
Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)

MC died in an accident and got 5 wishes and one anime world to choose He Transmigrated into Naruto with the knowledge of future and the help of system what is going to happened in the world

Kartikeya_Verma · Action
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32 Chs

017: Old Hag and Orochimaru's offer

_______________________________________Next town:

They go to the next town to find Tsunada .

Naruto: Can you tell me why we are looking for her in every casino and bar.

Jiraya: Because she is an alcoholic and likes to gamble a lot.

Naruto: Ok so Gramps let's speed up the searching process .

"Multi Shadow clone jutsu"

Naruto creates 50 clones and orders them to find any clue on Tsunada.

As they are looking for Tsunada they find out that a big snake is destroying a castle, they recognise this is one of Orochimaru's acts .

With Orochimaru and Tsunada:

Tsunada was on her knees due to blood and Shizune was defending her.

Orochimaru: I will give you one week to decide .

After Orochimaru and Kabuto disappear , Shizune takes a cloth and removes blood from Tsunada.

Naruto and jiraya rush towards the castle to find Tsunade and Shizune but they are already gone.

Naruto: That's it i give up, i am hungry and i need to eat something before i kill some .

Jiraya: Yeah let's eat something and stop our search for today.

After that Jiraya takes Naruto into a local bar for dinner.

But to his surprise Tsunada was there with apprentice Shizune.

Jiraya: Look who we had here, hello Princess Tsunade.

Tsunade : Jiraya what are you doing here .

Jiraya: well i come here to find you and shizune

Naruto: hey

Shizune: Hello.

Jiraya and Naruto sit there and jiraya order food for Naruto and sake for himself.

After food was served Naruto starts eating food and Tsunade start shuffling


Jiraya: Tsunade , sensei and the village demands that you become fifth hokage.

Naruto: Really gramps out of blue.

Jiraya: Can you shut up Naruto this is serious.

Naruto: That's what i am talking about don't talk like that, see her face become pale.

Tsunade: Who is that brat.

Naruto: Let me introduce myself formally, Lady tsunada my name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze , i am a shinobi of leaf on the rank of special jonin, i am second toad sage of leaf and last but not the least i am the jinchuriki of nine Tails fox, and for your information i am your godson same as him.

Tsunade was stunned after knowing the full name of Naruto.

Jiraya: So what is your answer Tsunade.

Tsunade: I refuse.

Everyone was shocked by Tsunade's answer.

Naruto: Why did you not want to be hokage.

Tsunade: it's a fools job to become hokage, they all die after becoming hokage, even fourth die so young after becoming hokage.

Naruto: Listen old hag, i don't care if you become hokage or not, but you have no right to dishonour the name of hokage , especially my father he gives his life to save everything and everyone he loves.

Tsunade: You want to take this outside brat.

Naruto: Fine let's go outside so i can beat your ass up.

Naruto and Tsunade went outside the bar.

Tsunade: I will defeat you with my one hand.

Naruto: Then how about a bet.

Tsunade: What kind of bet, brat.

Naruto: If i make you use your other hand you will come back to the village and become hokage.

Tsunade: Like hell i am going to lose, fine i accept your bet.

Naruto: Let's start, "Wood style: Smothering Binding Technique"

As Naruto uses wood jutsu roots come out of the ground and bind Tsunade from head to toe except her other hand which she decides not to use against Naruto.

Naruto: that's my win, rasengan.

As Naruto ran towards Tsunade to hit her with rasengan she forgot about the bet and used her other hand to protect herself.

Naruto: You lose, lady hokage.

Tsunade: How I lose ?

Naruto: You use your other hand against me.

Tsunade: Fine you win , I will go back with you .

Naruto: Here, this is a letter from Oldman hokage.

Can you tell me what Orochimaru wants from you.

Tsunade: He wants me to heal his hands, so he destroys the leaf.

Naruto: Even if it's you Granny it's impossible to heal his hand because i make those seals by keeping you in mind.

Tsunade: You mean you are the one who destroys his hands.

Naruto: Yep i did that, but you did not tell me everything that Orochimaru told you.

Tsunade: How did you..

Naruto: I can sense emotions and i sense that you don't want me to tell everything.

Tsunade: Sign...., he said if i heal his hand , he will bring back my family.

Naruto: Ok, why not bring your family back, meet me Tomorrow morning mear the forest clearing.

Tsunade: What do you mean??

Naruto: I will tell you tomorrow now I have some rest .

After telling tsunade to rest Naruto teleports himself into his hotel room to take some sleep.

Tsunade also left to go into her hotel room with Shizune.

_______________________________________Next day:

All of them went into the forest to see how Naruto is going to bring Tsunade's family back.

Naruto: Let's start the process.

Naruto takes out a storage scroll and from the scroll three dead body appear.

Naruto: impure world reincarnation.

Naruto slam his hand on the ground and all the dead bodies have seal marks around them and they starting to glow and changing there form and turn into tsunade's dead family members.

Hashirama: Who summon us this time.

Tobirama: Not again i am releasing the summoning

They both are ready to release the Summoning but stop after seeing Hashirama's grandson .

Hashirama: Nawaki is that you kiddo.

Nawaki: Grandfather is that you.

Tsunade: Grandfather, Granduncle Nawaki.

Hashirama: Tsuna look at you, you become so big .

Tobirama: It's good to see your tsunade.

Nawaki: you look good sister.

Naruto: Hey Oldman hokages, sorry for bringing you back but granny wants to meet all of you.

Hashirama: Thanks Naruto for letting us see our last descendants .

Naruto: No problem old man, all of you talk, me and pervy sage are taking our leave, oh and this jutsu works for four days after that Summoning undone itself.

After that Naruto left them to talk and went to complete his other jutsu that he was working on .


4 days later:

For the last four days tsunade was happy and Naruto brought Dan back from the pure world to meet tsunade and his neice Shizune, they are happy to see each other .

With Tsunade and Naruto:

Naruto: So what do you think about Orochimaru.

Tsunade: I am coming with you but first i am going to kick Orochimaru's ass.

Naruto: Cool so what are you going to do.

Tsunade: I am going to overload his already fragile chakra system to destroy it completely.

Naruto: Wow , hey tell me what kind of relationship is between you and pervy sage.

Tsunade: Well it's complicated.

Naruto: I don't know, he loves you more than anything or anyone and i don't know why but i can also sense same emotions from you but you are supressing it for a long time.

Tsunade: Please, Naruto don't do that i know he loves me but all the people die who i love, i don't want him to be dead.

Naruto: Come on granny give that poor Oldman a chance, nothing is going to happen to him until i am alive.

Tsunade: What If something happened to him.

Naruto: Don't worry, now let me take you to the casino so your mood become batter.

Naruto took Tsunade to the casino, The casino owner was happy that she was there because she was known as " legendary sucker" but his happiness was not for long because Naruto started playing and he won every game he played and took all the money and repay tsunade's debt.

After that Naruto goes with Tsunade to every Casino in which she has debt , he clears all the debt and wins all the cash.

Now Naruto was in the room with 10 bags of cash after cleaning all the Tsunade's Debt. Naruto have 500 million ryo after clearing debt and giving twenty five percent to Tsunade as a homecoming gift.


Author's Note: Read review and comment, if you like the chapter drop power stones.