

Natara is a teenage girl living a normal teenage girl life in Shunyi until she learns that her life is anything but normal, where she is thrown into another awaiting life for her to live that she knows nothing about. She has a destined fate that she is never going to escape from. In this world, some of us are lucky enough to be born in a world where we get to decide on our destiny to meet our fate. But what happens to those like her, who are born in a world with their destiny already decided and with fate that is already drawn by those who gave them life? It’s a fate where not only is her life at stake but so many others are too, at sixteen she is drowning in a pool of what to choose. Is her life worthy of saving or not? “A woman is a mysterious human being that man will never understand. Sometimes being weak is what makes us strong because weakness isn’t a woman’s failure but our shield. “ Natara nodded her head even though she didn’t understand that sentence. But Maria Susanna kept going on regardless. "Get ready. We are attacking some of our own."

Juliechance · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs



Days passed and so did nights and Natara was determined to not make them pass for nothing. For every passed hour, minute, second, she made sure that the passed time left her with something new she learnt on herself.

Different man, woman, kids came to her, each teaching her what they were best known at and she was eager to learn, ever since she asked Aaron to set her free and he broke some curses that protected them in order to send her back to her home and knowing what that almost caused.

She was determined to at least do something to save these people because if she was willing and capable of endangering their lives, she could at least be so willing and able of saving them from her father like they believed.

"You need to slow down there," A voice said behind her and she smiled not turning to see who it was.

"Someone might mistaken you for training for a world war." She turned her head to him and smiled again widely at Aaron before dropping the swords she had in her hands and shrugged her shoulders as she approached him. "I mean can you blame me? Someone have to step up and own up to the consequences of their action."

Aaron chuckled and he signed for her to walk in his open arms. Which she did with a satisfied smile.

"What do you mean by that." She pulled her head away from his chest and sneaked a pick out at him, with an innocent, angel like expression she asked him in a small sweet voice. "What do you mean by asking that, I was just saying."

Aaron just hummed in response not wanting to argue with her on anything.

He pulled her to himself and took her back to their house, at this rate his heart was aching due to the practicing she is been doing day and night without taking proper meals or rest.

He came to look for her when he had already prepared an early supper for them and the aroma of what was on the table hit Natara instantly and her stomach replied by making embarrassing sounds. Which she looked up instantly at Aaron who was pretending not hearing anything but as he looked down at her as she held on tightly to her stomach probably hoping for getting rid of it, he couldn't help himself from chuckling at her cuteness.

"What are you laughing at?" He looked at her blushing cheeks and smiled softly at her. "Nothing." She passed him an annoyed look as she rushed to get away from his company before she died anymore of embarrassment.

She walked away to take a quick shower before walking back downstairs.

"So, what is it that you made?" Aaron looked at her as he lead her to the dinning room.

"To warn you first I'm no good cook, but seeing how my wife has been energetic and doing hard chores while practicing all this time, made me want to bring some of her energy back." She bite her Lower lip thoughtful with a smile on her lips, she replied.

"As much as I love hearing you call me your wife, please don't. It makes me feel so old, any way how old are you?"

Aaron looked at her and somehow he felt something churn in his gut. How was it possible that with all the females that he has been through with his eyes, he had to fall for a young girl like the one sitting in front of him.

"I'm twenty five."

He said and she gasped holding her hands over her mouth.

"You are lying."

"I'm not."

"Jesus, you know I thought you were like thirty something." Aaron scowled not liking what she was initiating at all.

"Do I look that old to you?"

She shrugged looking nonchalantly.

"I guess I never put much thought in it but I guess your age is quite fit with mine, God we make such a perfect couple. If we were in my city, I promise we would have my instagram followers swooning over us from morning to night of every day."

"What's instagram?" She waved her hand in

the air realizing he didn't know about it.

"It's technology platform where people all over the world meet, you take your own pictures with your phone or camera and share it on your instagram account you know, and get likes, comments about it and followers." She leaned forward close to him and whispered with her small hand over the side of her mouth like there was someone else with them.

"You wouldn't believe the followers I had on my instagram account, please ask me how many?" She said and he chuckled.

"How many?" She beamed from where she was sitting looking happily and proud of herself. "I was followed by 500k people on my instagram account." Aaron found it kind of scary on his part, he didn't want to imagine having so many people like that following you, how it can make her this proud and happy. However, he could tell it was something she found confidence in.

So he kept his thoughts to himself and smiled at her. "Oh that's a lot number of people, doesn't it bother you?" She shrugged again as she enjoyed the conversation she was having with her husband and the food he made for them.

"It's not like they were on my back every second, it was an internet thing you know, we went there to have fun that's all not bothering one another." She said and Aaron nodded he wasn't understanding a thing she was saying but he also wasn't about to damage her moods.

"But you know sometimes it would be hard because you can't have a positive opinion from the public everyday." She said smacking her lips together.

"Why would they be negative?"

"Haters, you know they are everywhere, some were jealous of my looks and my family but a lot of people followed me because I am beautiful and rich, oh, and I know how to dance." Aaron looked at her and just said nothing.

The more times he got to spend with the girl in front of him, the more he would believe he would never survive in any world without her.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He shook his head.


"You gaze wasn't nothing at all. Can we watch the moonlight after eating." He shook his head. "I'm sorry I can't, I am meeting up with Mrs. Darker, she told me she needed me."

"Can I come too?"

"No, you've been practicing so hard and tomorrow you have other practices, I would hate it if you aren't getting enough rest, so stay and get some sleep." She smiled happily at him. "As you wish."

They finished eating and Natara volunteered to clean the dishes while he went to meet with her mother.

As a good girl she was trying to be, she cleaned the dishes that they ate from before going to bed because she wouldn't joke herself, she knew she was also tired.

Aaron walked to Maria Susanna's house and found her already waiting for him at the porch of her house.

He walked to her and bowed his head down before looking at her.

"I'm sorry I am late." She waved her hand in the air. "It's okay."

"Come and sit so we can talk." He walked inside her house with her and she lead him to the living room.

"Do you want something, Aaron?"

He shook his head. "No, I am good Mrs. Darker."

"Okay, fine." She said to him and before she shared anything to him, she sighed and looked at him.

"Aaron, I am sharing this with you because I trust you and I don't want even a bird to know what I'm about to tell you not even my daughter, your wife. You get me?"

He felt a chill run down his spine but he still nodded. "I get it."

"Fine, listen carefully. Diego has taken Natara's young sister." He just raised an eyebrow to her but deep down hearing those words was like fueling him inside.

"It's been three months Aaron and I don't know how the poor girl is doing, I don't even know if she is safe…or still alive. I'm just going with the fact that he purifies them for six months so if he took her solely for that reason she is still fine but it's because of other reasons…" she shook her head. "God, we are running out of time."

Aaron composed himself not wanting to lose it in front of the only parent figure his ever known but as hard as he tried to contain himself. He wouldn't believe she would be this careless.

"Why are you telling me this now?" She looked at him and hated the look she found in his eyes.

"I just can't keep it to myself anymore, the guilty has been eating me alive. I am also tired of that monster always taking girls like he pleases and kills them, I want this to be over."

"But Natara isn't done yet with her practices."

"What she is learnt for now is enough." Aaron shook his head. "No, that would be like sacrificing her cause he would surely kill her within a blink of an eye and it wouldn't be good for any of us, she is not strong enough yet."

"Aaron we've been waiting for the right moment and hiding from here and there for like fifteen years. I'm just tired, I don't want to think of how many families that had cried for their young girls because of that monster no, enough is enough. At this rate I've had enough and I think it's time we put a stop to this. We are strong enough and at least now Natara has a little of what to do when necessary."

"It would be like sacrificing her to him." Aaron protested but Maria Susanna had made up her mind, she just knew it was time.

"We will be right behind her Aaron, we won't let her take him on alone, me, you, and your mom we will be behind her. But do you really think, she is that precious more than those other girls or am I more precious than any other mother?"

Aaron frowned because he just hear a word he hadn't ever heard for the past twenty years.

"My mom?"

He watched carefully as Maria Susanna nodded as she announced. "She is coming tomorrow so please go pick her up."



On the school compound things haven't been easy for keilla.

After three months of pushing through every day, she could feel the will and energy drain from her every second of the minute she breathed.

She hated school now because she was now receiving the pity gestures from here and there that was unnecessary. Which wasn't like those whom were sending those pity glances to her had anything else to offer.

It was the last semester but every day felt like the first day that she was left on a school compound.

Everyday she felt anxious to be there because students never seemed to move on from her sister. It was exhausting.

It's been three months and she hasn't heard from Gabriel too. She remembered the time he dropped her off promising he was going to share with her everything he was getting from his mother and ever since then she hasn't heard from him neither.

She called like hundred times and texted another thousand times but she got nothing.

The next day she went to school and he acted all arrogant and so high to reach. She shrugged that off and tried to get him to talk many times but she gave up once he embarrassed her in front of the whole students.

She wouldn't believe that Gabriel did her like that and when she got home and cried the whole night, she wouldn't believe it still.

Now the life she lead was like the life of someone else.

Everyone in her household was so caught up on themselves to understand what a thirteen year old young girl was going through.

In this life, losing and having a dead member it's not something easy that one could ever face but having someone disappear leaving no trace behind, not knowing whether they were dead or alive or leading what kind of life is the most hardest thing to ever have to live with.

Life with no closure is a nightmare,

At lease knowing one was dead, there are comfort in that. You believe one day you two might reunite when you die yourself but not knowing anything is what depresses, and keilla was under the influence of that depression.

One can get over a dead relation but it's hard to overcome the pain of losing someone without knowing their end.
