
Naruto: Uchiha Snitch

When the Fourth Hokage did not die during the Rebellion of the Nine-Tails. When the night of the extermination of the Uchiha clan did not happen. When Obito knew about Madara's plot in advance. When both of Naruto's parents were alive. When Sasuke grew up without a father since childhood. When Danzo went crazy. When the Third Hokage was forced to admit his incompetence. Konoha, which has not taken the path of self-destruction, unites the entire ninja world. Uchiha Yun: “At first I just wanted to live, but now that I have the opportunity, I want to live a much better life.” Authors Notes: This is a translation The cover is not mine I hope you guys and girls enjoy, If you do plz give me power stones

GodsChildForever · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 35

Body... Yahiko?



Uzumaki Sora was stunned by Pain's words, what was the point of him wanting Yahiko's body?



For the sake of Mouth Release?



[Note: Here I am jokingly introducing Yahiko's ability to convince people with words. It can be said that Naruto is the strongest user of Mouth Release, who uses words to force his rivals and enemies to become allies.]



This level of "Mouth Release" only allows you to deceive some people so that they accept you. But it is completely useless against those who have experienced darkness at a slightly higher level. How can this level compare to Naruto's mouth?



"Calm down!"



A sudden voice interrupted Pain, who was about to explode.



Immediately after, the giant trees were wrapped in countless pieces of paper.






A powerful explosion was heard, and countless trees were torn into pieces and scattered.



Explosive seals?



Swinging his arm to fend off the thrown pieces of wood, Uzumaki Sora looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in the air, a pair of paper wings covered in chakra.



Ninjutsu of the unique Paper Release, Konan.



"All residents have already taken refuge in a shelter. Your strength is not needed against enemies of this level yet."



After Konan finished speaking, Sora saw eight paper clones suddenly come out from around the corner, each appearing right next to the Flying Thunder God's scattered kunai.



The paper clone picked up a kunai engraved with a spell, "Special kunai engraved with the coordinates of space-time ninjutsu, how many do you have left after you threw out those eight?"



Uzumaki Sora looked at Konan and smiled, then took out a scroll.



"Remove the seal!"



The smoke cleared, and another series of Flying Thunder God kunai landed in Sora's hand.



"A few, maybe a few dozen. After all, I heard that Konoha's yellow flash killed fifty enemies instantly with this move, so I usually prepare a little more."



After saying that, Sora looked at Konan, who didn't know what to say on the other side, shook his head and said, "Actually, I'm here to borrow something, and I didn't intend to have such a big battle."



Seeing that Pain was about to launch into large-scale techniques, Sora hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I don't need Yahiko's body. I don't have any special hobbies, so why do I need his body?"



Pain stepped forward and asked quietly, "Using the transformation technique to take Yahiko's form, and sealing the other five of Pain's Six Paths into a scroll. Your thoughts are obvious!"



"But the power of the Rinnegan is not as simple as you imagine. Even if you obtain these bodies, you will not be able to obtain the power of the Rinnegan."



Looks like there's a misunderstanding?



According to Pain, it seems obvious that Sora is thinking about his Rinnegan, although it is true, the goal is a little wrong.



He wasn't thinking about Pain's Rinnegan, but about the Rinnegan in the tower that Nagato had, connected to the Gedo Statue.



The Uzumaki was about to explain himself when a space-time vortex suddenly appeared in the ruins.



Obito appeared out of nowhere with his voice changer on, "Oh, isn't that Uzumaki Sora? My hand, are you using it?"



A joking voice sounded, but the disguised man was very puzzled in his heart.



Anyone who has just arrived can recognize the power of the Wood Release used in this place.



This cannot be the potential obtained from his own hand, and besides, almost no one who receives this hand will be able to use it.



He has a deep understanding of the First Hokage's cell viability.



The Uzumaki looked at Obito who had suddenly appeared and replied, not to be outdone: "It looks like your arm has grown back? But I don't need it anymore."



Obito looked around and asked with a smile, "Are you alone? That's right, it seems you're not a Konoha ninja, and last time you just took everything you could. If that's the case… you should stay here!"






Suddenly, the ground behind Uzumaki Sora began to move and a branch flew out of it in an attempt to pierce him from the back.



But just as the branch was about to get closer, it stopped and continued to bend and twist in an attempt to reach Uzumaki Sora.



"Are you still using Wood Release after seeing that scene? Your little Wood Release power is really not enough."



After saying this, Sora looked at Pain again, "My goal was never the Six Paths of Pain, I was going to go straight to the tower to see your main body... Nagato."



After the words fell, Nagato and Konan froze for a moment.



It is worth noting that whether it is the body in the tower or Nagato's name, within Amegakure itself it is a secret among secrets.



But now Uzumaki Sora appeared in front of them and said these words, the expression on their faces instantly changed.



"Who the hell are you?!" - Pein asked sharply in Yahiko's body.



Konan looked sideways at the masked Obito, "Who is he?"



The man with one eye mask looked at Sora, shook his head and replied, "I don't know his identity, although his name is widely known in the black market, red hair can also confirm that he is from the Uzumaki family."



"But the Uzumakis aren't the only family with red hair. I don't know if that's really his last name or if it's a lie. He possesses the Flying Thunder God Technique of Konoha's Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, and looking at it now, he has some Wood Release skills that are better than mine."



The masked eye stared at Uzumaki Sora, but in fact he had more to say.



For example, the person in front of him seemed to know a lot about him.



Another example is the trip to Konoha two years ago. I failed because of this man. If it weren't for White Zetsu, I'm not sure I would have survived.



And now...



If the person in front of him knew his identity and spoke about it, then his pretending to be Madara Uchiha would be useless.



Nagato still needs his Rinnegan very much, no matter what, he can't let the other party reveal his identity.



"Although I don't know why you can know so many secrets, but it doesn't matter anymore, the time of your death has come."



As soon as he finished speaking, the masked man walked towards Uzumaki Sora.






The chain was thrown, but the next moment Sora pushed it away without much effort.



"I don't know what gave you the courage to say something like that, but that's all?"



A seal was formed and numerous trees appeared.



Countless trees came from all directions, constantly piercing the masked man's body.



The ability to become intangible is truly a headache, but there is a time limit.






The trees crushed the ground and the attacks did not stop for a moment, but the masked Obito did not seem nervous.



One by one, the giant trees were pulled into Kamui's space as the Mangekyō continued to slowly rotate in his eyes.






Faced with Obito at close range, the Uzumaki threw out six kunai twice.



Six kunai collided with each other after flying past Obito, and after changing trajectory, three of them struck him in the back again.



The time has come, now!



A moment later, he used Flying Thunder God...









Uzumaki Sora, who had just teleported, looked at his stomach, where there was an iron chain that was piercing him at that moment.






Blood began to flow, falling onto the huge branches below him.



How is this possible?



Sora ignored the wound in his stomach and looked at the masked Obito, who was holding the other end of the iron chain nearby: "Speed? No, even if it is a combination of the Mangekyo Sharingan and the cells of the First Hokage, it is impossible for you to have such a reaction speed."