
Naruto: Uchiha simulation

What if, by some incredible twist of fate, an ordinary young individual found themselves resurrected within the intriguing world of Naruto, a popular anime they had once avidly watched? And not only that, but what if they were reborn into the prestigious Uchiha clan, known for its remarkable abilities? Unbelievably, the clan is currently under attack, and their very own leader's eldest child, Itachi Uchiha, is the perpetrator. However, our protagonist Akira Uchiha is not left defenseless, as he encounters a means to relive his extraordinary encounters from the past six years spent in the Naruto realm. Get ready to embark on a captivating adventure as Akira strives to become the most formidable individual in the world.

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28 Chs

Chapter 26

"Hiruzen, Uchiha Akira's skill is extremely impressive. Even Shisui and Itachi, at his age, are not as good as him. "

Uchiha Akira and his group left, but Danzo came to the Hokage's office and spoke the truth.

"He's just a child. " The Third Hokage said seriously after observing Danzo.

"Hiruzen, make sure you understand that I cannot recognize the hidden plans of the Uchiha clan. "

I believe that the Uchiha clan, who tend to be evil, are finding it difficult to stay calm. Did you notice how the teacher observed the Uchiha clan.

"If Uchiha Akira succeeds in Cloud Shinobi Town, then the Uchiha clan will become even more famous. "

"So, Uchiha Akira is not allowed to return alive. " Danzo scolded

Yes, Uchiha Akira is now a truly fair child.

However, his skill is also very intimidating. In just a few months, he started to understand and learn Ergouyu.

So, it's really important to get rid of him before he grows up.

"Danzo, what are you trying to do. "

Why couldn't the Third Hokage understand what Danzo was saying when they have known each other for a long time. His expression changed.

"Danzo really wants Uchiha Akira to stay away and thinks someone else, with exceptional talent, will make them even more excited. "

"Did you purposely switch Shisui's absence on purpose. Danzo, stop, I am the leader of the village. " When Third Hokage heard Danzo's words, he said firmly.

"Hiruzen, I take on all the confusion in the town, you are a cheerful and honest leader. "

Even though you have been in the sun for a long time, remember that a tree needs roots to get nutrients even in the dark.

"Can anyone stop Uchiha if we wait for Uchiha Akira to grow up, including Uchiha Fugaku, Shisui, and Itachi. "

"Don't ignore it, White Tooth and Namikaze Minato died, Orochimaru gave up, and Tsunade and Jiraiya left the town. "

Danzo looked very surprised and shocked at the Third Hokage.

Those words made the Third Hokage quiet down.

Certainly, White Tooth, Namikaze Minato, Sannin, and Nine Tails Jinchūriki are currently young kids who are unable to work.

There is a lot of chaos in Konoha, people are dying and things are in disarray.

Today's Konoha is very weak.

But what about the Uchiha family.

Virtuoso comes out in large numbers.

If it takes another ten or eight years, and if the Uchiha clan starts a rebellion, will the town have enough effective combat control to stop it.

Ask yourself, the Third Hokage's heart is not fully certain.

Who is the most famous person in Konoha Village. It's Kakashi, right.

Anyhow, Genin are five years old, Chūnin are six years old, Jōnin are twelve years old, and Kakashi's skills are amazing.

But since his partner died in the battle, he is now in a weakened state, and he is obsessed with reading Jiraiya's books every day.

Even though Jiraiya's novel is definitely written.

The phrase "hack hack. " means someone is trying to access or infiltrate a computer system without permission.

When thinking about Jiraiya's book, the Third Hokage quickly withdrew his thoughts.

Look more carefully. In about ten or eight years, there won't be any strong fighters in the city who can defeat the Uchiha clan.

Danzo, Uchiha Akira is a ninja from Konoha. I will not allow you to attack Konoha's ninja. After a moment of silence, the Third Hokage confirmed this.

At first, the Third Hokage refused to attack Uchiha Akira.

But actually, Danzo appeared to listen to Hiruzen and was calmed by his words.

"Don't worry, as the Hokage, I will listen to you and won't harm him," said Danzo confidently while making a gesture.

After the sound became unclear, Danzo turned around and left the Hokage building.

Surprisingly The Third Hokage looked through the glass in the Uchiha clan's headquarters and made a quiet sound of discomfort.

If possible, I don't want things to get to this point.

But Uchiha's worries were nearby and he also felt them.

As time goes on, Uchiha will have better combat control skills. Eventually, it will be completely broken before you realize it.

I, as Hokage, should never see this.

As the Hokage, he is responsible for taking care of all the people who live in the town.

We need to stop both the ongoing fights in the town and the distant fights.

The current Konoha Town can't handle such a big fight.

What are the people in Konoha Town thinking about now, excluding the pioneers.

On the other hand, Uchiha Akira and his group took about two weeks to travel and finally reached their destination, the Arrive of Fire.

to the coming of thunder.