
Naruto:Weaving The Future

Traveling through the world of Naruto,Gray gains access to the ‘undercover creation system’. As long as the undercover gets enough influence, he can get rewards. Ever since. Gray creates a light curtain and begins to weave the future. Let the big guys in the Naruto world think that they finally understand the truth about the world. Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Who is Kaido and why can he replace Kakashi and become the teacher of Class 7?" Orochimaru: "What? I founded Academy City?" Zetsu: "It turns out that the biggest culprit that prevented me from resurrecting my mother was the Pirate King Roger!" Pain: " I didn;'t know that our Akatsuki organization would have so many undercover agents!" The Fourth Ninja War. Reanimated Uchiha Madara looked at the allied ninja army and felt numb. Is this still the ninja world I know? ***patreon:https://patreon.com/void667? get more chapter here

writer_in_disguise · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 38 This Is Part Of The Plan

Chapter 38: This Is Part Of The Plan

Fourth Raikage: "Rockets, never heard of them. Where did they come from?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Judging by their forehead protectors, they seem to be from the Rain Shinobi Village."

Rasa: "Rain Shinobi Village?"

Rain Shinobi Village, true to its name, experiences frequent rainfall, often leaving villagers with little opportunity to dry their clothes. It's a place where drought and waterlogging can both be deadly.

Ohnoki: "Has Hanzō of the Salamander ever spoken?"

Terumi Mei narrowed her eyes: "Are you suggesting..."

Ohnoki: "Yes."

Similar to Kirigakure's isolationist stance, Rain Shinobi Village adopted a closed policy after suffering a devastating defeat in the Second Ninja World War. This has led to a veil of mystery surrounding the village's current state.

Ohnoki : "Perhaps the Rockets trio borrowed the identities of Rain Shinobi Village ninjas, much like how Orochimaru assumed the identity of a Grass Village ninja."

Ohnoki continued: "After all, it's unlikely that anyone would be foolish enough to engage in nefarious activities while proudly displaying their own village's forehead protector, right?"

Is it possible?

Akatsuki organization base.

Observing Ohnoki's barrage, Pain fell silent. Turning to Konan, he inquired, "Are these two individuals truly from our Rain Shinobi Village?"

"Yes," Konan affirmed with a nod, "not only are they ninjas from Rain Shinobi Village, but they are also interns from our Akatsuki organization."


Pain's eyelids twitched.

Konan seemed to sense the peculiar gaze from Pain and offered an explanation, "Didn't you previously mention that the Akatsuki organization lacks manpower? You asked me to identify promising talents from Rain Shinobi Village and recruit them as interns for Akatsuki. Remember?"

Pain narrowed his eyes slightly, acknowledging, "That's correct. So, you recruited these two?"

It appears...

There's a need to refine the recruitment criteria.

In Akatsuki organization, not just anyone can be accepted!

Not even as an intern!

"Indeed," Konan confirmed, comprehending the implied message in Pain's words. She sighed, hesitated briefly, and then continued, "But don't judge them solely based on appearances. During the selection process, whether through written exams or actual combat assessments, Musashi and Kojiro consistently ranked highly."

She added, "Almost always securing the top positions."

"That is..."

"Just a stroke of bad luck!"

"Luck?" questioned Pain, his gaze sharpening. He viewed luck as a mere excuse for the weak to justify their failures.

To him, the truly strong don't rely on luck!

Yet, Musashi and Kojiro swiftly demonstrated otherwise with their actions.

For those who suffer misfortune...

Even drinking cold water can lead to choking!

[Forest of death. ]

Orochimaru observed Naruto's entrapment with satisfaction. Though unaware of the details, it signaled good news for him.

At least, that Nine Tails brat wouldn't be interfering with his plans.

"Naruto!!" Sasuke and Sakura reacted immediately, intending to rush back to aid their captured teammate.

However, Orochimaru had no intention of allowing Sasuke to leave his sight.

Thus, the only one capable of taking action was Sakura.

She assessed the situation calmly. Knowing Sasuke's strength, she understood he could at least buy some time against the opponent. Rescuing Naruto first and then collaborating would be their best strategy.

The net restraining Naruto seemed to be crafted from specialized materials. Even Naruto in his transformed state couldn't break free, indicating there was little Sakura could do to assist.

[With quick thinking, Sakura aimed her rope at the net as a solution.]

[In a split second, she executed her plan, slicing through the rope held by Musashi and Kojiro. The sudden loss of tension caused them to stumble backward, granting Naruto a temporary reprieve.]

["Don't think it's over yet!"]

["I've already accounted for this scenario in my contingency plan!"]

[Meowth, concealed behind Musashi and Kojiro, emerged and produced a peculiar device from thin air. With a firm press of a button, the contraption hummed to life.]

[Buzz buzz!]

[From above the net, four propellers extended, transforming into a drone. In a swift motion, it scooped up Naruto and ascended into the air.]

[However, they seemed to overlook a crucial detail: the dense foliage of the Death Forest.]

[Without proper navigation, the drone could easily become entangled in the trees.]

["No need to worry!"]

[Remaining composed, Miao Miao reassured confidently, patting her chest: "This is all part of the plan! I anticipated this!"]

[As she spoke, the propellers on the drone adjusted to a 45-degree angle.]

[Suddenly, they transformed into chainsaws, slicing through the obstructing branches.]

[With the drone now just ten meters away from them, everything seemed to be proceeding as planned.]

[In theory, it should have been foolproof.]

[But then, in the eager anticipation of the Rocket trio, something unexpected occurred.]

[Only a passing green algae-headed swordsman caught sight of the scene.]

[He halted in his tracks.]

["Huh? Isn't that Naruto?!" he exclaimed in curiosity. "Why are you hanging from a tree? Is this some new kind of training?"]


["Great!" Naruto exclaimed with relief upon seeing a familiar face, struggling to ask for help. "I got caught by accident, please help me down!"]

["No problem, leave it to me," Zoro replied calmly, the distinct sound of a blade being unsheathed echoing.]

[A brilliant flash of sharp swordlight filled the air.]

[The cold light gleamed as Zoro deftly sheathed his sword, causing the sturdy net to disintegrate into debris and allowing Naruto to tumble to the ground.]

[Immediately thereafter, Zoro turned his gaze towards Musashi, Kojiro, and the others. He didn't bother to draw his sword, opting instead for the Ittoryu: Sanjuroku Pound Ho technique.]

[Faced with this sudden assault, the trio reacted with shock.]

Musashi and Kojiro turned to Meowth simultaneously, their expressions filled with desperation, and asked with a glimmer of hope, "Was this part of your plan too?"

Meowth looked crestfallen and shook his head stiffly.

In a moment of utter despair, the trio of Team Rocket exchanged glances, silently acknowledging their impending fate.

Then, in the next instant, they were lifted into the sky by Zoro's Thirty-Six Pound Phoenix technique.

They transformed into a fleeting streak of light, leaving behind only one lament: "What an unpleasant sensation!!!"

Naruto didn't let his guard down even after the immediate crisis was averted, sensing the presence of another formidable adversary. He turned to Zoro and inquired, "Where are Nami and Luffy? Are they with you?"

Zoro's expression darkened with frustration as he responded, "Those two clueless ones agreed to meet up at the same spot after an hour, but it's been two and a half hours now and they're nowhere to be seen. I reckon they've gotten themselves lost!"

"By the way, when did you arrive? I didn't notice you earlier," Zoro added, perplexed.

Naruto could only cover his face in embarrassment, realizing his late arrival to the scene.

I am sorry for not uploading chapter on Monday it was because I am sick which is why i couldn't upload a chapter monday.


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