat me up and I don't want that he's too rough when he does it. Anyway I go and sit down at a desk and start reading.

Monika decided to jump out of her seat and started saying 'thats it' over and over again. We all gave her weird looks because no one knew what she was going on about. She then started saying ' we should all go home tonight and all write poems, I know that you like writing poems Natsuki' I start to go red ' YOU WHAT! NO I DONT! WHERE WOULD YOU GET THAT IDEA FROM!' ' Last club meeting you chucked something into the bin but it bounced out, I decided to pick it up and read it because I thought that you would mind, it was something called The...'

'NOOO DONT SAY IT OUTLOUD' I interrupted Monika because I didn't want her to say anything about that. I then wanted to go home and get out of here. ' Well I'm going to leave because me dad wants me and you know what will happen Monika.' ' Yeah it's okay just don't forget to write a poem for tomorrow' Monika said politely ' Yeah I won't' I then ran out of the clubroom and went home.

I immediately wrote my poem call Monkeys Can Climb

It was pretty good I guess.

OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my dad's coming I need to go before something bad happens. I'm supposed to be asleep right now. Well bye for now.