
Chapter 1

Naruto had just finished the battle of his very own life.

His "best friend" Sasuke Uchiha turned traitor to the leaf for one simple reason, to avenge his family by killing his brother Itachi.

You see Itachi killed his entire clan in one night causing Sasuke to be who he is right now

Kakashi came onto the scene minutes after the battle had ended. he couldn't find cause but surprisingly he did find naruto laying on the ground unconscious

he hurried up and picked the blooded naruto and carried him to the hospital

(Scene Change-

Location-Council room )

Tsunade looked around the room and was appalled at all of the smirks and the glares that the civilians, shinobis, and elders all had. Made her feel very unsettling.

It was so unnerving how they could do such things to a child.

When Naruto entered the room Tsuande's angry thoughts were washed away and was replaced by shame. she paled rapidly


Naruto Uzumaki walked in he saw how she paled he only had one thought {something bad is about to happen she never gets pale like that unless something bad happens }

Now he had stood before the council and waited to hear what they have been planning on for a long time

"Genin Uzumaki Naruto" Tsunade spoke regret laced in her voice

" For the failure of the Sasuke retrieval mission, you are hereby banished from Konoha"

{I'm sorry Naruto} she thought

"You have until 8 am tomorrow to pack your things and leave"

Naruto just stood there i

what was this he was feeling anger..? hate..?sadness..? betrayal?.?

{what just happened} he thought

Tsunade couldn't look up after she what she had said she knew that those eyes would haunt her for the rest of her life.

After a few secondsof staring in complete and utter disbelief, he turned around and slowly walked out of the room still processing everything that had recently occurred.

As Naruto was walking, tears started forming in his eyes, but he tried to fight it down.

{What is happening!?}he thought Noticing the glares and the whispers of the people around him "the villagers are back to talking bad about me and now I get banished just because I brought back a traitor?"

{The only reason I decided to stay here was that I wanted to become the Hokage, to earn the respect of the villagers

no matter how much they beat me crucified me I was loyal the one mission that I didn't succeed they banished me for it

the second I entered my house I closed the door I dropped to the floor and cried

{ WHY DID THIS HAPPEN} I screamed in my head

/I'm sorry kit it is my fault/

naruto jumped up to his feet in alarm

whose there show yourself

the voice sighed

he was suddenly pulled into his minds-cape as he was looking around he saw that the placed looked similar to a sewer

"What is this place," he asked himself as he turned around he gasps in shock his eyes widen in fear.

Standing in front of him was a large cage that held a large fox with nine tails

"k-kyuubi" he stuttered

the Kyuubi nodded its head

/yes I am the Kyuubi/

his face then turned from scared to furious


the Kyuubi just looked down in sadness and regret

/I'm sorry Naruto/ naruto fell to the floor in shock


/I'm sorry naruto../

/It was that cursed Sharingan that put me in a genjutsu and forced me to attack your village"/

Naruto looked at the fox he seemed to be sincere

Naruto sighed

"it's ok I forgive you"

Kyuubi's eyes widen


/ just like that/?

Naruto nodded

"You seem sincere and if it wasn't your fault then its no point to hate you hate the person that did this to you "

"Besides I don't want to be like Sauske~ teme so I forgive you," he said as he smiled a big smile

Kyuubi was shocked

{could this be the boy old man talked about} he thought to himself in shock before he became serious

Naruto also saw his expression and became serious as will

Naruto I will give you the knowledge to get you out of this place.. to live your life all over again but it's only for 16 years and you will be forced back by the creator

naruto was shocked

/Kyuubi/ why are you doing this he asked tears forming in his eyes

/let's just say.. I want to fix the mistakes I've made in the past/ Kyuubi replied guilt laced in his voice

Naruto walked up inside the cage and hugged him making the Kyuubi stiff at first but hugged him back

"Thanks, Kyuubi"



/my name is Kurama/

Naruto looked at him wide-eyed before smiling the biggest smile he has ever smiled

"thank you.. Kurama" naruto said as he faded from his mindscape

Once he came outside a surge of knowledge hit him and he started to go through hand signs once he went through the last one he said

"Reality Art: Reality Transfer Jutsu"

The second he said that a huge amount of chakra was unleashed from his body alerting the Hokage and several ninjas

{Naruto} the Hokage thought worriedly they ran towards the location

lightning struck the ground as the air distorted around him a large black sphere formed behind him before sucking him in

once they got there it was too late Tsunade fell to her knees and started sobbing

{Im sorry naruto. I'm sorry} she thought


meanwhile in front of a small condo in silver spring Maryland

a portal appeared spitting out a baby with blond hair and blue eyes on the doorstep his whisker marks rabidly fading as a seal shaped like a lightning bolt formed on his cheeks before the lightning bolt and the whisker marks disappeared

the seal on his stomach blended in with his skin color once he awoke he started crying

that alerted the people in the condo as they open the door there heart started pounding

"Ewww its a baby can we adopt him please honey," the women said begging the man

"ugh damn those cursed eyes," he thought as he looked at her

he looked into the baby's eyes and his face soften he picked the baby up it stopped crying and looked at him the baby smiled and giggled

the man's heart leaped before he smiled

"fine we can adopt him," he said finally

"yes"! she said as he pumped her fist in triumph before she paused

"but he doesn't have a name"

"well do you want to name him Sarah"? the man said as he looked at her

the now named Sarah grinned

"yeah and I now just right the name ben"

"and what is that"? ben asked curiously

"his name is now..."
