
Narutoverse: AI System [PAUSED]

[Paused due to work. Might come back in the future.] Karl died due to electrocution. He was watching the final arc of Bleach anime, before his death. He woke up in the body of a Uchiha. Karl takes a moment to reflect on the battle, realizing that his mind and Shisui's memories are intertwined. He explores Shisui's past and experiences vivid flashbacks of significant moments, slowly coming to terms with the fact that he is now part of this world. He also grapples with the responsibility of possessing the Mangekyo Sharingan and ponders the implications of his new identity. However, he eventually faces Danzo as he tries to steal his eyes. That's when it happened. The All Mighty System appeared and offered him the power of a Soul Reaper. Follow, Karl's journey as he crushes all the corruption and saves his clan, using his past memories about the Naruto world. ------- I don't own Naruto or Bleach. I only own my OC. --- Cover picture found on Pinterest ---

O_Mysery · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Karl's heart pounded as he faced Danzo, the man's open palm aimed directly at his right eye. He recognized the danger in Danzo's intent. The memories of Shisui's fateful encounter with Danzo flashed through his mind—the moment when Danzo had taken Shisui's right eye in his ruthless pursuit of power.

His instincts screamed at him to react, to defend himself from the impending threat. The memories of Shisui's skills and abilities surged to the forefront of his mind. The Mangekyo Sharingan in his eyes spun with intensity, the crimson tomoe blurring into a kaleidoscope of power.

With a surge of chakra, he activated the most coveted ability of the Mangekyo Sharingan—the Susanoo.

A colossal green humanoid figure materialized around him, its form towering over the battlefield like an ancient warrior of legend. Clad in ethereal armor, Susanoo's presence exuded a sense of awe-inspiring power. Its three crimson eyes fixed on Danzo, and its massive blade materialized in its hand, ready to strike with lethal force.

The world seemed to hold its breath as Susanoo took its stance. Karl's heart raced, his senses heightened by the sheer magnitude of his transformed state. His body felt both weightless and invincible, a vessel for the power of the Uchiha's ancient legend.

Danzo's eyes widened in surprise and apprehension, his open palm hovering mid-air as he assessed the immense power arrayed against him. The aura of Susanoo radiated an overwhelming intensity, a force that transcended the boundaries of mortal combat.

The battlefield fell into a tense silence as Karl and Danzo faced off. The winds stirred around them, leaves and debris swirling in the currents of anticipation.

With a fierce determination, Karl's voice resonated from within the heart of Susanoo, "Danzo, you motherfucking son of a bitch. I am gonna shove this blade up your ass."

Danzo's expression twisted into a mix of surprise, anger, and unease as Karl's bold declaration echoed through the battlefield. The tension in the air grew thicker, the impending clash between the formidable Susanoo and the enigmatic leader of Root hanging over them like a storm.

"Who are you? You are not Shisui," He said as he opened his piercing eyes, "The way you move, the way you fought back head-on instead of prioritizing your goal... You are not him. Who are you?"

"I wonder..." Karl's smirk widened as he stared down Danzo from within the towering Susanoo.

The tension between them was palpable, the battlefield frozen in anticipation. Karl knew that he couldn't sustain Susanoo for long—its immense power came at the cost of his chakra reserves. He needed to end this confrontation before his strength waned.

"I'm just a guy who's had enough of your manipulative bullshit," Karl retorted, his voice tinged with defiance.

Danzo's eyes flickered with a mix of anger and frustration. Karl's words seemed to have struck a nerve, unraveling the veneer of control that Danzo typically wore. The man had spent a lifetime weaving webs of deceit and manipulation, amassing power and influence through questionable means. But in Karl's eyes, he saw through the facade...

"You can't escape your destiny," Danzo hissed, his voice laced with an undercurrent of desperation.

At that moment, Karl made his move.

Hundreds of green needles shot out from his Susanoo, filling the air with a deadly barrage. Each needle was imbued with his chakra, guided by the precision of his Mangekyo Sharingan's enhanced vision. The needles streaked toward Danzo with lethal accuracy, a testament to the power that Karl had harnessed.

Danzo's eyes widened as he realized the gravity of the situation. He raised his arm, a surge of wind chakra flowing around him as he activated his Wind Style jutsu, "Wind Style: Vacuum Sphere!" The wind chakra formed a protective barrier around him, creating a vacuum that sucked in the approaching needles. The collision of forces created a cacophony of sound as the needles were torn apart by the vacuum's force.

But Karl was prepared for this countermeasure. As the needles were drawn in by the vacuum, he infused them with his Fire Style chakra. The moment they came into contact with the wind chakra, they ignited into blazing flames, overwhelming the vacuum's force with their fiery explosion.

The resulting explosion sent shockwaves through the battlefield, scattering debris and leaves in all directions. Karl's Susanoo stood firm amidst the chaos, its ethereal form weathering the impact with stoic resilience. The flames subsided, revealing Danzo, his clothes torn apart and his posture faltering.

Karl seized the opportunity, his Susanoo moving with calculated precision. The colossal blade in its hand descended with blinding speed, aiming to strike down Danzo and end the battle once and for all.

But Danzo was not one to be underestimated. He formed a set of hand seals in rapid succession, a surge of wind chakra coalescing around him, "Wind Style: Vacuum Blade!"

With a swift motion, he swung his arm, and a crescent-shaped blade of wind chakra materialized. It clashed with Susanoo's massive blade, a clash of elemental forces that resonated through the battlefield. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, the ground beneath them trembling from the sheer force of the collision.

Karl's Susanoo and Danzo's Wind Style jutsu were locked in a fierce struggle, their powers clashing with titanic force. The wind blade sliced through the air, its cutting edge threatening to breach Susanoo's defenses.

The clash of elemental forces raged on, the battlefield illuminated by destruction and rush of the battle between Karl's Susanoo and Danzo's Wind Style jutsu. The wind blade sliced through the air with deadly precision, its cutting edge threatening to breach Susanoo's formidable defenses. Karl's heart raced as he poured every ounce of his remaining chakra into maintaining the colossal form of his Mangekyo Sharingan-enhanced warrior.

But his reserves were almost depleted. The strain of maintaining Susanoo's immense power weighed heavily on him, his vision blurring at the edges as exhaustion began to take hold. He could feel the cracks forming in his Susanoo, his body and mind pushed to their limits.

Danzo poured his own chakra into the Wind Style jutsu, "This is the end." The vacuum blade surged forward with renewed strength, its force threatening to overpower Susanoo's resistance.

Summoning his resolve, he channeled the last remnants of his chakra into a daring gamble. The cracks in Susanoo's form seemed to mend, its ethereal presence solidifying into a complete body. In its hand, a blazing spear materialized, its fiery edge flickering with destructive flames.

As the vacuum blade bore down upon him, Karl's Susanoo met the attack head-on. He gripped the spear tightly, infusing it with Fire Style chakra. With a swift motion, he began to spin the spear in a rapid, drill-like manner. The flames engulfed the spinning spear, creating a vortex of scorching heat that clashed with the wind blade.

----[Reviews and PS are always welcome]----

A bit short, but that's all I was able to write today. Hopefully, see you tomorrow again.