
Naruto: Uchiha Snitch

When the Fourth Hokage did not die during the Rebellion of the Nine-Tails. When the night of the extermination of the Uchiha clan did not happen. When Obito knew about Madara's plot in advance. When both of Naruto's parents were alive. When Sasuke grew up without a father since childhood. When Danzo went crazy. When the Third Hokage was forced to admit his incompetence. Konoha, which has not taken the path of self-destruction, unites the entire ninja world. Uchiha Yun: “At first I just wanted to live, but now that I have the opportunity, I want to live a much better life.” Authors Notes: This is a translation The cover is not mine I hope you guys and girls enjoy, If you do plz give me power stones

GodsChildForever · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 36

The iron chain was pulled out from the abdomen directly by Uzumaki Sora, and the powerful life force of the Sage Body quickly healed the wound.



But the seriousness in the eyes of Uzumaki Sora did not weaken at all.



Unknown information!



For the first time, Sora felt surprised by the lack of information.






No, turning negative events into dreams is not appropriate for the situation right now.



Obito was not bound by the Birth of the World of Trees, and he had not touched its chains before.



But how did he guess the six cosmic coordinates?



This is a power beyond his knowledge.






Finding that the giant trees had stopped attacking, Obito looked at Uzumaki Sora indifferently: "It's a shame that I didn't aim for the head this time, but that won't necessarily happen next time. I think even if you have the full life force of the First Hokage, your head will still be destroyed. And even with your power, that would mean death, wouldn't it?"



Uzumaki Sora's eyes narrowed slightly, "Is this what you want to rely on to hold me back? But I'm curious, how were you able to do that just now?"



Obito smiled and replied, "When you die, I will explain this to your corpse."



After the words were spoken, his hidden Mangekyo turned on its ability again.



For some time, the power emanating from the Birth of the Tree World had little effect on him, and the Flying Thunder God Technique seemed to be held back by some of his latent abilities.



For the first time, Sora felt depressed.



"Fire Release: Fireball."



Faced with the approaching huge fireball, countless trees were destroyed.



With the help of many trees, it will be difficult to deal with this masked guy, and it looks like I can only leave my corpse here if things continue like this.



And there Pain the Deva Path and Conan are on alert. If it weren't for observing Obito's abilities, these two would have already attacked, besides, they wanted to test Obito, and I'm afraid that things will be more troublesome from now on.



Do I want to take the risk?



In any case, as long as the Avatar and the main body do not die at the same time before midnight, the secret technique can be used again to resurrect.



Obito gained a new ability, it must have been due to the butterfly effect caused by my own actions.



In this world, in most cases, unless there is an overwhelming force like Hashirama and Madara in the late stage, the importance of the enemy's information will determine most of the outcome of the battle.






Another activation of the Flying Thunder God Technique, but this time the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God are not kunai...



It's Obito's iron chain!



The moment Sora pulled out the iron chain from his stomach earlier, he left his mark of the Flying Thunder God on it.



This time it was supposed to be a surprise.






The iron chain flew off.



"Fire Release: Fireball."



Sora, who had just appeared next to the chain, instantly realized that the distance to Obito seemed wrong, after which he was immediately enveloped in the flames that had already appeared around him.






Uzumaki Sora, who fell to the ground, felt pain throughout his entire body. As the first person to ever be hit by a fireball technique, if it weren't for his Sage Body, he wouldn't be so cool right now.






The moment he appeared right after using the Flying Thunder God, the distance was incorrect, and after appearing, he was immediately enveloped in the flames of the Fireball technique.



This situation...



"Have you guessed it yet? But it's unexpected that you appeared right on my weapon, otherwise it wouldn't have been fireball ninjutsu."



Obito slowly removed the iron chain, looked at Sora, who was recovering, and continued, "My ability makes it impossible for you to hit me, and I can also see right through your Flying Thunder God. So...all your efforts are in vain now."



Sora slowly stood up, the burns on his body gradually peeling off, giving birth to new skin.



The vitality of the Sage Body is truly incredible.



But even if this is the Body of the Sage, as Obito said earlier, if you cut off its head, it will lead to death just like an ordinary person.



"It seems impossible to borrow what I want today."



Sora looked at the open space like ruins around him.



He sighed and said, "Although I still don't quite understand where you got this ability from, but this time it was really a miscalculation."



"Then let's stop here. With the power of the three of you, I really can't get what I want."



After he said this, the figure of Uzumaki Sora disappeared right on the spot.



And the masked Obito, looking sideways, asked, "Using space-time ninjutsu to escape?"



A black and white human body slowly rose from the ground: "He has already left. As long as he has the ability to move in space, it is really very difficult to hold him."



Pain, who was watching the fight, looked at the two of them: "If the power of God really descends, no one will be able to retreat."



After Pain said these words, he turned around and left. Konan, who followed him, also left without saying a word.



And the paper Konan clones packed shurikens with marks engraved on them and prepared to dispose of them - leaving such things in the village is too dangerous.












In an instant, Uzumaki Sora suddenly appeared next to Obito's iron chain, who quickly left and returned just as quickly.



The long blade slashed through the iron chain, and a huge wound stretched from Obito's shoulder to his stomach.






Blood instantly gushed out, and Uzumaki, standing on the other side of the iron chain, said: "Oh, so this is not a passive skill, this is an active ability? And you dare to keep next to you an iron chain with my mark on it? You're completely insolent!"



The eye under Obito's mask became even more fierce: "Uzumaki... Sora! You are looking for death!



"Shinra Tensei!"



The sudden force of repulsion caused Sora and Obito to fly away together. Pain, who rushed back, also had an expression of embarrassment and anger on his face.



"Uzumaki Sora, you have repeatedly challenged the greatness of God. Do you want to die?"



Uzumaki Sora turned around and stood up, smiled and said: "I have died more than once, and dying again is not at all scary. But... can you kill me?"



The masked Obito said in a low voice, "Then die here again!"



A moment later, Obito rushed towards Sora again.



But Uzumaki Sora smiled and disappeared on the spot, causing Obito to feel himself punching the air.



"How disgusting!"



Zetsu on the side said again, "He's gone, very far this time."



Obito looked at him and said, "I don't need you to tell me that. His space-time ninjutsu is truly disgusting."



White Zetsu said out of place: "From the point of view of time and space ninjutsu, it seems that you are like this..."



Without saying the last word, he was afraid of Obito's gaze in response, White Zetsu threw up his hands and promised that next time he would not bring up this topic.



The masked Obito looked at the iron chain that he had previously thrown to the ground, looked at Konan and said, "Help me get rid of it, this chain is now useless."



Konan, who was following Pain, nodded and said, "I need all the information you know about this man."



Obito shook his head slightly: "I already said everything I know before, I don't know anything else. But the next time we meet... he won't feel as relaxed as he did today."



The terrible wound stopped bleeding under the influence of the cells of the First Hokage, but Obito remembered these two humiliations in his heart.