
Naruto: Uchiha simulation

What if, by some incredible twist of fate, an ordinary young individual found themselves resurrected within the intriguing world of Naruto, a popular anime they had once avidly watched? And not only that, but what if they were reborn into the prestigious Uchiha clan, known for its remarkable abilities? Unbelievably, the clan is currently under attack, and their very own leader's eldest child, Itachi Uchiha, is the perpetrator. However, our protagonist Akira Uchiha is not left defenseless, as he encounters a means to relive his extraordinary encounters from the past six years spent in the Naruto realm. Get ready to embark on a captivating adventure as Akira strives to become the most formidable individual in the world.

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28 Chs

Chapter 2

The fake scenario has started.

After a month, you join the Ninja School and learn the basics.

After three months, you are able to get the first bit of chakra and agree to follow the teachings of the Will of Fire.

After nine months, you become really good at being invisible.

After a year, on a horrible night of killing, I see all of my loved ones tragically die.

Feeling really scared and mad, your chakra energy rises, and sadly, you end up dying.

Please choose what you want to do after the simulation ends: Option 1: Keep all the things you learned, your abilities, and what you experienced in combat. Choice 2: Make chakra hold more energy. Choice 3: Turn on the Bloodline Awakening Mode. Can I keep a skill, chakra, or special power. Is this a benefit for me. Uchiha Akira feels very excited while reading the text in front of him. This is how I benefit. There are three options to choose from. Do we really need to think about it. The best choice is to keep learning and improving our skills.

Do you want to remember the teachings that brainwash you or the ability to stay hidden.

In simpler terms, the stealth technique means you hide yourself using cloth to make it harder for people to see you.

And decide how much chakra you want.

It didn't take me long to improve the chakra in front of me, so it shouldn't be difficult.

Of course, we will choose the third point.

After choosing the third point, Uchiha Akira quickly felt a warm sensation over his eyes.

This felt really great, and then his eyes turned deep red like blood.

At the same time, Tomoe suddenly appeared in both his left and right eyes.

When Sharingan was activated, Uchiha Akira could sense a strong energy in his body.

"Huh Akira, your eyes. they caught my attention. "

When Sasuke saw that the Sharingan had been activated, he was very surprised and shouted in shock.

"Looks like I've turned on my Sharingan. " Uchiha Akira agreed and replied.

It feels really great. When I activate Sharingan, my ability to see things improves a lot.

At first, Sasuke planned to go shopping with Uchiha Akira.

Now, the leg is fractured.

Also, now I understand things better and, unfortunately, I am unable to shop anymore.

Please rephrase the following text using simpler words:.

The Uchiha Clan is a group of people with the same family name who are related to each other.

The Uchiha clan is the richest family in Konoha and helped start the village. They also have the biggest land in Konoha.

But, if you pay attention, you can see that the Uchiha clan is actually quite far from the center of the Konoha Village.

At that time, many older members of the Uchiha family were living in the home of the leader, Fugaku.

Recently, the important leaders of Konoha have been ignoring me more and more, Uchiha.

Yes, a few years ago, during the Nine Tails Rebellion, some people saw the eyes of Nine Tails that looked like Sharingan. Because of that, my Uchiha family's life became even more sorrowful.

At first, Itachi joined Anbu, which would greatly help us to improve relations with the top management of Konoha. However, things have not been going well lately.

I will try to simplify the text for you. Can you please provide the text that needs to be rewritten.

A few older members of the Uchiha Clan were showing their worry about what would happen to the clan in the future based on everything you said.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't say anything.

Yes, he understood the problems the Uchiha family faced.

When Fugaku observed how the older Uchiha members acted, he realized that they were unhappy with Konoha Village due to how they were mistreated.

A lot of people are planning on overthrowing the government.

But is the Uchiha clan as strong as Konoha Village.

Fugaku knows that the Uchiha clan is not enough to achieve their goal.

Luckily, the group of people did not realize that they had already activated the special eye power called the Mangekyo Sharingan.

If not, the plan to take over by force would no longer be hinted at, but would be openly discussed.

The sound of a tuk tuk.

While the older people and the Fugaku clan were talking about what would happen to the Uchiha clan in the future, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"What is it. " Fugaku said, because we were talking at home, not in a formal place, so the mood was calm and comfortable.

"The old person's house has news. Master Akira, the Sharingan has been turned on. " A voice from outside the door responded.

Beside him, an elderly man who looked around sixty years old quickly stood up after hearing the words: "Leader, there are important matters at home, so I'll head back first. "

As the old man finished speaking, he didn't wait for the Fugaku Patriarch to reply. Instead, he quickly turned around and left.

The old man really likes his grandson. Some of the other old people next to him sighed with feeling.

"No doubt, the First Elder values his only remaining grandson as he is the only one left. "

"But from what I understand, Ming does not have a very high level of talent, correct. "

"Yes, I was told that the Chakra hasn't been improved yet, so why did the Sharingan suddenly activate. "

Can you please provide the text that needs to be simplified.

The older people talked quietly.

Uchiha Akira is thought to be important in his family because he is the grandson of the Great Elder.

And his talent, which is like the tail of a crane, is also useless.

However, there was a person who didn't have any ninja skills but managed to awaken the Sharingan at six years old.

It's like someone who is known for being foolish suddenly wrote an article that will never be forgotten. Isn't it amazing.

"What happened to Akira. " Uchiha Fugaku asked after a short period of silence, from outside the door.

When the Sharingan awakens and grows, it causes very strong pain.

A person who is not very good at things and doesn't have the special skills of a ninja or even the energy called chakra, has suddenly gained the ability called Sharingan.

Patriarch Fugaku was also wondering what had caused him to feel so excited.

The Uchiha family at the door looked very weird.

The Uchiha family at the door looked really weird, Patriarch.

In the house, the Fugaku leader and some older people watched the people at the door.

Everyone in the clan is aware of the situation with Sharingan.

So, they also want to know what happened to Uchiha Akira, which made his eyes very interested.

But, this clan has a very unusual attitude.

The clan member told the patriarch and elders that Young Master Akira fell from a tree and hurt his legs. As a result, he developed a condition called sharingan, which made his eyes red and swollen.

Be silent

After listening to this response, everyone in the room became quiet all of a sudden.