
Narutoverse: AI System [PAUSED]

[Paused due to work. Might come back in the future.] Karl died due to electrocution. He was watching the final arc of Bleach anime, before his death. He woke up in the body of a Uchiha. Karl takes a moment to reflect on the battle, realizing that his mind and Shisui's memories are intertwined. He explores Shisui's past and experiences vivid flashbacks of significant moments, slowly coming to terms with the fact that he is now part of this world. He also grapples with the responsibility of possessing the Mangekyo Sharingan and ponders the implications of his new identity. However, he eventually faces Danzo as he tries to steal his eyes. That's when it happened. The All Mighty System appeared and offered him the power of a Soul Reaper. Follow, Karl's journey as he crushes all the corruption and saves his clan, using his past memories about the Naruto world. ------- I don't own Naruto or Bleach. I only own my OC. --- Cover picture found on Pinterest ---

O_Mysery · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Karl's breath was ragged as he faced off against Danzo, the force of their clash hanging in the air like a storm waiting to break. His mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan to overcome this formidable opponent. In the midst of the tension, his Sharingan eyes remained fixed on Danzo's every move, ready to react to whatever came next.

As Karl braced himself for the next exchange, his acute senses picked up on a shift in the atmosphere. A subtle rustling of leaves, a hint of movement behind Danzo. Without hesitation, he used his Sharingan to analyze the situation, and his heart quickened as two figures materialized behind Danzo—a man and a woman, each exuding an aura of danger.

Torune Aburame and Fu Yamanaka, members of Root, Danzo's loyal operatives. Karl's mind raced as he processed this new development. These were no ordinary shinobi—they were skilled and deadly, each possessing unique abilities that made them a force to be reckoned with.

Danzo's fury blazed in his eyes as he turned to face Karl once again, a renewed power in his stance, "There is nowhere to run. Torune, Fu, capture him alive."

Karl wanted to run away, just like how Shisui ran when Danzo attacked him in the manga. But he couldn't escape and lost his eye.

His heart pounded as he faced the imminent threat posed by Torune and Fu. His mind raced as he processed the gravity of the situation. The memories he had inherited from Shisui swirled in his thoughts, offering insights into their abilities and strategies. He knew that this battle was far from over, and he needed to act swiftly and decisively.

As Torune and Fu closed in, Karl's fingers moved with practiced precision, forming a sequence of hand seals. Channeling his chakra, he unleashed his Fire Style jutsu, "Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation!" Flames erupted from his mouth, engulfing the area in a torrent of scorching heat. The roaring inferno surged forward, a blazing wave of destruction aimed at his adversaries.

Torune's expression remained impassive as he extended his arm, a small black insect emerging from his sleeve. The insect multiplied rapidly, forming a swarm that gathered around him. With a simple gesture, Torune commanded the insects to form a protective barrier, shielding him from the onslaught of flames. The fire consumed the insects, but Torune emerged unscathed, his dark eyes locked onto Karl with an eerie calmness.

Fu, on the other hand, moved with swift agility. She leaped into the air, her form twisting and contorting as she performed a series of acrobatic maneuvers. Her movements, reminiscent of a graceful dancer, Karl's Sharingan tracked her every motion. He could see the chakra threads she manipulated, an extension of her Yamanaka clan's unique abilities. She wove intricate patterns in the air, her jutsu aimed at seizing control of his body and mind.

Karl's mind raced as he recognized the danger. He unleashed his genjutsu, creating a counter-illusion that clashed with Fu's mental manipulation. The two conflicting genjutsu battled for dominance, their energies colliding in a psychic struggle that sent ripples through his consciousness.

Meanwhile, Torune's insects continued their relentless advance, forming a living barrier around Karl seeping away his chakra.

The battlefield was alive with chaos, as Karl found himself locked in a multi-front struggle against Danzo's operatives. Sweat beaded on his brow as he focused on countering their relentless onslaught.

Torune's insects crept closer, their unrelenting approach demonstrating the Aburame clan's command of bugs. Karl's thoughts raced as he attempted to think of a means to combat their chakra-sucking influence. Using Shisui's understanding, he created a sequence of hand seals, releasing a gust of chakra-infused wind. The wind blew through the battlefield, scattering insects and forming a temporary barrier between himself and Torune.

As the insects were momentarily pushed back, Karl's attention shifted to Fu.

With a surge of chakra, he executed the Body Flicker Technique, disappearing from Fu's line of sight in a blur of motion.

Fu's eyes widened in surprise as Karl reappeared behind her, his Sharingan blazing. He seized the opportunity to strike, his hand connecting with a precise blow to her side. His attack disrupted her concentration, causing the threads of chakra she controlled to unravel. The mental grip on his mind loosened, allowing him to break free from her influence.

However, his victory was short-lived. Torune's insects surged forward once again, their numbers replenished. Karl's Sharingan flared as he quickly formed a series of hand seals, channeling his chakra into another jutsu, "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" A massive water serpent materialized, its jaws snapping at the insects and crushing them in its watery grasp.

As the battlefield roared with elemental clashes, Karl continued to push with every ounce of his strength. He couldn't afford to let his guard down for a moment. His instincts guided him as he assessed the situation. Torune and Fu were formidable opponents, their abilities complementing each other in a deadly dance of coordination and strategy.

"Damn it!" Karl wiped his forehead.

His breaths came in ragged gasps as he assessed his situation. The battle had taken a toll on him, his physical stamina waning and his chakra reserves dwindling rapidly. Torune and Fu were relentless, their combined efforts pushing him to his limits.

With a determined grit, he forced himself to his feet. His vision was blurred with sweat and fatigue, but he knew that he couldn't give up. Drawing upon the memories of Shisui, he formed a final stance, his hands moving in a complex pattern of seals. His Sharingan blazed as he activated his Mangekyo Sharingan, the two crimson tomoe spinning in his eyes.

The world around him seemed to shift as the Mangekyo Sharingan's power coursed through him. Karl's perception heightened to an extraordinary level, and a surge of newfound energy flowed through his veins. He felt as though he could see through time itself, the threads of destiny weaving before his eyes.

In his heightened state, Karl's mind worked swiftly. He analyzed the battlefield, the movements of Torune and Fu, and the chakra flow within their bodies. He could sense the vulnerability within their seemingly impenetrable techniques.

Without hesitation, Karl unleashed a series of fireball jutsus.

His flames, filled with chakra, swirled through the air with lethal accuracy. His power was demonstrated by the roaring flames and searing heat that lit up the battlefield.

The first fireball burst forth, hurtling toward Torune. He reacted quickly, his insects forming a protective shield once again. But Karl had anticipated this, and as the fireball made contact with the insects, it detonated with explosive force. The shockwave rippled through the battlefield, scattering Torune's insects and forcing him to retreat.

Fu's eyes widened as she realized the danger. She performed a series of hand seals, her chakra threads extending toward Karl in an attempt to ensnare his movements. But he was ready. With a sharp gaze, he met her eyes, his Mangekyo Sharingan locking onto her. He unleashed a genjutsu of his own, a powerful illusion that ensnared her consciousness.

Fu's movements faltered, her control over her chakra threads weakening as she became trapped within the nightmare of his genjutsu. She struggled against the mental onslaught, her focus shattered and her defenses compromised.

With both Torune and Fu momentarily incapacitated, Karl seized the opportunity. He moved with incredible speed, his chakra-infused kunai striking with precision as he targeted Torune and Fu. Slashes and stabs landed, each strike infused with chakra. Torune's insects regrouped, attempting to shield their master, but Karl's flames and physical prowess proved overwhelming.

Torune staggered, his breath labored as he struggled to regain control. The insects that had once been his shield now seemed to work against him, their numbers greatly diminished. Fu's mental resistance wavered, her eyes filled with panic as she fought against the genjutsu's hold on her.

He was able to injure their critical chakra points, causing immense bleeding. Torune summoned a wave of insects to seal off their injuries.

Karl's heart raced as he felt the weight of the battle shifting in his favor. But his energy was waning, his Mangekyo Sharingan exacting a toll on his body and chakra reserves. He knew that he needed to end this quickly.

Suddenly, Danzo appeared before him. His open palm aiming at his right eye.


AN: Hope you like this chapter.