
Naruto: Uchiha simulation

What if, by some incredible twist of fate, an ordinary young individual found themselves resurrected within the intriguing world of Naruto, a popular anime they had once avidly watched? And not only that, but what if they were reborn into the prestigious Uchiha clan, known for its remarkable abilities? Unbelievably, the clan is currently under attack, and their very own leader's eldest child, Itachi Uchiha, is the perpetrator. However, our protagonist Akira Uchiha is not left defenseless, as he encounters a means to relive his extraordinary encounters from the past six years spent in the Naruto realm. Get ready to embark on a captivating adventure as Akira strives to become the most formidable individual in the world.

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28 Chs

Chapter 3

The Uchiha Clan is a famous and feared family known for their curse.

Why is that.

The sharingan of the Uchiha clan's vampires has some limitations, even though it is a very powerful ability.

But you need to feel pain to understand and make progress.

What Uchiha Akira just fell from a tree and woke up.

That's a lot for you to handle, right.

In the past, this has never happened to the Uchiha Clan.

"Did your eyes only open because of the fall. Or did something else happen. " After a pause, Patriarch Fugaku asked in disbelief.

Yes, Patriarch, based on what I saw, Young Master Akira and Young Master Sasuke were initially discussing going to the store to buy things.

This group spoke up and revealed the true situation.

The child of the leader and the grandchild of the top elder.

As the Uchiha Clan fought more with Konoha Village, it made sense that some clan members would secretly protect him.

Because of this, Patriarch Fugaku and the elders are no longer speaking.

When your chakra isn't purified, it can easily be lost just like regular people.

Can Sharingan be activated.

Rewrite this passage using simpler language: ".

"Hello, my dear grandson. How are you feeling. Are you doing well. "

Uchiha Akira was sitting peacefully at home with a girl who looked about 14 or 15 years old. The girl had green chakra on her hands and she was using medical ninjutsu to treat someone.

Soon, Grandpa Uchiha quickly ran over with urgency.

"I'm fine, I just accidentally bumped into a tree. " Uchiha Akira said that with the help of Keiko's medical skills, they will recover quickly. They looked at an old man who had come over to help.

"Is everything okay. Are you sure everything is okay. Grandpa heard that you woke up. "

The Uchiha had a leg injury that was getting better with the help of the maid Uchiha Keiko. The Uchiha asked in a strange way.

Uchiha Akira said that their eyes are open and everything is not going well.

How is it possible that you experienced nothing, then suddenly fell from a tree and woke up.

After learning about Uchiha Akira's surprising situation, the old man was also shocked.

When Uchiha Akira heard this, he gave an unclear response.

Uchiha Akira won't tell anyone that he cheated.

If people don't understand each other, it will be a mistake.

"When you stumble or make a mistake, you have the ability to learn from it and gain wisdom. This is a truly remarkable quality to possess. "

Even though it seemed hard to believe, the old man was even more shocked.

"Dear grandson, when you were born, do you have energy in your body. Would you like to learn some special ninja skills. " The old man was not only happy, but also asked.

"Sure, you can learn some basic ninjutsu and practice using your hands. " When Uchiha Akira heard this, they nodded in agreement.

After that, the old man gave Uchiha Akira the scroll with the Three Body Technique and personally taught him very effectively.

The elderly man claimed that he gave all the money and allowed Uchiha Akira to use the Sharingan to watch closely.

However, despite trying the simplest cloning technique, Uchiha Akira spent most of the day trying to contact without making any progress.

Practicing ninjutsu can be difficult. Today is becoming late. "Tomorrow, we will take a break and practice again," the old man said when he noticed it was nighttime.

But, when he got to the door, he stopped walking again and listened. He heard someone say, "Just so you know, there's still two weeks left before the ninja school begins, so make sure you're prepared. "

"Yes, I understand. " nodded Uchiha Akira.

There are two weeks left and then I will start attending the ninja school. I already knew that in the Sims game.

"Hey grandpa, can you lend me some money. " Uchiha Akira inquired as soon as he noticed his grandfather leaving the house.

"Money" The old man was surprised when Uchiha Akira asked for it, as he did not anticipate this request.

Today, Uchiha Sasuke has two hundred ryo of money.

Does the grandson also want to compare.

As soon as the old man had the idea, he also gave two bills and said, "Here, you can have this two hundred ryo. "

After giving two hundred ryo money, the old man went away.

What about Uchiha Akira.

I had 200 ryo and used the simulator to create another wave simulation.

But the experiment did not work as planned.

So, I decided to stop the simulation because I couldn't sleep.

This makes Uchiha Akira feel weird or unusual.

Could that be all. Isn't it enough money.

Is one hundred ryo enough the first time, but two hundred ryo is not enough the second time.

The old man probably went to sleep during the night. Uchiha Akira wants to ask the old man for some money to try something tomorrow, and then he plans to go to sleep right away.

I wanted to play Sims, but I couldn't open it.

I was about to go to bed, but I realized that everything was fine.

Do you want to start your first life simulation. You have 100 ryo of money that you can spend.

Uchiha Akira remembered something from his past.

What the heck. Why did it suddenly start working again.

Also, is it still 100 ryo. Has the price not gone up.

Is it possible. Is it now.

Is it already the next day if the clock is turned at midnight.

So, can this game where you pretend to live life only be played one time every day.

He disagreed and cleared his confused thoughts. Then, Uchiha Akira clicked "Yes. "

Since you woke up after falling, you are well-known in the Uchiha clan.

You became famous in the Uchiha clan because you opened your eyes when you fell.

Over the next two weeks, you might sometimes trip, sometimes get wet, and even have a fire in your room while it's dark outside. You think this might be the old man who wants to test if you can upgrade your sharingan once more, but there is no evidence.

Two weeks after starting at ninja school, you're feeling a bit mentally tired.

After three months, the amount of chakra you have has increased by 5%.

After half a year, you have become really good at being invisible.

You have learned how to use the Transformation Technique really well after practicing for eight months.

After ten months, you have become really good at the Clone Technique.

After a year, your energy level has gone up by 20%. Then, a destructive event called the Night of Destruction starts, and unfortunately, you lose your life.

Please rewrite the text you would like me to simplify.

After the simulation is finished, there are three additional choices available.

To gain knowledge, one must study ninjutsu and gain experience in combat.

One way is to make more chakra.

The second goal is to have more people in the family.

This time, Uchiha Akira decided to improve in ninjutsu and gain more knowledge.

It felt very mysterious, like when you suddenly remember something you had forgotten.

Uchiha Akira has learned a lot of things in Ninja School. Besides the basic ninjutsu skills like Stealth Technique, Transformation Technique, and Clone Technique, Akira has also become really good at them.