
Naruto: Uchiha simulation

What if, by some incredible twist of fate, an ordinary young individual found themselves resurrected within the intriguing world of Naruto, a popular anime they had once avidly watched? And not only that, but what if they were reborn into the prestigious Uchiha clan, known for its remarkable abilities? Unbelievably, the clan is currently under attack, and their very own leader's eldest child, Itachi Uchiha, is the perpetrator. However, our protagonist Akira Uchiha is not left defenseless, as he encounters a means to relive his extraordinary encounters from the past six years spent in the Naruto realm. Get ready to embark on a captivating adventure as Akira strives to become the most formidable individual in the world.

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28 Chs

Chapter 27

"This is a town called Cloud Shinobi Town, and it is built on a mountain. " Uchiha Akira looked at the town and felt disappointed.

Secret method or clever strategy.

When thinking about Cloud Shinobi Village, Uchiha Akira definitely thinks about Raikage in the special book, and the word arrogant really comes to Uchiha Akira's mind.

In the special book, when Sasuke was attacked by the reckless man, he used the fire of Amaterasu to block his attack.

How would an average person make a choice.

Sure, in order to stay away from danger or trouble for a while, and gradually understand it.

What happened next. The Raikage didn't really care. Amaterasu is a strong attack, and he hit him directly, causing Sasuke to almost pass out.

If the guy didn't come at the last moment, he would have received a packed lunch.

Did the Raikage pay for his own arm.

It doesn't seem like it's valuable.

It's like an old person, do you need to go. Then, let's go right now.

What about penalties. Then I will respond with penalties too.

In conclusion, I carried the dark box of the atomic bomb with me. I gave off a vibe that if I were in a hurry, I would lift the table.

Sometimes, we need to think carefully about things. But once we've thought about them, we don't need to keep thinking. It's best to be fair and go straight ahead.

Are you eager to learn how to play a game. Do you have an interest in playing.

Then I will just go over there and defeat the old expert completely.

1 ninja town. However, despite its efforts, Cloud Shinobi Town has been unable to surpass Konoha Village as the top ninja town. One of the five amazing ninja towns.

Gu Jie has been living for a long time. Because of this, he can see the issue very clearly and reminds him about it.

"So, this time the Cloud Shinobi Town had a Chūnin evaluation. " Basically, it may seem like a review, but actually, it is more like a secret and special world showing its own uniqueness.

Even though Might Guy was leading the group, his overall perspective was similar. Kosuke updated and answered back.

"Basically, we need to show our skills and abilities to the people of Konoha Town, right. " Yakushi Kabuto said with a gentle expression.

Uchiha Akira quietly signaled and listened to what you said to each of them.

I also understand that this new powerful force called Cloud Shinobi Town is showing off its strength to Konoha Town.

Konoha Town chose to send Kosuke, who has been a Genin for a very long time.

And Yakushi Kabuto, who was a secret hidden by Danzo, was now revealed.

The relationship between Konoha Town and Uchiha is not good, but you still came here even though you are a skilled Uchiha.

Apart from that, there is a conflict between Konoha Town and Cloud Shinobi Town.

Take a look at the beginning of the book, when the Hokage was attacked by two impressive warriors from Cloud Shinobi Town, one with a bright horn and the other with a silver horn.

Also, when Cloud Shinobi Town visited Konoha, he wanted to attack Hinata, who is a princess with white eyes in Konoha.

Konoha and Cloud Shinobi Town have the worst relationship compared to other Shinobi towns.

A group of four people, using a few words, looked at all the problems.

And in this conversation, everyone has shared their thoughts.

Cloud Shinobi Town is hosting the Chūnin exam to show off their strength, especially to Konoha Town. This means when Konoha Town faces Cloud Shinobi Town, it will be a unique situation.

Even though Uchiha Akira belongs to the Uchiha family, Fellow and Kosuke are part of the Hokage line, while Yakushi Kabuto is associated with the roots.

But, ultimately, this is a battle between Konoha Town and Cloud Shinobi Town.

So, basically, everyone has shared their thoughts together. In the Chūnin evaluation, everyone needs to work together.

So, a group of people arrived at the entrance of Cloud Shinobi Town.

Yes, even though Konoha's temple defender was present, the people from Cloud Shinobi Town still stood in the group's path.

"Is Konoha Town closer to the Arrive of Wind and Arrive of Soil geographically, but you are the last ones here. " In simple words: "Konoha Town is physically closer to the Arrive of Wind and Arrive of Soil, but you are the last ones to arrive here. " It seems like you don't really pay attention to this Chūnin appraisal.

Stopping Konoha and his group, a young ninja from Cloud Shinobi Town rudely declared.

"Isn't it okay as long as you're not late. " asked Might Fellow, as he noticed that he couldn't enter Cloud Shinobi Town because he was stopped.

Might Guy is correct when he says that being on time is important. If he is not late, then it is no problem.

The young ninja was very surprised.

Regardless of the situation, he didn't easily give up and asked, "Am I wrong. "

Look who is visiting our Konoha Town.

"An old man who looks strange like a kappa, and a child. "

"Are there no elderly or children left in your Konoha Town because they have been sent out. "

Yakushi Kabuto, who was standing beside him, adjusted his glasses by pushing them up on the bridge of his nose. Were Konoha and his group of four the only ones who didn't receive complaints.

I don't understand why, but I am still feeling happy.

"Mr Smith enjoys gardening and takes care of his plants regularly. He spends time everyday nurturing and looking after them to ensure they grow healthy and strong. Gardening is a hobby that brings him joy and fulfillment. " Hey When Uchiha Akira saw that Might Fellow needed some more explanations, he interrupted him to speak.

Following behind, Uchiha Akira moved two steps forward, his eyes narrowed, and the Sharingan of two tomoe grew stronger.

He said two words at once.

"Leave right now. "